


Reading Journal: The Giver







Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony
Lois Lowry
The Giver
Klett English Editions
9 Klett
ok Index
1. Introduction to the book
2 Characters + + chapter 1
3 What is the Ceremony

D Lois Lowry The Giver Klett English Editions 9 Klett ok Index 1. Introduction to the book 2 Characters + + chapter 1 3 What is the Ceremony? + chapter 2 4 Equality. Gabe + Chapter 3 5 Diary entry + chapter 4 6 The pills + chapter 5 7 Compare from other people the Summary + chapter 6 8 Jonas mind, ceremony of twelve + chapter 7 9 Jonas' Ceremony + chapter 8 10 Summary + Rules + chapter 9 ^^ Conversation between Asher and Fiona 12 Diary Entry from the Giver + chapter 10+11 13 text passage + Chapter 12 14 Comparasion with another summary + chapter 13 15 Summary + chapter 14 16 Diary Entry + Summary + Love Poem + chapter 15/16 17 Correction chapter 17 18 Summary chapter 18+19 19 The plan chapter 20+21 20 Chapter 22+ Jonas' feelings Chapter 23 24 22 My opinion about the book 23 New Ending + Important Symbols 24 Picture Hi my name is Maike, welcome to my Reading Journal. It's about the book "The Giver" by Lois Lowry. I hope you enjoy reading it :) Here's a small summary of what will happen: The book is about Jonas, an eleven-year-old boy. What he doesn't know yet is that everything will change for him after his big ceremony. He discovers things that he would never have dreamed of and with his new friend, he starting making a big plan. Maybe you were...

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wondering why I changed the book cover a bit? I think the best way to find out is to check out my Reading Journal. Chapter 1 Now characters I'll introduce you to the most important people. and how I think they would look in real life. → to desing the people I used the website makowa picew Jonas Fiona Asher Lily Jonas: it's the main character, this december he takes part "The Ceremony of Twelve", he doesn't yet know that something very special is waiting for him at Asher: is Jonas best friend, is very Fiona: is Jonas best friend, later she gets a job as a nurse for the elders, → her haire will be very important later on kaotic the Giver Lily: is Jonas little sister, very cheerful appearance The Giver: later he will have a very strong connection to Jonas, you learn more about him later. father & mother: he's a nurture, takes care of a newborn •She works at the Department of Justice Gabriel: male, newchild, isn't growing as fast as he should, has also a special feature →becomes more important in the course of the book 2 Chapter 2. They talk about the Ceremony most of the time but what is the Ceremony actually? Summary • the familys can make an application and indicate if they will get a baby boy or a girl levery family can only have one boy or one girl) • at the Ceremony they will get their children and will told the name of it Every December all the children in the Community become 1 year older and get access to new things (for example a bicycle at Ceremony of Eight) • At the Ceremony of Twelve they are assigned their future job by the Elders. ● OÑO Kid assigment: tick what you want □ Boy □Girl Jonas is very exited and can hardly wait for December. He has doubts that he will get a job he doesn't like, but his father assures him that the Elders will deal with it enought. Jonas remembers how excited he was when they got Lily and how he has already taught her to ride a bike even though Lily isn't allowed yet b.c. she isn't an Eighter yet. 3 Chapter 3 ..No one mentioned such things; it was not a rule, but was considered rude to call attention to things that were unsettling or different about individuals. " Chapter 3, page 23, line 11-13, Jonas thoughts I think it's a very special and important phrase because it reveals a lot about how things are going in the community. It is very nice that the community pays a lot of attention to equality and so in principle no one is neglected or judged because of their appearance. Also in this chapter we get to know Gabriel (short: Gabe). The Newchild the family takes care of. Lily was immediately obsessed with him and fastely recognized the similarity of his eyes with those of Jonas. Gabe is a male and the family takes because he doesn't sleep through the night and doesn't grow as fast as he should. his comfort object is a hippo care of him 11111 EQUALITY OLILO QU HIPPO J Chapter 4 Dear Diary, today I was looking for Asher and found him at the House of Olds with Fiona. Fiona Likes to go there often and hopes to worke there later. I'll like to be there to but I don't think I'll get it as my job later on. Today we helped them to take a bath. There the Olds are naked but I'm not allowed to see for example Fiona naked. I myself think it's good, because it gives me a sense of security. Larissa, the woman I bathed, told me about the release of Roberto. They always starts to tell about the life of a person, which I find very exciting. Larissa told me that Roberto had a very interesting life but there are also people which hadn't had a special life but they say it anyway. I would also like to be present at