


Leseverstehen und UK monarchy







Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension
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Part 1: Reading Comprehension For multiple choice or right/wrong questions please note: Tick the correct solution(s) Give reference from the text: Write down the line(s) plus the first three words and the last three words of the text quote which supports the solution you chose. ● Text The British, so the cliché goes, are a repressed lot. Faced with an awkward subject, they avoid it, change the subject, make tea. Nowhere is this more so than with the topic of the British Empire. The subject of fascination, hatred, and admiration through- out the world, the history of the empire is largely avoided in Britain itself: a bloody, s embarrassing episode everyone would rather forget. And a new BBC prime-time documentary TV series, Empire, is raising eyebrows in Britain by accusing the coun- try of being in just this kind of denial: "Pretending we don't need to think about it is just stupid," say the program's creators. The history of the empire is conspicuously absent from the British school curricu- 1 lum. Growing up in late 20th-century Britain, my generation studied the history of the British Isles up to the 18th century, then leapt over the empire to focus on every- thing from the Russian Revolution to the history of African-Americans in America to World War II. Faced with a...

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multiethnic classroom full of immigrants from Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, my teachers were no doubt relieved to focus on the evils of 15 Hitler and the greatness of Martin Luther King than on the divisive issue of how the ancestors of one part of our classroom ruled over and occasionally slaughtered the ancestors of the other part. It would have led to fights in the playground at the very least. So much easier to sweep all the Indian mutinies, Boer War concentration camps, and Caribbean slave colonies under the carpet. 20 Empire determinedly sets out to confront Britain's colonial past in a spirit of sprightly self-flagellation: "It was the empire on which the blood never dried," says the presenter. What follows are travels across Britain's former dominions on what could literally be described as a massive guilt trip. The host asks an Egyptian: "Is there absolutely nothing good we did here?" "Nothing," says the Egyptian, who with 25 delicious irony wears a very British tweed suit. "All imperialism is bad." 4/10 But the program's ultimate goal is not merely a cataloging of the empire's sins but to show how the idea of Britain is impossible without an understanding of the history of empire: "The country we live in the United Kingdom is an imperial creation. It's to the empire that we owe our sense of ourselves as somehow special. It has even 30 changed the genetic makeup of the British people. Yet we insist on pretending it is behind us," says the host. While the BBC's series tries to come to terms with the empire's past, a new reality show on a rival network, Channel 4, is dealing with the even more difficult problem of how the offspring of Britain's colonial adventures now have to find a way to live 35 together. The program, Make Bradford British, focuses on what is arguably Britain's most fractured town, a place famous for its ethnic riots. The program puts an ortho- dox Muslim, a racist white policeman, an Asian-bashing black woman, and other as- sorted multicultural products of the British Empire's aftermath together in one house. Their religious and ethnic conflicts quickly rise to the surface, before they start to 40 soften, cry, and search for their common Britishness. They claim to feel British, but most stutter and stare confused into the camera when asked to define it. Both programs are tapping into a potentially fatal national identity crisis. This year is meant to be a particularly patriotic year for Britain: the country is celebrating the queen's Diamond Jubilee, and the Olympics are coming to London. But below 45 the bunting, Britain has had - after decades of avoiding the question to start facing up to the problem that it has little common idea of who on earth it actually is. If the BBC's Empire takes the aggressive approach to therapy, demanding that the patient owns up to his blind spots, Make Bradford British goes for a more touchy-feely, group-therapy approach. But what's perhaps most telling, and most British, about so these attempts to come to terms with the country's past and present is that this pro- cess is playing out chiefly on television rather than through state, educational, or reli- gious institutions. Television plays a curiously vital role in Britain. In a deeply pri- vate and, yes, somewhat repressed culture, TV is the way Britons bond and deal with things. Some cultures stay up all night talking and drinking to deal with their prob- 55 lems, others turn to the church- the British switch on the TV. (746 words) Peter Pomerantsev: BBC Series Empire Confronts British with Colonial Past. From Newsweek, 3/12/2012 © 2012 IBT Media. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of this Content without express written permission is prohibited. vernachlässig verlangen 1. The British school curriculum deals with the role of the British Empire in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. requires the study of the British Empire in a global context. line(s) 9,40:"The history of British school curriculum 10000 focuses on the time after the British Empire. neglects the study of the British Empire altogether. 2. When the author was a student, discussing the origins of multi- ethnicity in Britain could have resulted in arguments among teachers. confrontations among students. criticism of the curriculum. disputes between generations. line(s) 47.18: "It ould have the very least". 3. In the TV series Empire the imperial past is portrayed in a well-balanced way. line(s) 9:30 talous 00000 20/21: "Empire determinedly sets of sprightly self-flagellation 4. Complete the sentence in your own words. According to the author the situation of the Egyptian in the tweed suit saying "All imperialism is bad." (line 25) is ironic because while saying so, the Egyption u years a tweed suit thich actually is really Batisly, so while saying something against the British empire, he is supporting it as well with his clothing 5. Tick the two correct solutions and give the appropriate quotes. The idea behind the TV series Empire is that confrontation with the British Empire would help the British to apologize for their ancestors' cruel behavior. become aware of the crimes of the empire. celebrate the changes it brought about. put it behind them and look to the future. understand ethnic diversity in Britain today. 