


How to: write an outline







How to Write an Outline
→write an umbrella sentence (type of text, title, author, year of publication, topic of the text →TTAYT
How to Write an Outline
→write an umbrella sentence (type of text, title, author, year of publication, topic of the text →TTAYT

How to Write an Outline introduction →write an umbrella sentence (type of text, title, author, year of publication, topic of the text →TTAYT) Example: The text/article "..." written by... and published in... is about/shows/presents/depicts/deals with.. →Relate the topic of the text to the required task. Example: The text contains information concearning.../ Information concearning... is presented in the text. main part →Focus on all the essential information relevant to the task and leave out irrelevant aspects. → Leave out examples and generalise the aspects. →Leave out your own opinion and do not interpret the information →→Arrange the various aspects in a logical order and avoid chronology. →write a text that is no longer than about one-third of the original text. conclusion →→Reflection of what is beeing said before. Brief mentioning of the topic sentence and restatement of the thesis. → conclusion Examples: To sum up.../Having said all that ../Taking these concern.../Putting all these together.../Considering all of these aspects.../As a conclusion.../At last it/the author/the writer/... concluses that.../summing up all this... مهمسهسمه →use present tense as the main tense. → Stay neutral and refer to the author- and readership. Examples: According to reader is informed that... says that.../As stated in the text.../As pointed out by../in... 's opinion/The → Use reported speech instead of direct speech. Example:... believes that/claims that/says that/suggests that... use your own words: do not quote and...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

give no line references. → use a variety of sentence connectives to link ideas, such as REASON/RESULT and ADDITION Example: Therefore,... /Thus,.../In addition to that,... /Furtheremore..... → bear in mind the rules of grammar (present perfect vs. simple past, simple present vs. present progressive, singular vs. plural, adjective vs. adverb, there vs. their, who vs. which, ,etc.) →vary your sentences in terms of length and structure (participle clauses, passive voice constructions, adverbials in front position, gerunds, inversion, etc.)