a release, but we children aren't allowed to. I find that a Stupid rule :( Good night, see you Jonas tomorrow 5 Chapter 5 When Jonas woke up this morning it was time. Jonas had finally dreamed again. And not just anything, but it started. I have waited so long for the day until his Stirrings begin. He tells of his dream in which he was with Fiona in the house of the Olds. He didn't wear his tunik and wanted to wash Fiona while she was naked. I then talked to him after Lily left with dad and Gabe. And told him what the pills do that he should now take every morning so that the sterrings go away. For me, a few questions come up now after reading. Like why Jonas has to suppress his disire in the dreams and why he has to taken certain pills because of that. ееее chapter 6 https://e-hausaufgaben.de/Hausaufgaben/D1816-Lois-Lowry-The-Giver - Reading-Journal- Zusammenfassung.php Compare From Other People The Summar chapter 6: Like chapter five, chapter six isn't that important to the main story. It's about Lily's Ceremony of Eight. Jonas doesn't find it interesting, because theres nothing special about it. Then, the next day, it's his Ceremony of Twelve, and that's where the chapter ends. This chapter is only to complete this part of the story, because it wouldn't be better if Jonas' ceremony would be described, but Lily's would be left out. 1 agree that chapter 6 isn't that important, but it still gives some important informations. For example, you learn that a small child once fell into the river and died. So his family got a new one at the recent ceremony of once. And I also think it's good that they talk about the other ceremonies again, because so you get a better picture of everything. And also how they feel, for example Jonas, he wasn't really interested in the other ones because they where kind of boring. But the kids from the respectively ceremony must be really excited. For everyone, how ever, it must certainly have been exhausting, as the whole process takes 2 days. 7 Chapter 7 After a long wait, the ceremony of Twelve began. My number is nineteen, it had been since I was born, because in the year I born I was the nineleen baby that got born. Now I was sitting in the chair with the number nineteen on it and next to me was Fiona with the number eighteen Asher is number four, so he was told relatively early on that he was going to be Assistant Director Recreation. Fiona became, as I thought, Caretaker of the Olds. I was very happy for both of them. When it was my turn and I was about to get up and go to the stage, the Cief Elder said number twenty instead of number nineteen. So she just let me out. A shock ran down my spine. At first I thought she made a mistake but the Elders never make mistakes. I was so embarrassed because everyone noticed that she had left me out and looked at me. · Assistant Direktor Recreation awwka · Caretaker of the Olds •Shocked • was omitted . still does not know his job 8 chapter 8 Summary The Cief of Elder apologizes to the community and to Jonas for her intentional mistake. Then She calls Jonas to the stage. Jonas was at his wits'end and very confused. Then she told him that he was selected as Receiver of Memories and that this job assigment was very rare. Jonas didn't know what that was and at first he didn't know why he was chosen. Then she told him that the old Receiver said that Jonas has the ability to see beyond. When he looked at the audience and it changed for a short moment he remembered the apple and is sure that this was related. She also explained to him what skills a receiver must have and that Jonas has all of them. What scared Jonas was when she mentioned that he will be very alone with the pain he will suffer. Receiver must have: Intelligence · Integrity Courage Wisdome 9 chapter 9 After the Ceremony Jonas felt different. Everyone was looking at him and even with Asher it didn't feel quite the same when he got home he took out his folder and was amazed. In it was only one sheet with eight rules that he had to follow. One rule was that he isn't allowed to take pain killer pills during his training. This scared him and he couldn't imagine the pain he would experience. The last rule was that he may lie. This make him think, what if his parents have this rule too, have they ever lied to him before? Jonas Receiver of Memory 1 Go immediately at the end of school hours each day to the Annex entrance behind the House of the Old and present yourselfe to the attendant. 2. Go immediately to your dwelling at the conclution of Training Hours each day. 3. From this moment you are exempted from rules governing rudeness. You may ask any question of any citizen and you will receive answers. 4. Do not discuss your training with any other member of the community, including parents and Elders. S. From this moment you are prohibited from dream-telling. 6. Exapt for illness or injury unrelated to your training, do not apply for any medication 7 You are not permitted to apply for release. 