


Lesetagebuch “The Giver”







"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver
"The worst part of holding
memories is not the pain. It's
the loneliness of it. Memories
need to be shared."
-The Giver

"The worst part of holding memories is not the pain. It's the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared." -The Giver THE gIVER taBLE OF CONteNts 3 4 5-7 8 00 с & DIN 345 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Book vs Movie My review Summary of the chapters Characters and what they have to do with Jonas Diary entry Wanted poster Words = words? How would you like it if you lived in such a community? Alternative ending Recreated book cover Crossword puzzle Book title: Author: GIVER Genre: Released: Pages: Price: SEARCH FOR TRUTH FIND FREEDOM MERYL ALEXANDER SKARSGARD ODEYA BUSH KATIE WHAT IS THE BOOK/ MOVIE ABOUT? The book the giver is about the protagonist Jonas, who lives in a perfect world and is just before his ceremony. Unexpectedly, he is chosen as the custodian of memories and from that point on some things become clear to him, the world is not so perfect and his new job is not really easy. Z TANG The Giver GIVER BASED ON THE ACCLAINED BEST-SELLER Lois Lowry youth novel, Dystopia. 1993 136 9,99€ Movie title: Director: script: Released: Duration: Genre: My rating: Lois Lowry The Giver Klett English Editions ✰✰✰✰✰ The Giver Klett Phillip Noyce Robert B. Weide, Michael Mitnick 02/10/2014 1 h 40 min Sci-Fi my review In my opinion there are many psoitive, but also negative aspects. But let's first get to the plus the book, The Giver", written by Lois Lowry, was published in 1993. I read it because we had the opportunity to read the book in English class and to create a reading diary. When we had read a small section beforehand, it was immediately clear to...

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me that I wanted to read the book, because I found the topic very interesting in itself and I wanted to know what happens next. The beginning appealed to me in any case and already in the first chapter I asked myself a lot of questions and really wanted to know how it would go on. With the chapters the questions cleared up and it was also interesting, especially the language was easy for me because it was easy to understand and I only had to look up vocabulary in between. The characters didn't really appeal to me because they didn't really have character traits. They had strengths and weaknesses, but they didn't have big differences. It was also quite monotonous, as everyone in the world does the same things and therefore there is no extreme climax. But since it is the case that everyone has the same rights, etc., there is no patriarchy and thus men * are not above women *, which I particularly like. Of course, the individualities are still prevented, but this is still a plus because we live in a patriarchy and I definitely do not support this. We don't even need to talk about the ending because it just remained open and there is no second part. In addition, I didn't read the last chapters with pleasure because it got really boring. So I'm giving three stars out of five because the story got off to a good start and was creative in itself. Still, it was pretty average and a bit stupid towards the end. Compared to the film: I found the film a little bit better because I particularly liked and surprised the black and white scenes. When Jonas started to see colors, it was very cool. I didn't like the scenes where he developed feelings towards Fiona, because the actors couldn't embody it that well, but it can also be due to the age, which is why it is not a big criticism point. There wasn't a big climax here either,. which is why it wasn't special. Summary OF tHe CHAPTERS Chapter one: In the first chapter you are first introduced to the life of the community. Jonas has memories of the past because he remembers a day when an airplane flew over the community because a pilot was still in practice. This frightens him. In the evening they sit together at the table and talk about their feelings that they had during the day. The father reports on his day of work in the nursery and tells something about a baby who. is different from the others and therefore threatens to be released". They determine that the family agrees and the father asks permission for the infant to stay with them overnight. Chapter two: In the second chapter the question is clarified what "ceremony of Twelve" is. At cermeony, everyone of the right age gets their own chosen job. Jonas talks about it with his parents because it is an important part of his life. His father reports that he was very excited at the time. Since he was very often with children in his time, he was chosen to be a nurturer. Chapter three: The third chapter deals with the infant Gabriel. Jonas 'Father brings him home and Lily in particular is looking forward to him. Lily also says that she would like to be chosen as a birthmother. Her mother then explains that this is not a good idea because you only