


How to Write a Summary: Examples and Tips







<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
<p>When writing a summary, it is important to include the following components: title, text type, a


When writing a summary, it is important to include the following components: title, text type, author, year of publication, and place of publication. The main message should be clearly stated.

Main Body

The main body of the summary should consist of two main parts. It is important to use your own words and not to quote directly from the original text. Additionally, it is crucial to leave out details that are not essential and focus on answering the wh-questions. Use linking words such as "furthermore," "additionally," and "in addition" to connect your ideas.

Example of a Summary Sentence

For example, a summary sentence could be: "The testimonial by Leon, published on travel experience.com in 2015, deals with Leon's exchange year experience in Japan, highlighting both the positive and negative aspects."


Although not always required, the conclusion should briefly restate the main message. Phrases such as "all in all" can be used to signal the conclusion.

Helpful Words & Phrases

Useful phrases when writing a summary include: "The author's main point is…," "The writer goes on to say…," "The author illustrates… by…," and "The writer concludes by stating…/telling…/asking/pointing out…etc."


  1. Read the text at least twice.
  2. Identify key words.
  3. Mark the main sections and structure the text accordingly.
  4. Divide the main part into the most important points.
  5. Summarize the text in separate sections.
  6. Write an introduction sentence.
  7. Conclusion (summarize the main points in a final sentence).

Please remember that the goal of a summary is to present the most important information to the reader in a concise and factual manner. It should not be longer than a fraction of the original text.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • Writing a summary involves including the title, text type, author, year, and place of publication
  • The main body should be in two parts, using your own words and leaving out non-essential details
  • An example of a summary sentence is provided, highlighting important aspects
  • The conclusion may restate the main message, using phrases like "all in all"
  • Helpful phrases to use in a summary are listed, as well as a step-by-step approach to writing one
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✨„Umso steiniger der Weg,desto wertvoller das Ziel“✨ Liebe Ordnung und Struktur ,aber denkt daran, dass Noten nicht alles sind und ihr viel mehr wert seid, als eure Noten es ausdrücken können.🥰

Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: How many main components should be included when writing a summary?

A: When writing a summary, it is important to include the following components: title, text type, author, year of publication, and place of publication.

Q: What should the main body of the summary consist of?

A: The main body of the summary should consist of two main parts. It is important to use your own words and not to quote directly from the original text.

Q: What are some useful phrases when writing a summary?

A: Useful phrases when writing a summary include: 'The author's main point is...,' 'The writer goes on to say...,' 'The author illustrates... by...,' and 'The writer concludes by stating.../telling.../asking/pointing out...etc.'

Q: What are the steps involved in summarizing a text?

A: The steps involved in summarizing a text include reading the text at least twice, identifying key words, marking the main sections and structuring the text accordingly, dividing the main part into the most important points, summarizing the text in separate sections, and writing an introduction and conclusion.

Q: What is the goal of a summary?

A: The goal of a summary is to present the most important information to the reader in a concise and factual manner. It should not be longer than a fraction of the original text.

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