


Klausurvorbereitung Englisch Summary, Analysis, Creative writing







15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd
15th of September 3
Helpful Skill Pages
A Summary
A Analysis Thursd

ENGLISCHKLAUSUR 15th of September 3 INHALT Themenübersicht Helpful Skill Pages Aufgabenliste Wochenplan/Lernplan A Summary A Analysis Thursday 5th September Themenübersicht Growing up: Teenager Experience Texttype: literary text (narrative text, short story or novel extract) Task 1: summary (be careful, there might be a focus) Task 2: analysis (tension, elements of a short story, narrative perspectives or/and describing a character) Task 3: creative writing (e.g. an ending, a backstory or a diary entry) HELPFUL SKILL PAGES Textbook, pp. 118, 119, 120, 130 also uploaded worksheets Thursday 5th September Helpful Skill Pages Narrative techniques When you analyse a fictional text you should not only think about the story itself, but also the ways in which it is told. These "narrative techniques" influence the way the reader sees the story. 1. Structure - main events and the theme of a story is called the plot - the basic informations out setting, characters and the plot are given in the exposition - the rising action (an escalation of a conflict), the climax (a turning point) and the falling action is placed in the main part - the concluding part is also called dénouement 2. Chronology - an author might include experiences of a character that occurred befor the story starts. These are called back. stories. - in a flashback the narrative is taken back in time - a flash-forward reveals future events of the story - foreshadowing means that there are clues early on the story that hint...

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at a future development 3. Narrative situation - the piont of view is determined by the person of the narrator and his attitude towards the characters - the narrator may tells everything but may also be an unbelievable narrator who lies - the tense may also influence the distance between reader and character. If something's happening while you read, you usually feel closer. - sometimes characters are treated with irony - descriptions of of events, characters or settings also can be dialoges. They are also shown by comments by the narrator - there are direct speech and interior monologues that tell about the story. Indirect speech may also could be an option narrative perspectives First-person narrator easiest to identify with (high lev. of sympathising), full of the feelings of only one person, close to the told character, only know what this character thinks/see/hear (opinion to others), mostly main character, narrator = character (part of the plot) Third-person-omniscient narrator not visible in the story (not a character in the story), tells from outside, knows everything (thoughts of characters or feelings) maybe comment the characters behaviour, manly neutural and more distanced narration, high level of reliability and objectivity, low level of identification, not clear from the beginning who the MC is (if exist) Third-person-limited narrator Tells the outside, focused on one particular character, not identifical with this character, sympathise more easily with the most told character, high lev of identification, rather subjective, rather low revel of reliability. Characterisation When you analyse a novel, film, play etc., it is important to examine the characters, what they are like, what their role is, how they interact with others, and if they change in the course of a story. Characters that don't change and have no depth are sometimes called flat characters, whereas characters that undergo changes and are presented in detail are called round characters. The main character is called the protagonist, and if there is a conflict between him/her and another important character, that character is called his/her antagonist. Character informations - Personal data:, name, age, sex, ethnic group, home - roles, social background, family, job, interests - outward appearance - main character traits - language - actions, behaviour - mood, thoughts and feelings - influences from the past (if known) - relationship with others function in the story Direct characterisation The narratorora character in he story tells the reader explicitly what acharacter is like Indirect characterisation The reader learns what a character is like by examining and interpreting what the character thinks, s or does and how he behaves says, feels towards others Writing a summary A summary is common in all forms of writing and is aimed at highlighting the major points of a piece of writing and outlining the most important facts. Furthermore, it helps you to obtain a better orientation and understanding of the structure and contents of a text which you need for additional analysis and evaluation. When you write a summary, you have to briefly restate the author's main ideas (non- fictional texts) or retell a story in your own words (fictional texts). Your summary should be much shorter than the original. It's mostly told to be a half or a third of the original Follow these steps to write a summary of n-fictional text: 1. Read the text carefully and underline the sentence with the main idea or argument, or write it down. a non- 3. Read the text again and underline or write down the ideas, facts or arguments (words and phrases rather than whole sentences) that support the main idea or argument. 