do this for three years and then go to work. Jonas is very absent at the time, thinking of something from the past and the rule that as soon as someone does something wrong, this rule is said again through the microphones, but does not point out the person who did something wrong. At the end he talks about a mistake he made. Jonas had once taken an apple and then the statement came that objects should not be moved from their current location. Chapter four: The fourth chapter is about Jonas' friends, that is Asher and Fiona. Together they visit the house of the elderly to prove their skills again and to show where their strengths and weaknesses are. In the chapter Jonas searches for Asher and finds his bike in front of the old man's house. Then he helped Asher and Fiona. Fiona also mentions that there was a publication before Joans stepped in and that it was about the life of the released person. At the end of the chapter, Jonas asked himself why no one was allowed to enter the release room. Chapter five: The fifth chapter is about the feelings called "stirrings". Every morning the so-called dream telling takes place and Jonas saw Fiona in his dream. In the dream he wanted to bathe Fiona, but she didn't want to and was just laughing. Jonas wanted it so badly that he was almost angry. During the conversation, his mother said. that this was normal, but that he now had to take pills. She also mentioned that he has to take these for his entire life, until at some point he is too old and forget about them. Chapter six: The sixth chapter is about Lily's ceremony of eight. Jonas is not paying any attention to the matter because he finds it uninteresting and rather preparing for his day. The next day is the ceremony of the twelve. Chapter seven: In the seven chapters, the ceremony is definitely the focus, because the elevens get their assignments. Fiona got the assignment as caretaker for the elderly and Asher was appointed as deputy director. for recreation. Jonas is initially happy because he is not getting the jobs that the others have. When it is his turn, he is skipped because the chief elder said "18,... 20" and number 19 is simply skipped. Chapter eight: The eighth chapter is one of the most important, because the chief elder ends his assignment. Jonas is told that nothing was assigned to him, but that he was chosen. He is also directed that he not only has one strength, but that he has all the abilities and that he was therefore chosen. The qualities to do the job are integrity, courage, wisdom and the ability to surpass yourself Chapter nine: This chapter isn't about much. It's about getting Jonas to get his introduction to his assignment. In addition, he is something and asks himself why not everyone has access to the truths. He also wonders why he is not allowed to see releases and why he is allowed to all lie. Chapter ten: In the tenth chapter, Jonas looks at his task. He goes to the said place and it's about being very serious and old for once. concerned war the door locked, after which it then led itself, Jonas entered the room and the walls were closed with belong. When he made a decision, the person entitled said that you don't listen to the job and that it works differently than with the other people. The content says they can use any free minute to change it because it doesn't have much strength left. It has to do with the fact that you lose a mountain with a sledge, Jonas doesn't resist anything because he doesn't have a sled, nor does he know a mountain or even snow. The old personal approach memories makes up for Jonas hands and arms unfettered. belonging to his Chapter eleven: The eleventh chapter is about Jonas 'first memory. He sits on a sled, slides down the mountain, sees snow for the first time and breathes in the cold air. His second memory is a sunshine. He lies on the grass and looks at the sky, and he is also warmed by the sun. Actually, Jonas doesn't even know these words, but suddenly he still knows what meanings these words have. After the two memories, he insists on getting a painful one because he's never had anything like it. Then he got the memory of a sunburn and so his day ended and he goes home. Chapter twelve: In this chapter, Jonas rides on his bike to work with Fiona. At that moment her hair shines. Jonas thinks this is strange and tells the Giver about it. To check this, Jonas remembers the sleigh ride again. This time it's different because he starts to see the color red. To take a closer look at this event, the giver transmits a memory of a rainbow. Now some things are becoming clear to them.. Chapter thirteen: This chapter can be divided into two parts. In the first section, Jonas asks what it would be like if there were no equality and there was a democracy. The giver then responds that the people might make wrong decision. On the one hand, Jonas thinks what the giver is saying is correct, but on the other hand, he wants to convince others to also see colors. He fails when he tries, because Jonas cannot transfer memories to other people. In