


Infos zum British Empire, Commonwealth und Multiculturalism







The british empire.
The British empire was the largest empire in history
until the beginning of the 20th Century. It was ruled
by Queen Eliz
The british empire.
The British empire was the largest empire in history
until the beginning of the 20th Century. It was ruled
by Queen Eliz

The british empire. The British empire was the largest empire in history until the beginning of the 20th Century. It was ruled by Queen Elizabeth the second and the empire was very important to Britain as it gave them many advantages. Like a opportunity to a world wide trading, a lot of money and a big influence on many countries and therefore a lot of power over the whole world. In the 20th Centure the Empire collapsed because it was weakened in WW1 and WW2. Many colonies became independent. - impart of the british empire Positive impacts - The British earned money they created trade links they received natural resources. English speaking people all over the world Huge influence on many countries. L> creating monuments independance state Negative impacts they pitted different indian rulers against each other they manipulated Inclia they started thinking too well of themselves they had a racist way of thinking they had many slaves all the colonies last their culture Commenwealth (After India became independent after the Second World War and was now a sovereign state again, the other colonies also gradually dissolved.) The Commenwealth is a lose alliance between 54 countries. Many of them are leftovercolonies of the British empire. The "British Empire" no longer exists. Only in the form of the Commonwealth, with the Queen as "Head Of State". The difference between "British Empire" and "Commonwealth" is that under the...

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British Empire, the countries that controlled Great Britain were oppressed and exploited by Great Britain. (Large colonies like India were gutted and besieged for their own economic success.) The aim of this federation is cultural exchange, equality, promotion of young people with regard to career opportunities, environmental protection. multiculturalism -society deals with cultural diversity -people from different cultures and countries life together peacefully in one society -multiculturalism expresses the view that society is enriched by preserving, respecting and encouraging cultural diversity Positive Effects -More tolerance, people get openminded -More opinions and perspectives in economy -More innovations and creativity -More cultural diversity -> cultural Traditions -> Language -> different food negative Effects -inequality for immigrants -cultures are different and can't integrate (parallel society) -don't share same values -> can lead to conflicts and racial tension -> discrimination and racism -many immigrant don't want to integrate -> create division british identety •Clichés & stereotypes: tea, bad weather and British food Traditional values: tolerance, respect, open-minded British history: pride and strong (British empire) •different nationalities: multiculturalism & Uk diversity(Irish, scotish etc.) •Brexit: fear immigration, desire to get backstory past (empire)