4. Start your summary with the main idea or argument. 5. Write short paragraphs summing up the other important ideas or arguments. Use your own words as much as possible. Use the present tense. 6. Do not include any information that is not essential (e. g. examples, descriptive details, direct quotes). Your own ideas or opinions don't belong in a summary. 7. Check and if necessary revise your summary. You can do this best if you imagine you are a reader who doesn't know anything about the topic. Follow these steps to write a summary of a fictional text: 1. Read the text carefully. 2. Underline or write down the main characters and the setting. 3. Divide the text into sections if the author hasn't already done this for you (e. g. with chapters or mini-chapters). To do this, decide where you think a new section starts (e. g. when there is a new development in the story or a new aspect). 4. Read the text again and underline or write down the key words and the main points in each section (words and phrases rather than whole sentences). Also underline or write down the turning point in the plot. 5. Using the present tense, write short paragraphs to summarise the plot, i. e. write down what happens and how the events are connected. Use your own words as much as possible. Link your sentences with connectives. 6. Check and if necessary revise your summary. You can do this best if you imagine you are a reader who doesn't know the story. AUFGABENLISTE Aufzeichnungen ordentlich verschriftlichen › Lernzettel > Schaubilder übernehmen > Eine weitere Summary schreiben > gegenlesen lassen › Korrektur verfassen Eine weitere Analyse schreiben > gegenlesen lassen Korrektur verfassen WEEKLY PLAN Vorbereitungen für die Klausur beginnen Eine weitere Summary schreiben □ Texte korrigieren MON FRI Verinnerlichung/ Einprägung der Lerninhalte TUE SAT Analyse Beispielgeschichte an neuer Zusammenfassung einer neuen Beispielgeschichte 05.09 11.09 Aufzeichnungen ordentlich verschriftlichen Eine weitere Analyse schreiben Texte gegenlesen lassen WED SUN THU Lernzettel schreiben Gegenlesen lassen und korrigieren WEEKLY PLAN Eine weitere Summary schreiben Texte korrigieren MON Analyse an neuer Beispielgeschichte Zusammenfassung einer neuen Beispielgeschichte FRI TUE SAT Eine weitere Analyse schreiben Texte gegenlesen lassen WED Gegenlesen lassen und korrigieren 12.09 18.09 SUN THU Englischklausur SUMMARY 1) PREPARATION - Underline the most relevant aspects and facts given in the text. -Make sure you understand everything if necessary, check the meaning of words in a dictionary. -Do not underline every detail but focus on the most important information/striking keywords 2) WRITING YOUR SUMMARY The umbrella sentence: A summary ... -gives the most relevant facts and the overall meaning of a text. - begins with an introductory sentence (-umbrella sentence) - is not longer than 1/3 of the original text, - should present the events in chronological order (no suspense), - should be factual, - should be written in the simple present. - Write an introductory sentence which answers the w-questions and informs about the source of the text: type of text, author, title of the text, place and year of publication, topic. The main part: -Do not copy the words and expressions used in the text but use your own words and/or try to find synonyms to paraphrase the main aspects (Use your dictionary if necessary) - Use formulations to state what the author writes about or wants to express. ! Do not refer to any specific lines in the text, and do not quote directly. - Use standard English for your summary even when the text you summarizois writtende informandshand opinions. The conclusive sentence: - Sum up the main message of the text and its intention. 3) CHECKING YOUR SUMMARY - Proofread your text and check for grammatical correctness, punctuation and spelling. - Make sure that you have used the present tense. Giving examples: For example For instance Such as In addition As well as Also Too Adding information: And Furthermore Moreover Apart from In addition to Besides use linking words like "since, when, moreover, besides, despite, thus..., all in all.. use lots of different adjectives to describe a person All in all On the whole know the difference between a flat and a round character/main and minor character know "How to write a characterization" e.g. Present tense, quote (!), three parts etc. Summarizing: In short In brief In summary To summarize/to sum up In a nutshell/to put it in a