the second section, Jonas talks to the giver about the recipient who has been chosen by him. The giver says if the recipient is released or dies, anyone can access the feelings. Later in the chapter it is reported that the older man asks him to stay at home because he doesn't want Jonas to see him suffer. One day Jonas wants to share in the pain. Thus, the giver transmits another reminder. Chapter fourteen: Again, this chapter can be split in half. In the first part, Jonas worries a lot because he suddenly gets a lot of bad memories. Joans asks the giver why and he says that the people have determined it that way. Jonas would like to change this, but he doesn't know how and leaves it. The second part of the chapter is about Jonas who comes home and asks if he could take Gabriel into a room for the night. This is then answered in the affirmative, but during the night Jonas is woken up by the whimpering. Jonas reminds him of a sail on a sea and then he falls asleep soundly. Jonas, on the other hand, no longer has this memory. Chapter fifteen: This chapter is mainly about another memory and in this one learns the importance of warfare. When entering the room, Jonas sees the giver suffering and he wants Jonas to take some of his pain. The memory is about Jonas being on a battlefield and wounded men there begging for water. A slightly younger boy grabs his arm and also begs for water. Jonas gives him water, but at that moment he falls dead. When Jonas wakes up again, he apologizes for the memory. Chapter sixteen: In chapter sixteen, Jonas remembers a Christmas party. He knows the feeling of love and what the word "grandparents" means. When he mentioned the word "love" at home, his parents asked for precise use of the language. During the night Jonas tells Gabriel (although he cannot understand him) that there could be a life with love and grandparents if it weren't against the rules. Chapter eighteenth: In the eighteenth chapter Jonas asks the giver about the release. From this topic they then move on to the next, namely the story of the recipient, which failed ten years ago. The giver says the girl made a good impression back then and did her job well too. However, after having some bad memories, she went to see the senior elder and was "released". From then on, your memories were freely accessible to everyone in the community. Since then there has been the rule that the recipient may not request a "release". Chapter Nineteenth: In this chapter Joans learns what a "release" really means. He then comes to the decision that he would like to see the twin's release and The Giver does not want it, but he allows him and they watch it together on a video screen. Jonas looks at it normally at first, but the moment the father injects something into the baby, he is shocked and angry at his father. Jonas knew that release means death, but his father didn't. Chapter twenty: In chapter twenty, Jonas decides run away from the community. In order to involve someone, he discusses this with The Giver and together they work out a plan. Jonas wants The Giver to come with him, but he wants to stay with the community because on the one hand he is too weak and on the other hand if Jonas is "released" and his memories are lost. After the community realized that Jonas was gone, The Giver planned a ceremony of loss and there he wants to tell that Jonas disappeared in the river and did not appear again. Twenty-one: In this chapter Jonas carries out his plan, otherwise Gabriel will be "released". Jonas kidnaps Gabriel and together they drive away on his bike. Since the search planes have heat sensors, Jonas transmits a memory with ice to Gabriel. So they were invisible to the pilots because they couldn't see any colors. Twenty-two: In the penultimate chapter, Jonas continues his journey, because the planes have stopped looking for them, but they have already eaten their food and so they had nothing left. Slowly the journey became more and more difficult as it got colder, heavier and more bumpy. Despite these conditions, they did not approach anywhere where no one from the community had ever been. Twenty-three: In the last chapter, Jonas reaches the snow-covered hill and tries to ride up with Gabriel and the bike. Since it is too slippery, he leaves the bike and decides to walk (Gabriel was in his arms). Since it was so cold there, he often had to stop to warm himself and Gabriel and so that he could remember the memory of the sunshine. At some point he notices that this mountain looks familiar to him and it occurs to him that the mountain is from his memory. Shortly afterwards, he notices a sledge, so he sits on it and slides down the hill. Suddenly he hears songs and sees that there are houses where lights are on. He knows that he has now reached "nowhere" and that is exactly where he wanted to be. Jonas' Father: • He is a Nurturer of Infants • He loves his Job and do it very conscientious ● He likes games with the children Gabriel: •Jonas' family take care of him • He and Jonas are good friends Friends