


how to write an analysis







transition: (how is it said?)
→ Thesis:
- transition from Summary to analysis
- Start with the author's thesis and go on with the
transition: (how is it said?)
→ Thesis:
- transition from Summary to analysis
- Start with the author's thesis and go on with the

OW O wr - transition: (how is it said?) → Thesis: - transition from Summary to analysis - Start with the author's thesis and go on with the analytice part example: "The speaker /orator of the speech wants to persuade the audience/ listeners by.../to..." Structure of the speech: - line of arguments -question: how does the author try to convince/persuade the listener? - the author's intention - paragraphs (große Sinnabschnitte bilden) reasons why the author chose this line of arguments an first contra argument, then pro arguments to win the audience over to his side. → how does he support his line of arguments? -no details to the content -Sentence structure: argumentative Structure →Complex/Simple sentence, long / short sentence. Was kann man bei einer 1.0.0. rausfinden? ana -beginnt der Autor seine Rede mit einem Beispiel? - Stellt er twei Sichtweisen auf? (contrastive/antithetical Structure) - zuerst Argumente für bzw. gegen eine Hauptthese vorstellt den Text mit einem Aufruf enden eine Entwicklung chronologisch darstellt Formulierungen the text consists of... / can be divided into... - the author starts his text by pointing out that/presenting his main thesis that/using an example of... - in the (first/second....) part of the text, the author contrasts this view/idea/point with... - in a... part/paragraph the author emphasizes/lists... - by quoting several experts in the ... part, the author responds to... - the author ends by appealing to the reader to.. stylitic device: (tone) tone (what the text/speech sounds like): -ironic -funny -...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

humorous - hones exaggerated -Satirical - Serious -upbeat (optimistisch) - Sad -Offensive -aggressive feature explanation Eigenschaft, Erklärung, Merkmal Ausführung effect wirkung auf den Leser oder auf die Sprache - Straight foward Cobjective) - personal pronouns (includes the audience) - irony -Choice of words (wordfield, quality, negatively/positively connotated words, Sound quality alliteration (effect: memo technical, example: durch dick und dünn, zickzack)) → - rhetorical /stylitic devices: (most important ones) - metaphor (the way we tend to understand & remember more easily, visualize) - enummeration (listing details, elucidate a topic) -name-dropping (establish authority, example: I was at Havard....) - allusion (hint we want others to understand, briefly and indirectly reference) - exaggeration (übertreibung) - humor (to win the listener over to helhis side) - telling name betonen -Sound quality (speaker emphasizes key words) - Climax (increase (Steigerung); veni, vedi, vici) to create a certain tone or atmosphere g - hight (Höhepunkt, best sentence) - personal comments (underlines his/her honesty) -quotation by experts ( reinforce (bekräftigen) the author's opinion) -mit Argumenten belegen (Zitate (cf. line) & begründen (arguments & Supportive techniques) - muss nicht chronologisch aus der Rede sein -P • Argumente aufbauen/Stärken Conclusion: Wiederholung wichtigster Punkte & Stärkster Argumente -Bezug zu THE SIS - Sozusage auf die Thesis antworten -ist die Rede überzeugend? to Summarize everything I to sum up