


O que é Ação Afirmativa? Entenda com Exemplos e Casos no Brasil







<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

<p>Director: Paul Haggis</p>
<p>Release date: 2004</p>
<p>Genre: drama</p>
<h2 id="keyfacts">Key Facts</h2>

Director: Paul Haggis

Release date: 2004

Genre: drama

Key Facts


  • Episodic film
  • Unchronological

Setting: Los Angeles, California

Short Content

The movie "Crash" narrates events in people's lives over the course of 2 days. These events run parallel and intersect at a point. The stories move back and forth from one perspective to another, revealing deep-rooted social issues that are normally hidden under the surface.

Who's Who in Crash

Anthony: Choi Jin Gui

Peter: Daniel Ruiz

Farhad Golzari: Lara

Mrs Waters: Hapanic

Paralan: Darri

Abian Arencan: Kim Las

Elizabeth Ruiz: Korean

Shereen Golzari: Persian

Shaniqua Johnson: Johnson

Alican Asics: Insurance agency

John Ryan: LAPD

Caca: Orow

Captain Dixon: Graham Waters

Aca Ac: Partners

Cameron Thayer: Rick Cabot

Oficar: Tom Hansen

Christine Thayer: Maria

Rie: Houserad

Character Relationships in Crash

Jean Cabot: Caucasian

Anthony/Peter: Neglected and just changes locks

Daniel Ruiz/Lara Ruiz: Diese relationship

Rick Cabot: Ambushes, shoots at, accidentally hit, and worried about te brother, identifies odd body, dubious ceal

Graham Waters: Changes lock at shop door

Farhad Golzari: Ria, unsuccessful carjacking, car chase, helps

Cameron Thayer: Officer, Tom Hansen carlot, dificul relationship

Officer John Ryan: Hamllaring body search, recus from burning car

Christine Thayer: Stereotyping, racial prejudice, and discrimination

The ideal of American society as a "melting pot" is disclosed as a myth, revealing that racism is a widespread phenomenon, and people are often biased by their views of other ethnic groups. Although they all live in the same city, they have remained different and separated from each other, jumping to conclusions based on racial prejudice.

Racism and Police Shootings

The LAPD is often associated with police brutality, corruption, and racial profiling. It is statistically proven that US police shoot more black civilians than white civilians, leading to the emergence of the "Black Lives Matter" movement.

John Ryan is racially biased, as evidenced by his sexually assaulting Christine Thayer, an act he would not have done if she were white.

Affirmative Action

Affirmative action is a result of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and aims to protect marginalized groups from being discriminated against, especially in employment.

Crime, Violence, and Gun Culture

The movie illustrates the prevalence of gun culture and the consequences of the second amendment, leading to zero tolerance and the implementation of the three strikes law.

Health Insurance

The movie depicts the expensive nature of medical services and how insurance is often out of reach for the lower classes. Ryan insults Shaniqua after the refusal to pay for more expensive treatment, which leads to an argument about his father's insurance not covering it.

In "Crash," the characters come from different ethnic and social backgrounds but live in the same city. Their separate lives intertwine, revealing deep-rooted social issues and prejudices that are normally hidden under the surface. The movie addresses racism, police shootings, affirmative action, crime, violence, gun culture, and the complexities of health insurance, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals from marginalized communities.

Zusammenfassung - Englisch

  • "Crash" is a drama movie directed by Paul Haggis, released in 2004.
  • The movie takes place in Los Angeles, California and follows the lives of different characters over the course of 2 days.
  • It reveals deep-rooted social issues and prejudices, challenging the idea of America as a "melting pot".
  • The film addresses racism, police shootings, affirmative action, crime, violence, gun culture, and health insurance complexities.
  • Affirmative action is a result of the civil rights movements of the 1960s and aims to protect marginalized groups from discrimination, especially in employment.
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Häufig gestellte Fragen zum Thema Englisch

Q: What is the purpose of affirmative action?

A: The purpose of affirmative action is to protect marginalized groups from being discriminated against, especially in employment.

Q: How does the movie 'Crash' illustrate the prevalence of gun culture?

A: The movie 'Crash' depicts the consequences of the second amendment, leading to zero tolerance and the implementation of the three strikes law, which illustrates the prevalence of gun culture.

Q: What social issues are addressed in the movie 'Crash'?

A: The movie 'Crash' addresses racism, police shootings, affirmative action, crime, violence, gun culture, and the complexities of health insurance, shedding light on the challenges faced by individuals from marginalized communities.

Q: What is the significance of the LAPD in relation to police shootings and racism?

A: The LAPD is often associated with police brutality, corruption, and racial profiling, and is statistically proven to shoot more black civilians than white civilians, leading to the emergence of the 'Black Lives Matter' movement.

Q: How does the movie 'Crash' reveal the myth of the 'melting pot' ideal in American society?

A: The movie reveals that racism is a widespread phenomenon, and people are often biased by their views of other ethnic groups, exposing the myth of the ideal of American society as a 'melting pot.'

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