


Is the American dream still alive? / mündliche Prüfung







American Dream
A lot of Americans dream of a house with a garden and a picketfence, a
good paid job, family, freedom, boundless possibilitie

American Dream A lot of Americans dream of a house with a garden and a picketfence, a good paid job, family, freedom, boundless possibilities... Basic idea: work hard and you will achieve your dreams The american dream is still alive because... The american dream is something highly individual, so it's still alive for some people People already achieved their individual American dream People are still coming to America and living the dream -> these people are keeping it alive Buying a house is still rather affordable in the US (a lot of people want this life) Freedom is still highly valued and you are still free to decide how to live your life People can still achieve their aims if they work hard, so there are people who made it ( for example the parents of Bill gates were poor, but Bill gates still became the richest person in the world) Examples are not the rule and real success is rare 37 percent of Americans still believe in the American Dream -> hope The American dream is dead because ... Middle class people have to pay more and more because of taxes, so that the American dream is only possible for rich people It's not a country of boundless possibilities but your possibilities are limited by what your parents earn or what you inherited Rich people become richer and poor people become poorer There are...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

a lot of racial issues like police brutality-> no equal opportunity - People move on an depart from the illusion of a perfect life Corruption and lobbying lead to bad decision making in politics (unfair system) America has a bad health insurance system which is expensive Those people who made their dream come true, make headlines but the thousands who don't succeed go unnoticed The perfect image of the perfect family puts pressure on people which can lead to mental health issues Politicians like trump have created a toxic environment for immigrants Gun laws which lead to criminals and school shooting (for example this year in November 3 students were killed by a classmate) but it's possible to say that these gun laws are a part of freedom, because everyone has the freedom to use a gun The housing crisis has led to foreclosure (Kündigung) and homelessness Good universities are really expensive, so not everyone has the possibility to get a good paid job but Bill gates became rich even though his parents weren't