8. You may lie. 10 Conversation between Fiona & Asher Fiona Hi Asher, how are you? Asher= Hi Fiona, I'm doing quite well. I'm also quite happy with my job I got. With you it's no question, you already love your job. Fiona Yes, I was very lucky. How do you think Jonas is doing? He looked very worried and a bit scared. Asher= Yes, I think so too. I'm just afraid that he won't be the same afterwards or that we'll lose him. My parents told me about Rosemary earlier. Fiona= Yeah, I've heard that too. But I think Jonas is handeling that quite well. I saw other kids looking at him all the time. They must be jealous that Jonas got such an important job and they didn't. Asher = Yeah, I think so too! But I will always stand behind him. A it's also new for us. Althought 11 chapter 10&^^ Dear Diary, either what today was the first training day for Jonas, the new Receiver of memory, so my successor. I heard him ringing the bell and talking to my secretary. He sounded very polite and nice. When he came in, he looked up in amazement at the shelves filled with books. Then he looked at me and introduced himself. He is a very nice and smart boy. . I'm just afraid that I won't be able to do it like last time with Rosemary. When I told him what we were going to do from now on he thought I was talking about my life and when I explained him memories of the past he couldn't do anything with it. I didn't know how to start until I explain to him how I felt on the basis of a sleigh ride. Since he didn't know what a sled was, snow was and what a downhill run was, we started there. I told him to take off his tunic and lie down on the bed. When he lay there I put my hand on his back. I felt it getting cold and watched Jonas. When the memory was finished, he was very excited about the sleigh ride but when I told him that there was no more snow so that haverst wouldn't be destroyed and there were no mountains so that the transport would be faster, he was really sad. When we were actually finished he said that it didn't hurt at all, but at the Ceremony it was said that it will hurt. So I decided to give him a little taste of the pain by showing him the sun and what a sunburn is. After that he had an idea of the pain but he doesn't know what else pain will come to him. the The Giver 12 chapter 12 text passage "Once, back in the time of the memories, everything had a shape and size, the way things still do, but they also had a quality color." The Giver, p.77 L.18 11 I thing it's a very meaningful sentence, because it was only after that I realized that people in the community can't see colors and everything is gray. When you read through the book at the beginning, you have certain images in your head of how you imagine it there in the community. But now you know they only see gray expact for the Giver and Jonas. And you think about what the world would be like if you couldn't see colors. It also shows again how important equality is to them. Summary In this chapter, Jonas learns about the word 'colors" and learns that it is what he saw in the apple, in the audience and now in Fiona's hair. The Giver explains to him that it is the color red and that there are many others. 13 Chapter 13 Comparison with another summary https://e-hausaufgaben.de/Hausaufgaben/D1816-Lois-Lowry-The-Giver - Reading-Journal - Zusammenfassung.php chapter 13: In this colour I write things I would rewrite :) Asher This chapter can be split in two parts. In the first, Jonas discusses with the Giver, how it would be, if there wouldn't be sameness, and if the people could chosse. The Giver says, that the people might make the wrong decisions, and Jonas sees, that maybe it is better the way it is. But he doesn't give up and tries to make lother people) see colours, too. He fails, because he can't share memories with other people. In the second Part, Jonas talks with the Giver again, but this time about the Receiver that had been selected before him, but had failed. The Giver says, that when the Receiver or the Giver (is) ask for all the memorys " released" or dies, (the feeling he or she had, are free and everyone can access them. Some afternoon, when Jonas comes to the Giver, the old man says, that he suffers and that Jonas should go home, but one time Jonas asks him to let him participate in this suffer, because it can't go on that way. So the Giver transfers him another memory. when you I think the summary describes the chapter very appropriately and I like the idea of dividing the chapter into two parts. Since there is a lot of information and its not really ordered. I would add that Jonas is standing on the bridge that you are only allowed to cross make, for example, a trip to other communities with the he subconsciously thinking about what would happen if he ran away. Because in the book it is also said that he wonders if there are hills or a desert in Elsewhere. school. I think 14 chapter 14 Summary At the beginning of the chapter, Jonas learns about the pain of broken bones by the Giver giving him a memory from a sleigh ride. Only this time the snow was no longer soft but slippery and Jonas could no longer control the Sled and fell down. When Jonas was back in the Annex room, he was pissed. He complained why they were the only ones who had to endure the pain