


How to Write a Summary







1. before writing - Read the text carefully and highlight key word an/or key sentences
-Divide the text up into parts and subsect

lernzettel 1. before writing - Read the text carefully and highlight key word an/or key sentences -Divide the text up into parts and subsections - Find an appropriate sentence or keywords to Summarize each subsection Summary 2. Writing an introduction - Answer the wh-questions: Who is the author ? - When was the text published? - Where was it published? - What type of text is it - What topic does the text deal with ? State the underlying problem or conflict 3. Writing the main part - The main part of the summary connects the highlighted passages and the summaries or keywords of the subjections Do's - Focus on the essentials/on basic facts - Use the present tense / simple present - Use your own words - Use formal language - Use connectives to link. your sentences 4. Abschlussatz um die Hauptaussage zu wiederholen Language Support Introduction -The story/novel/article/poem/... [title]"... -The extract from the short story/novel /... [title]... by [author] - Written by [author] in [year] - Written by [author] and published in [source] in [year] -deals with / is about/shows/illustrates.... Main part: - According to the author..... - The author belives/claims/emphasizes/states/point out... - From the authors point of view..... -The author is of the opinion that... Don'ts -Dont include irrelevant details Dont use the present progressive - Dont use quotations or direct speech -Dont give your personal opinion -Dont start analysing the text -Dont try to...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

create suspence -Dont use examples or comparisons Stating the topic/purpose of a text: -The text /story... is about /shows/presents / depicts/ alludes to / refers to / criticizes / targets | comments on / exposes the fact that the problem of... Ending -All in all, the text is about... and focuses on the fact that....