


Lernzettel - Summary - Englisch







Step 1 (before writing):
• read the text and highlight important words/sentences
• divide the text into parts
• find an appropriate
Step 1 (before writing):
• read the text and highlight important words/sentences
• divide the text into parts
• find an appropriate

Summary Step 1 (before writing): • read the text and highlight important words/sentences • divide the text into parts • find an appropriate word/sentence to summarize each part of the text Step 2 Cintroduction): • introduction should include.. - type of text (text/article/newspaper article/blog entry/news report/..) - title - the author - the place of publication - date of publication - the main topic the text deals with (the problems, conflicts, innovations, ..) → Should be short! Example: The text/article/newspaper article „Indians hitch high hopes on subway", written by Lydia Polgreen and published in The New York Times on May 2010, the author focuses on/deals with/highlights a new underground train style, the metro, in New Dehli that improves India. Step 3 (main part): DO: • focus on important information • use simple present • use linking words • use your own words • use formal language • only focus on important information! Length from the summary : 1/3 from the original text Do not • do not use direkt speech • do not analyze the text (You just have to summarize!) do not give your opinion • do not use words like unfortunately, of course... L> keine wertenden Wörter (leider, selbstverständlich...) Main part- vocabulary: • the author wants to stimulate interest in.. (will Interesse wecken für..) • according the or.. • from the authors point of view.. • the author has the opinion that.. / • the author...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

maintains that.. /it is maintained that.. • the author believes/claims/emphasizes that.. / it is believed/claimed/emphasized that.. • the author points out that.. / it is pointed out that.. • the author refers to.. (der Autor bezieht sich auf..) / it is referred to.. he/she makes clear that.. (macht deutlich, dass..) / it is made clear that.. • he/she expresses the criticism that.. (kritisiert, dass..) / it is expressed the criticized that.. • he/she warns of the consequences in relation to.. (warnt for den folgen im Bezug auf..) / it is warned of the consequences in relation to.. • he/she questions the generally accepted view that (stellt die allgemein akzeptierte Meinung. dass... in Frage.) / it is questioned the generally accepted view that.. . Step 4 (conclusion): Summarize the message of the text and come to a conclusion conclusion - vocabulary: • all in all Calles in allem) • all things considered Calles in allem) • in a nutshell.. (um es auf den Punkt zu bringen..) Example: All in all, it can be said that [the new train system is helping India to develop in relation to the infrastructure. Even though this could be an expensive project in the future, the text shows how important the metro for New Deli is.]