Asher: Jonas best Friend • He really likes fun • He will become the Assistant Director of Recreation Jonas: •Jonas is thoughtful • He is chosen for the new Receiver of Memory • He is eleven years old Family 1 ● Characters and what they have to do with Jonas Fiona: • Best Friend from Jonas • Jonas had his first sexual stirring with her in a dream She works as a Caretaker in an old peoples home Jonas' Mother: • She has an important position at the Department of justice. • She help people who brake rules Lily: sister from Jonas Seven years old She is a chatterbox and very intelligent. for her age ● Others The Giver: • He is an old man who was the Receiver of memory • He held the memory from the Community for many years • He helped Jonas at the beginning Chief Elder: • The elected Leader DIARY ENTRY Dear Diary, much has changed in my life since I was chosen. I have perspectives that I never had before and things, objects and feelings have taken on a new meaning. I've noticed that we just live trapped, have no rights and are just being bossed around. The world outside is so beautiful and we have no way of looking at it or knowing anything about it. Constantly these stupid rules and the precise use of language, what's the point? I feel used and useless. Luckily I was chosen and from now on I can see colors and uh Fiona has red hair because it shimmers really well in the sun. But that's not the only color that exists, because there is also something called blue, yellow, green, brown, black, white. These are just a few colors, but if I would list everything, the whole page would be full hahaha. In any case, there are feelings too. There is, for example, joy, sadness, disgust, sorrow, anger, love and many more. I found out what love really means the last few weeks and days, because my great love is Fiona. When I look into her eyes, I feel welcome, I just. want to be with her. The other day, when I asked my parents whether they loved me, they got angry and I was asked for precise language use, what else? Another strange thing I noticed the other day was that I only transfer memories to Gabriel and that really resonate with him. It doesn't work for everyone, because when I wanted to show it to Fiona, she just looked at me strangely and I didn't even want to show it to Asher because he really doesn't think much of it. I wish someone would see what I see and could empathize with me... Oh yes and something else, because I have to save Gab, otherwise he will be released. I'll take him tomorrow and run away. with him, but before that I have to speak to The Giver and I need the card. I would also have to say goodbye to Fiona, which I don't want and therefore I want her to come with me, but as I know her she won't come with me. I also have to see how exactly I do it because of the planes, because they have heat sensors and actually they would find me and Gab immediately. My plan is to think of cold things and give the memories to Gabriel, but I don't know if that will work. I thought for a long time whether I should really do that with saving Gab, but there is nothing and nobody who or what is holding me here. I don't even have real parents and they don't even know anything about me. Well, maybe it's my fault, but I'm allowed to lie and I'm not obliged to tell them everything. They think everything sucks anyway and don't think much of it. Asher, nothing either. I mean the other day they played a game about war and I asked them not to. He didn't react really respectfully, so yeah. Another question I ask myself is this, because how can mom and dad know what it means to love someone, because they always ask me for precise language usage and if they didn't know the word, they wouldn't know it either what has to do with feelings. Just like with the war. How did Asher know what war was? Well maybe the questions will be cleared up. If I manage to do it tomorrow, nothing will come from me for a long time and I hope that nobody will find you, because there is a lot in here that shouldn't come out and if it does, then you probably won't hear from me at all... But well, I'll go to sleep then, because mom is awake right now and before she bursts into the room, I should sleep. See you soon! REWARD $$$ 4,500 $$$ WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE! NOTORIOUS OUTLAW Jonas, The Giver Community, 20th april 1993 - Jonas has been missing since Sunday and neither a body nor a trace was found. While he was missing. Lily found his diary and had taken it to school. From that moment on everything came to light, because everything is in this diary. Now the whole Community is in chaos, everyone wants to know the truth and nobody knows what is right and what is wrong. Is it true that there really are colors? Feelings and rights? Would we really have the opportunity to live differently and to visit other places? These questions are currently floating through everyone's heads and that is why we want to ask you to report every possible lead to Jonas so that the questions can be clarified as soon as