and why everyone else didn't have to do it because it would be much easier. The Giver explained to him that this is exactly why they get so much attention. Because people are afraid of the pain. Jonas thinks about an idea how they could change that but the Giver said that it is useless. Limping, Jonas walked home and went to bed early that day. The next day his father told him that they might have to release Gabe, because he still doesn't sleep peacefully. Therefore Jonas suggested that he should sleep one night with him. Most of the time he slept quietly, but at some points he woke up. Jonas accidentally gave him a memory of a boat that was rocking on a lake and Gabe immediately fell asleep. Now Jonas isn't sure if he should tell the Giver, because he's scared of how he will react. 15 Chapter 15 + 16 LOVE LOVE LOVE Dear Diary, today was a day when I thought that the Giver would send me home, but I should take away some pain from him. When I was lying on the bed and he put his hand on my back, I stand in a field. Next to me was a boy no older than me asking for water. I saw his wounds and suddenly the pain went through my body. I had never felt such pain before. When I wanted to give the boy water, he toppled over. I looked around and saw injured people and horses everywhere. Shortly after that I knew I couldn't take it anymore and as soon as I closed my eyes I woke up again in the Annex room. Immediately I knew that what I had just seen was warfare. I never want to experience pain like that again and I hope that no one else, whether in the community or Elsewhere, has to experience it. Good night, Jonas. Today Jonas learned what "Love" means. The Giver gave him his favorite memory in which Jonas saw a family in their house. There was a decorated tree in the house, a fire burning in the fireplace and presents under the tree. A child distrubed gifts and then sat on the lap of his grandmother. This was a new word that Jonas learned as well as love. Jonas liked the memory, because it felt completet and warm. Love is Love is warm like a fire and beautiful like an empire. Love is happy like family and Intimate like a memory Love is understandable like a grand-mother and colorful like weather. Love is Love 16 chapter 17 Page 105 Line 25 Correction chapter 17 ... He shook his head. "Jonas would you like to do something else with us then?" Fiona asked carefully. She noticed that Jonas had just behaved differently than usual and was worried. Jonas nodded. So they drove to the playground and set down on a bench. Asher and Fiona both talked about what it was like at work and both hoped that Jonas would tell them some thing too. But Jonas just looked into the void because he noticed how he had distanced himself more and more from his friends and how it didn't feel the same anymore Asher was still a little angry about earlier but tried not to show it to Jonas. Jonas then told them something about Gabriel. "Since recently he always sleeps with me, because he didn't sleep well through the night, but now he does it again." Jonas told proudly, without telling them his secret. He watched as they rode away... Page 105 line 28 17 summary Jonas was very concerned that one of the twins would be released and so he asked the Giver he had ever thought about release. He answered with yes and after a long questioning he also told Jonas about Rosemary. She was only five weeks with him and had not yet received many bad memories. But she couldn't handel it anymore and so she asked for her release one day. The Giver was still very sad about it, because he loved her like his own daughter. chapter 18 + 19 When the Giver told Jonas that he could show him the video of the release, Jonas was unsure in advance. He didn't know if he should do it but the Giver persuaded him. So they turned on the speaker and asked for the video. A short time later they had the video on the Screen. You can see Jonas' father weighing the twins and looking at which one is heavier. One baby was six pounds even and the other was five pounds ten ounces. So a helper took the heavier one away and put it on. The smaller one stayed in the room and Jonas' father got a syring and gave it to the baby in the middle of the head. That was easier because that's where the biggest vein is. After that, Jonas' father threw the syring away and after a short time the baby didn't move anymore. He had killed it. Jonas looked on with shock and couldn't believed it. His father killed the baby and then put it in a flap like garbage. 