


Lernzettel historical landmarks (American Dream)







1776: Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence
as the legal foundation of the
American Dream

1776 يله lan 1979- nark 1776: Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence as the legal foundation of the American Dream 1789: The Constitution/ The Constitution established the principles of democratic government 1791: The bill of rights The bill of rights restricts the powers of the centrial, federal government 1790-1890 Move westward After the Revolutionary war (1776-1783) Americans stard to move westward 1865 No Slavery anymore Slavery is legally abolished at the end of the civil war (1861-1865) 1869: voting rights for women. Full voting rights are given to women in the state of Wyoming 1870: Noting rights for all men voting rights are extended to all adult males of all races. 1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the new president, and he wants a basic national stystem of social security 11964: Job discriminations are banned After the result of Martin Luther kings work, he archieved many Steps in the right direction 1960s/1970s: Follow their own dreams The younger geneation of Americans is following their own dreams

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