nutshell To conclude In conclusion The following Last but not least Sequencing ideas: The former, ... the latter Firstly, secondly, finally The first point is Lastly LINKING WORDS Giving a reason: Due to / due to the fact that Owing to / owing to the fact that Because Because of Since As Giving a result: Therefore So Consequently This means that As a result/the result is This/That is why Hence Thus Contrasting ideas: But However Although / even though Despite / despite the fact that In spite of/ in spite of the fact that Nevertheless Nonetheless While Unlike In theory... in practice... On the one hand... on the other hand... In contrast On the contrary Comparing ideas: Similarly Equally Likewise In the same way Relating information: With regard to With respect to Referring to Regarding According to When it comes to Emphasizing facts: In fact Obviously Undoubtedly For this reason Again Fortunately/unfortunately Indeed Reformulating: In other words To put it in another way Giving opinions: In my/his/her opinion My opinion is I think I believe In my view From my point of view To my mind Adjectives for characterization mood / state of mind - Gemütslage passionate leidenschaftlich controlled beherrscht vivid lebhaft sober besonnen cheerful heiter lively - temperamentvoll balanced - ausgeglichen choleric cholerisch jolly - vergnügt boring - langweilig moody - launisch melancholy melancholisch bad-tempered missmutig happy-fröhlich irascible -jähzornig doleful-trübsinnig self-confidence - Selbstbewusstsein independent - selbstständig self-confident- selbstsicher servile - unterwürfig hesitating - zögerlich cowardly-feige thoughtful - grüblerisch moral orientation - moralische Ausrichtung of strong character - charakterstark, charakterfest moral-moralisch einwandfrei, integer scrupulous - gewissenhaft virtuous - tugendhaft dependent - unselbstständig brave - mutig unconcerned - unbekümmert nervous nervös rebellious rebellisch unscrupulous - skrupellos noble - edelmütig gone to rack - heruntergekommen straightforward - ehrlich prudent-einsichtig sharp-minded - scharfsinnig charismatic - charismatisch experienced erfahren. mendacious verlogen neglectful-pflichtvergessen dutiful-pflichtbewusst responsible - verantwortungsvoll irresponsible - unverantwortlich, verantwortungslos grateful - dankbar ungrateful - undankbar faithful - true unfaithful - untreu careful - sorgfältig sloppy - schluderig intellectual abilities - geistige Fähigkeiten ambitious - ehrgeizig knowledgeable - kenntnisreich ignorant- unwissend intellectual intellektuell resigned - resigniert imaginative - fantasievoll unimaginative - ideenlos simple-minded, plain - geistig schlicht clever, wise, learned - klug narrow-minded - beschränkt, engstirnig illiterate - ungebildet witty-geistreich naïve - naiv reasonable - vernünftig rational - überlegt sensible verständig immature unreif dull - geistlos sober überlegt unreasonable - unvernünftig irrational - töricht ignorant - unverständig undiscerning - uneinsichtig superficial oberflächlich modest bescheiden inexperienced - unerfahren specific - präzise humorous humorvoll emotional aspects - emotionale Aspekte sensitive empfindlich sensible - empfindsam irritable erregbar cool - kühl lively - munter bright-strahlend tender - zärtlich affectionate liebevoll social aspects - soziale Aspekte successful - erfolgreich devote-anhänglich boastful prahlerisch arrogant arrogant presumptuous - anmaßend pretentious überheblich jealous - neidisch patronizing - gönnerhaft unselfish- uneigennützig helpful hilfsbereit kind - gütig merciful - barmherzig strict-streng relentless gnadenlos soft nachgiebig peaceful - friedlich placable-versöhnlich nice - freundlich stiff- steif blind-blind independent - eigenständig unadapted- unangepasst. ceremonial - zeremoniell unhumorous-humorlos insensitive - unsensibel hard-boiled-hartgesotten mellow-abgeklärt hot tempered - hitzig apathetic apathisch, müde gloomy - finster crude - grob, derb rude - grob, unhöflich pleasant sympathisch social - gesellig talkative-gesprächig good-natured - gutmütig superior - überlegen servile kriecherisch open-minded - offen. tolerant tolerant understanding - verständnisvoll petty-minded- engstirnig, borniert sophomoric - angeberisch unsuccessful - gescheitert repulsive-abstoßend rejecting - abweisend rogue - einzelgängerisch modest - zurückhaltend spiteful - gehässig malicious boshaft imperious - herrisch authoritative bestimmend intolerant - intolerant intriguing - intrigant unkind - ungefällig generous - großzügig ungenerous - knauserig calculating - berechnend boorish - flegelhaft resentful - nachtragend merciless - unbarmherzig generous großzügig compassionate - mitleidig persistent - hartnäckig aggressive - aggressiv argumentative - streitsüchtig nasty - garstig easygoing - unkompliziert hostile feindselig adapted angepasst Aspect Introductory sentence Main part Conclusion Language Style You include all necessary information in the umbrella sentence: . ● CHECKLIST