2 line(s) 20/21: "Empire determinedly of sprightly self-flagellation." line(s) 26-28: "but to show history of empire" 6. A new reality TV program in Britain focuses on how people from different ethnic backgrounds explore their shared identity. how people who live in Bradford deal with their ancestors' past. what Britons from different ethnic backgrounds know about the unrest in Bradford. why people from different ethnic backgrounds live in Bradford. line (s) 39/40 before they start their common Britishness." 7. Complete the sentence in your own words. According to the text Britons prefer to deal with problems by means of TV because the BAD British culture is more private and some hat repressed, and the TV is playing a significant role in Britain 8. Write the letters a, b, c, d in the appropriate column. One or more columns might remain empty. TV program Empire TV programs Make Bradford British neither TV program a) attempting to cure a British ailment b) concentrating on the empire's descendants Nachba c) featuring politically incorrect attitudes d) offering ready-made solutions both TV programa 4 2 Part 2: Composition Choose ONE of the following cartoons. Then interpret the cartoon and comment on its message. DID YOU KNOW? ..THAT ONE THIRD OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION WILL TUNE IN TO THE WINDSOR WEDDING... THE ROYAL LEECHES (Buukau ZAP PRO... From: www.jbaynews.com, April 28, 2011 OR: facebook QUEEN ELIZABETH II (Bubezet) DAVE GRANLUND@ www.davegranlund.com All Rights Reser ... WHICH OFFICIALLY MAKES US THE SILLIEST PLANET IN THE UNIVERS. NOW I CAN BETTER RELATE TO COMMON PEOPLE! content: 10/10 14/15 language: English-exam -exom No. 2 1 interpretation + commut The royal family of the United Kingdom in the 21st century is more popular then it has ever been. Millions of people cook up to the perfect and harmonic live they seem to live. But where admiration and adoration ist, antago UR nism and bestility also finds it's way. There are a lot of critics who want the Royds to be abolished and there for R publish critical texts or cartoons to express their opinions. The cartoonist abse is such critic of the Royals and is his cartoon which was published on Aptaril 28, 2011 he portrays the Royal Weddingg and makes it to his central aspect. a The cartoon, which is drawn without color, stows the proyal family of a balcony, in the center of the cartoon, there are shows a couple of leaches with human heads, some of them wear hats, or badges. In the middle of these leaches two of them are particularity outstanding as a bridal poir. All of the portrayed leeches are standing on a battony which is decorated with a curtain with the words "The Royal beches" on it. On the top of the cartoon on the left and at the bottom of the right there are which two captions who say "DID YOU KNOW that one third of the world's Cr ..... which officially makes population will tune in to the windsor wedding.in", Us the silliest planed in the Universe. ".. Themexx The leeches are, because of their human heads, a beides recognizable as the Royal Family and the bridal part is Prince Willian and his wife Kate. To R =-Prince Charles their left, Quen Creative and his wified Prince Phip and a small child Queen Elizabeth I., ore watching the bridal pair, and to their right there are fince Charles, two other leeches who & identified as Princess Anne and Prince Prince Herry of Because the cartoonist's caption of the cartoon, he is not only critireising ид علمی SHIL the Royals themselves, but also exteryone who is supporting the Royal family and is interested in them. pop odmire By the carbonist intendedly portrayed the Royals as Leaches to express. his view that they are also sucking out the blood of others. Of course, they are not actually sucking blood, but they are mostly living by takes and public fundings. Only the Royal wedding costed multiple hundreds of millions of pounds, what which the Royals mostly got out of their ulation. But bestes don't reporate Britains from others, and also the Royals don't only get That billions of people still adore and admicabe the Royals still is the main criticism in Zapico's cartoon. Another aspect why the contornst chose Leeches as & metaphoric picture, is that people often don't recognize that a leech is stuck to their leg and is sucking their blood at firsh and sor a lot of people, mostly internationally, go not know how the royal family aktually gets the amount of money then it has.. Cor 2 The cartoomist also lets everything look majestatically in the cartoon, except from the to the clothing, as well as a leech can be dressed up, the curbonin facial and the background, except from the bodies and face expressions of the Royals of the This shows that the cartoonist wanted to express Ş not only because the wedding looked great the people at the heading are great good that bo 7 J 2 CIR کھا St to Further, all of the Royals have their eyes closed or are turned away of the bidal pair which can be understand that they are just pretending be the perfect people with their perfect lifestyle, but actually their are closing to unsee the curtain of truth, which, turris them out to be Royal Leeches instead of, how some people may say, royal legends. 166 general I can say that the cartoonist presented and portrayed his R2 Stopinion very comprehensible and maybe? a bib convincing and chose good metaphatic picture t 2. Ces But still I have to admit that I can not agree fully with the cartonirst's Spirier. I better that agree with the aspect that the Royals live and very exporsive lifestyle and the fact that they get most of their money from public taxes and Endings, although not every British citizen is willing to pay for the Royal's expenditures. I do believe that this is an issue that should and can be 2 fixed, at least partly, bot How so the But on the other side, the royal family brings at lot of money back into country through donation events and also tourism, since the Buckingham Delace is the brost popular tourist attraction in the United Kingdom. The Royals are very popular at the moment, and all over the world admiring them. people are the Another argument against people being silly in admiring Royals is, that the Royals do have an important role in the worked as the representatives of the United The Kingdom be T Royals are what a bleople think of, when they 1". "That's why the big interest of the world in hear the name the royal wedding is indeed legitimated and not silly. # As a lost critical point against the cartoon, I have to say that I 2 think it's unfair to call the whole planet silly, just because one blind cer of its population is #tuning in to the wedding of Prince William and love. But the critical point in it that we should be more interested in red se and serious issues of mankind and its solving then a some royals which will be goome in a hundred. years anyways, to say. Cer wedding of United , they Kingdom" 2shg it directly. (R) h Summary, I can agree partly with the carbonist's opinion and his (GS) criticism, but also we think that the Royals can not be compared to leaches. Even though the Royal family incest istn't as perfect as they seem to have still take in an important role in the United Kingdom, and the whole Z Commonwealth and the worldl LR