


How to write a speech analysis







k lausu
comprehension: particular focus.
• most important points in a text
•no direct quotes & no personal
k lausu
comprehension: particular focus.
• most important points in a text
•no direct quotes & no personal

0 JCLLS k lausu @ HOW TO SUMMARISE A TEXT comprehension: particular focus. • most important points in a text •no direct quotes & no personal opinion paraphrase • introductory sentence: author, title, text form, publication & topic 0 INC speech analysiz 2 HOW TO ANALYSE A TEXT • usually only refers to certain aspects. structural, stylistic or rhetorical DEVICE explanation of device and citation TEXT PROCE the introductory sentence includes: information from the task + interpretation hypothesis (2a) 10 KEYS TO A GOOD SPEECH 1) BE MEMORABLE O metaphors, analogies, surprise, axioms 2) HAVE A STRUCTURE • a path and a destination 3) DON'T WASTE THE OPENING catch the attention of the listener 4) STRIKE THE RIGHT TONE • will it draw out the best in people? 5) HUMANIZE YOURSELF oreflect your trustworthy 6) REPEAT YOURSELF important faction and the specific EFFECT home key words, phrases and themes Mit CamScanner gescannt 7) USE TRANSITIONS • rhetorical questions smth important is coming 8) INCLUDE THEATRICS • symbolize your point to your audience 9) END STRONG • tie everything together, make call to action, don't hold anything back. 10) KEEP T SHORT ·soake your points: it's their time, not yours. D (26) USEFUL EXPRESSIONS O The speaker delivers/gives a speech in order to. The speaker draws his audience's attention to... He informs about... O 0 He appeals to feelings and emotions by .... O He intends/tries to convince /persuade the audience by..... • The speaker tries to win the audience over to his side by.... • The spealar uses/employs/makes...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

use of colloquial/current/common/ formal/technical/words/phrases/expressions/language/termi • He alludes to / suggests that... D 0 He draws a comparison /an analogy between.... 0 He compares/contrasts A with B • The speaker uses images/examples/metaphors personification... to convey a lively /vivid /graphic/impression • He illustrates his argumentation by..... • He repeats/uses repitition/alliteration/analogies to under line/stresslunderscore that.... Mit CamScanner gescannt