type of text (article, short story, poem,...) name of the author title of the text year and place of publication topic You present the events in chronological order. You use your own words and you paraphrase the main aspects. You use formulations to state what the author writes about (e.g. He/She claims that...). You do not include your own opinions and ideas. You use standard English and no colloquial language. Additional comments: |iffi You sum up the main message of the text and its intention. Your summary is written in the simple present. Your language (orthography, grammar, lexis, punctuation) is correct. Your summary is not longer than about a third of the original text. 0 + ANALYSIS • Introduction sentence: In the story [...]" the first person/third person (omniscient or limited) narrator, is used and shows...(first person: tell the main character) main part: Show how the narrator react and the effects of it [write a close analysis of samples text passages that reveal something about the perspective and it's effects] make references to lines, quotation -> worksheet EF E Kt growing up-short story: Locker 160 first-person narrator: Karen's perspective quotation "It was my idea, I guess, in the first place." (1.1) "That was how it began." (I. 12) "But she was just - well, different... she wasn't popular. Miriam always kept to herself..." (II. 8ff.) "We planned to write a note and put it in Miriam's locker, number 160." (II. 13f.) "I didn't want to but I took the paper. My hands trembled as I walked down the hallway." (II. 19f.) "I closed the locker door and walked away, with a pleasant feeling of relief." (II. 25f.) "Her face looked as if she had been hit with a wet dish rag." (II. 31f.) "Julie and I fled, giggling, to the rest room." (I. 32) "We began to laugh". (1. 62) conclusion: effect Karen reveals herself as the bully Karen is the main character wo is the narrator explaination for bullying: uncertainty about bullying, tries to convince the reader of negative aspects concerning Miriam, justification not really logical neutral style of first prank; matter of fact ton; kinda obsessed with bullying (remember all details) reader is well-informed, can express every part of the plan: two bullies conclusion Insecurity of the bully, pressured, kinda enjoyed bullying (feeling of relief) no real reflection before the deed; wants to be cool in front of J. (peer pressure) no feeling of regret (no other than relief) pleasant feeling (power over M.) makes fun of M.'s reaction (shock, horror) reader realizes that he can not identify with K. and her action: making fun of M. again- disrespectful, unscrupulous, don't care all about; the reader might distance from the narrator: absolutely cruel reaction Karen and Julie push each other into bullying Miriam; the bully's perspective; identification not possible; sign of regret; This story questioned the way, the reader identify with the first person narrator Length of the text is up to you (revealed to the quantity of samples) no Refer back to the introduction (How does that fit the narrator perspective) can create a bigger context for your findings, might include the relationship between author and reader (why doesn't the reader wants to identify) reliable? CREATIVE WRITING Bewertung sprachlicher Darstellung Sprache (60%) Kommunikative Textgestaltung [20 Punkte] Anmerkungen: s. linking words Ausdrucksvermögen/ Verfügbarkeit sprachlicher Mittel [20 Punkte) Anmerkungen: Sprachrichtigkeit [20 Punkte) Anmerkungen: Note: Bewertungsraster EF-language Aufgabenbezug/Textformate: Der Prüfling richtet seinen Text auf die Aufgabenstellungen aus und beachtet die Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate: Aufg. 1; u.a. Quellenangabe zum Ausgangstext, keine Zitate/Textverweise, present tense Aufg. 2: u.a. sachlich-neutraler Stil, Textverweise, present tense Aufg. 3: u.a. subjektiv-wertender Stil (comment) bzw. Berücksichtigung der Normen der Textsorte (re- creation of text) Textaufbau: Der Prüfling erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten leserfreundlichen Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen, Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte, etc. Ökonomie: Der Prüfling formuliert hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen (auch unter funktionaler Verwendung von Verweisen/Zitaten). Eigenständigkeit: Der Prüfling löst sich vom Ausgangstext und formuliert eigenständig. Wortschatz: Der Prüfling bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten (allgemeinen, thematischen, analytischen) Wortschatzes. Satzbau: Der Prüfling bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus. Rechtschreibung & Zeichensetzung Datum/Unterschrift: 2 Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie Summe SPRACHE: INSGESAMT: = 2+ 8 3+ 6 4+ 6 4 S+ 5 4 4 60 100 Ziffernote: 10 Bewertungsschlüssel 6 Punkte 1+ 8 8 Note 97-100 91-96 pape 87-90 83-86 - 77-82 73-76 69-72 S 63-68 59-62 p 55-58 p 49-54 45-48 37-44 28-36 20-27 0-19