









•colony of Britain:
English exam
- British rule made
- the British did not care
developed economically
• slave trade
•colony of Britain:
English exam
- British rule made
- the British did not care
developed economically
• slave trade

Nigeria: history: •colony of Britain: English exam - British rule made - the British did not care developed economically • slave trade grew new values cotton economy: very poor • make money with oil Society: ·bad education → • religion 50% Muslims, 40%. Christians and • life expectation very low. tribes about the tribes or - 53 years the religion but Nigeria traditional beliefs environment: •· environment is in danger because of the oil: -water is polluted -new vegetation - almost impossible gas pollutes the air & atmosphe → environment, humans and animals suffer Summary: Introductory sentence: The [type of text] [title], written by [author] and published in [year] is about topic of the text] Main part ·most important information of the text. English exam Analysis: Point out • atmosphere : - stylistic devices. Evidence (line)-characters and their behavior Explaination Stylistic devices. -metaphor -personification Simile alliteration Oxymoron · narrative perspective 1- use of language (choice of words) - irony - rhetorical question - enumeration - repetition -Symbol Creative task: Comment → own opinion, arguments. 2etter → emotions Synonyms for the vento "Boy". the author" describes talles about emphasizes betont -states "maline clear explains "mentiont Show adds include example: The metaphor "black poison running over a dark and depressing atmaphere and preconception of oil "refers to bezieht sich auf implies - impliziert illustrates paints, draus •deals with ·Concludes schließt Connectives: however furthermore •therefore Besides Moreover Also jedoch "points out comes across lommt rüber expresses - drücht and "displays - Zeigt Fremarles bemerket the-daher x|m •more vivid, creates an image in the readers head (words that are not comparable with each other, opposite) addition to that nevertheles on top of this Ⓒoverall Summing up to condude Schlussfolgend "initially - anfänglish finally all in all important p. 322-summary narrative perspectives Stylistic devices the water "(ll. 16-17) creates illustrates the protagonists

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