









Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a
Hello Everyone,
Today i want to tell you something about India.
But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz a

Hello Everyone, Today i want to tell you something about India. But I advise you to pay attention so that you can hopefully solve the quiz afterwards. First I will tell you a bit of general informations, then a little about the position, after that something about national days, sights and important festivals. In the end i will give you some informations about the current situatuion. The Capital of india is New Dehli. India is three million three hundred thousand square kilometers big and has one billion four hundred million residents. The Language in India is Hindi and English, but although 4% speak English. 80% of the Indian population follow the Hinduism Religion the other 20% follow the Christendom or the Islam. The coinage in india is a indian rupee. Since 15th of August nineteen fortyseven (1947) india is a free land. India have a parliamentary goverment and the head of state is Ram Nath Kovind. So they have the same as in germany. The land is in South asia and one of the biggest lands in complete Asia On the 26th of January is Day of Republica On the 15th of August the indian people celebrate independence Day On the 2nd of Oktober is Gandhi Jayanti Day The indian people have some nice Festivals during the year. One of them is...

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Holi, the festival of color. Diwali is the festival of lights and one of the most popular in the world. Another one is the Elephantsfestival Thrissur Pooram, there are big parades with elephatns. Now i show you some sights in india. The Taj Mahal, Red Fort and the Golden Temple are very famous and beautiful. The 7-day incidence is one hundred and fortyfour that sounds not much but in India live more people, then in germany. So the current situation in India is not good, the hospitals are more than full. There the oxygen is the new gold. A few weeks ago the Hindis washed there bodys in the ganges, so the incidence gets up. Now I have a short quiz: India ● ● ● structure General information position National days sights Important festivals Current situation ● ● ● ● General Information Capital: New Dehli Area: 3.300.000 square kilometer Population: 1.400.000.000 people Language: Hindi and English Religion: Hinduism, Christendom, Islam z ● ● ● ● General Coinage: Indian rupee Independent: 15th August 1947 Type of government: parliamentary government Head of state: Ram Nath Kovind # L ● ● South asia Position One of the biggest lands in asia ● ● National days 26th January (Day of Republica) 15th August (Independence Day) 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti) • Holi - The festival of colour ● Important festival ● Diwali - The festival of light Elephantsfestival Thrissur Pooram ● ● Taj Mahal Red Fort Golden Temple SADAR Tere sights 2- ● Current situation 7-day incidence: 144,4 Quiz sources https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indien https://www.erlebe-indien.de/infos/kultur-und-menschen/religionen-in-indien/ https://franks-travelbox.com/asien/indien/die-top-10-sehenswuerdigkeiten-von-indien/