


how to write an opinion piece/ wie schreibt man ein Opinion Piece







Opinion piece
- express your view on an issue you
feel strongly about
Examine the text Structure
Focus on languge.
Write a first d

Opinion piece - express your view on an issue you feel strongly about 2 [4] [6] Examine the text Structure Focus on languge. Write a first draft Give and receave feedback Practise language structures. Improve your style Edit your text Content → Headline: catch readers attention, make a Clear Statement lask provocative. questions promise a solution to a problem. → First paragrar.: keep it short, State topic and opinion clearly keep readers interested →supporting pgs: use statistics, facts and quotes (paragraphs) to back up main statement ->conclusion : restate your opinion suggest a Solution, call for action -- 7 tips ---- - give it your voice. - don't be afraid of controversity think Strategically. start with a bang keep your tone consistent - use metaphors to Simplify complex ideas. BRUNNEN - test your structure

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