18 THE PLAN After Jonas saw the video of his father killing the baby, he didn't want to go home. He broke down and crie. So the Giver let him sleep one night at his place. Later into the night they made a plan to escape from the community so that everyone would have the memories of the past. Their plan was that Jonas would sneak out at midnight, since no one was supposed to be outside at that time and so he could get to the Annex unnoticed. There the Giver waits for him and together they leave. The Giver will come back later that day and announce at the ceremony that Jonas fell into the river and died. After that they will release him. By this time, however, Jonas is already on his way to Elsewhere. Jonas' family won't suspact that Jonas is gone because he will leave them a note saying that he went to the river. At some point they will have to go to the Ceremony without Jonas and there they think Jonas is already with Asher or with the Giver and Asher will think that Jonas is with his parents or with the Giver. The plan was perfect, only Jonas wanted the Giver to accompany him, but the Giver had to take care of the community and then wants to be released. chapter 20 + 21 The plan would work, Jonas thought, until he heard the day before that Gabe was to be released the next day because he didn't sleep throught the night at the Care Take Center. So Jonas took him that night with him. He took his dad's bike with the child seat and rode as fast as he could. In order not to lose time, he didn't stop at the Annex but just keep going. During the day they slept and at night they rode. Whenever a search plane came, he and Gabe hide and Jonas made them cold by calling up memories from the snow. That way the heat sensors of the planes couldn't find them. After a few days, the planes came ess and less often and eventually not at all. As if they had last hope to find them. 19 Chapter 22 +23 The paths became more and more stony and it was more and more difficult to make progress. Jonas also fell of his bike when he tripped over a stone and twisted his leg. Now it was more and more exhausting to ride and Soon the endless hunger caught up with them. They had eaten up all their supplies and were now laboriously trying to get something from the nature. For example, they trie to catch fish, with success! Jonas caught 2 small fish, which they are with a few berries. Soon they saw mountains. It rained for two days and Jonas wasn't sure if they will make it. Jonas' thoughts: I can't go on, I can't go on and I don't community, we We should stayed in the con and we wouldn't be cold. want to go on. could have eaten there On the other hand, Gabe would have been dead a long time ago. No, it is right what we are doing here. But what if I don't make it? Then Gabe would die, too. No, I don't want to die! 20 Chapter 23 Summary Jonas arrived exhausted, by the mountains. But he couldn't ride his bike up it, because every time he tried, the front tire slipped. So he walked. He thought about something warm, briefly he thought he had lost his power and could no longer give memories to Gabe. But then he felt their bodies warm for a brief moment. Arriving at the top, Jonas recognized the place. He got on the sled and headed down the mountain with Gabe firmly in his arms. He saw the house and heard music. But perhaps it was only an echo. OD 口。 OD OD OD do OD PD PD PD 21 MY OPINION ABOUT THE BOOK the new At fist, the book didn't appeal to me so much, because more and more questions arose on which there was no solution in time. From the moment Jonas was made Receiver of memorys and started visiting the Giver every day after school, the book started to get more exiting and I enjoyed reading it more and more. Towards the end, the book captivales you and you really want to know what happens next, so you read another chapter and another. For this reason, I decided to write the end a little further, so that there is a clear happy ending, but still the freedom remains to imagine the end according to his/her own taste. NEW ENDING As Jonas was sledding down the hill with Gabe in his arms and they were getting faster and faster he heard something. He didn't immediately know what it was, but then he thought back to what the Giver had told him about his first encounters with the seeing beyond. Jonas heard music. The more he concentrated on it, the clearer the music became. Actually it was more of a rhythm of bells ringing, a hohoho and a whipping noise. He looked up at the sky but could see nothing. The next moment they banged violently in a tree. Jonas pressed Gabe tightly against him so that nothing would happen to him. Shortly thereafter, both were fully covered with snow. When Jonas was able to free himselve and Gabe from the snow, he saw the house that he had seen before in the Giver's memories. He saw many lights and a decorated tree. When he looked again, he saw a family coming out of the house to see if everything was all right. From that moment on, Jonas knew he had made it. They had arrived in ELSEWHERE and it already felt like home. 22 The familie brought them into the house and gave. them warm clothes and warm. blankets. Jonas and Gabe warmed up with some hot chocolate by the fireplace. and Jonas told their story. Gabe looked at the dog the whole time and kept happily yelling "hippo hippo". The family was so nice and Jonas immediately felt loved. He knews everything was going to be alright now. Important symbols: Jonas noticed his seeing beyond on the apple for the first time The first memory the Giver gave Jonas was about snow In the audience and in Fiona's hair Jonas also first saw colors before he even knew them Love is very important to Jonas and he wishes that it existed in his community. 23 24