possible and some peace can be found. words-worDs? = Books Elephant Order History To sleep Love Grass Mother Word Meaning for us A medium among others Something strange, forbidden An animal, which live in Asia and A plush animal, which is made to Africa or in the zoo Isleep for newchilds It gives in the school or by your job An experience, which you told a friend important for our body/ health A very important thing for a happy life Meaning for the people living in the community A not very special thing A person who loves their child unconditionally. Mostly also the person who gave birth to the child The most important thing in the community A secret thing, which only the receiver knows Its very hard controlled all the time the feeling etc does not exist They don't have it and don't know what it really is a woman who chooses the child Task: Search for words that have a different meaning in the world of the community than in ours Task: How would you like it if you lived in such a community? If I lived in such a community, I would be very dissatisfied. I would have no way to live myself out, to pursue my interests, or to develop in that respect. For example, since I am active in politics and not only want to see what is being done, also want to have a say, this would not be for me. In addition, there is no participation because nobody has any right. We are controlled, observed and caught. There would be no such thing as traveling and since I love to discover new places and to have a break from time to time, this would be another negative aspect. Even getting to know new people would be completely eliminated and you would be in the same environment 24/7. You can't even do something without being checked and then someone later wants to decide what kind of job I do? Sorry, but I won't let the "government" control me all my life so that I can do what they want afterwards. I want to choose my job myself because I want to try myself, want to develop and pursue my interests. I know best what I like, where I get along well and whether or not I am suitable for a job. You are restricted and have no options, it is the same every day and there is no variety. In our world this is comparable to North Korea because it is like a dictatorship. Another aspect is that there is nothing special, you can neither admire nature nor the unique animals. In addition, you don't have any feelings in the community, which is why you don't even feel joy, sadness or hope. If I were in Jonas 'place, I would have tried to get out of this terrible world, because he had nothing to keep him there, not even real parents. Another point is the problem of diversity. There are neither native americans nor blacks, intersexuals, bisexuals, or people from another culture or denomination. There is a father, a mother, two children and they are all the same physique. Period, no more, no less. Always the same daily routine, no variety, actually just suppressing it. alternativE ENDING After seeing the huts, I decided to go into one and suddenly I saw a girl who looked just like Fiona. I couldn't believe it, rubbed my eyes and it was actually Fiona. There were an incredible number of questions in my head. I just stammered "FF-Fiona?" And she greeted me with a big. hug and shouted happily "Jonas, there you are at last!" I was confused and didn't know how she came from, so I asked and she said, "The old gentleman left a car in the house that said where I should go and that's why I was there so quickly ". I looked at her happily, gave her a kiss on the cheek and we looked for a hut where no one lived yet. To make things easier, a guy named Oliver helped us and he said we could stay here forever. Fiona and I set up the hut by building furniture out of wood and a bed for Gabriel. It was perfect, but then suddenly there was an announcement "congratulations, you saved the community and the test game is over, you can now take your number off your shirt. Please also go to counter six to have your cash paid out ". Wait a minute, it was all just a stupid game and none of it was real ?! I was confused and just went to the counter, got a certificate that said "Successful test person for the character Jonas" and a check worth $.10,000. Before I asked myself how I got here, there was another loud noise, but this time in a more childlike voice, she said "loooss George, you are late for your first day at the new school" and I am shocked I got up, checked my watch and it was just after seven. It all makes sense now, it was all just a dream. I depicted the cover with snippets from newspapers and magazines and then scanned it in :) CrossWORD 6 ▶7 8 ►10 4 5 ▶1 9 5 PUZZLE 4 3 1. What color is Jonas' eyes? 2. How many children can you have? 3. Which color could Jonas see first? 4. What kind of season did he first remember? 5. What is the abbreviation of Gabriel? 6. What is the name of Jonas best friend? 7. How old is Lily?8. Who did Jonas fall in love with? 9. What kind of job did the father have? 10. What did Jonas father give the baby? 2 M 2 2 M 4 5 Y