


Language support for writing a blog entry







Introducing a topic
Introducing an opinion
I think / believe ...
As far as I'm concerned, ...
I've been thinkin
Introducing a topic
Introducing an opinion
I think / believe ...
As far as I'm concerned, ...
I've been thinkin

Salutation ● ● ● Introducing a topic ● ● ● ● ● ● Introducing an opinion I think / believe ... As far as I'm concerned, ... I've been thinking about this over the last few days and ... I've got to be honest, I think that ... I'm not a massive fan of ... ● ● ● Adding further detail ● ● ● My dear reader, Welcome back to a new blog post! Hello everybody! . ● Language support for writing a blog entry In this blog, I'm going to be discussing ... Today, I want to address ... Today I'm writing about an important topic:..... Hardly any other topic divides society as much as .... It seems that everybody is talking about ... at the moment. Today's topic is ... Today is the day to ... . Today is the day to .... Today is the day where I want to address ... Including the reader ● But that's not all. But what's more, ... That's all well and good, however, ... Nonetheless, there's a whole other side to this. Let's not forget ... Can you believe that ... ? Could you imagine to ... ? Guess what....! Did you know that ... ? What can we do to ... ? The solution is very simple: .... You might ask yourself why/what /how... But be honest - how many times did you ... ? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Concluding ● You probably think now ... I mean how hard is this? ● How crazy is this? Just lets...

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think about for a brief moment about ... Wouldn't you feel happier if you could ... If not we, who? If not now, when? The reality is, if we do nothing, it will ... ..., isn't it? Who wouldn't want to ... ? Maybe you have to starting to think about to ... That's where we are at the moment, but we'll have to watch how this develops in the future. Just to sum up this week's post, ... I'd love to know what you think. So I'm waiting for your reactions and comments. I'm curious about your reactions and comments. If you enjoyed this blog post, share it please with your friends and family! I would be very happy, if you share the blog post with your friends.