


The Giver - Jonas Characterization







The Giver
Jonas is eleven-year-old and is the protagonist of The Giver. He is very sensitive and
intelligent with strange powers of pe

Jonas The Giver Jonas is eleven-year-old and is the protagonist of The Giver. He is very sensitive and intelligent with strange powers of perception that he does not understand. Jonas is curious about what he observes but who does not really question the overall structure or rules of the society he lives in. He enjoys his friends and is content within his family unit and assumes that his community is a good one. Jonas chosen to be the new Receiver of Memory for his community when he turns twelve. As he receives the Giver's memories and wisdom he learns the truth about his community that it is a hypocrisy and that the people have voluntarily given up their individuality and freedom to live as robots. Jonas' character changes and becomes more complex. He experiences an inner conflict because he missed his old life, his childhood, and his innocence but he can not return to his former way of life because he has learned too much about joy, color, and love. Jonas knows that his life can never be ordinary again. Jonas is also angry because hew wants his fellow citizens to change and thereby give up Sameness. He knows that the community and each person's life will benefit if only they would or could reclaim...

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their individuality. Jonas realizes that his life would no longer be worth living if he were to continue living in the community as it is. Jonas is very courageous and have a brave character because he risks his life. He flees the community with the baby Gabriel. Jonas is afraid but he is prepared to fight for their survival. Although we do not know Jonas' experiences ultimately affect him or his community, we do know that he matures and that he feels excited and joyful as he and Gabriel ride down the hill on the sled. -