


Letter to the Editor







How to write a ...
Letter to the editor
The introduction:
Starts with an introductory paragraph:
Adress "Sir" or "Madam" or w

How to write a ... 08.05.21 11:54 Letter to the editor The introduction: Starts with an introductory paragraph: Adress "Sir" or "Madam" or when the editor is unknown "Sir/Madam The letter is Adresse to the editor of the newspaper not the author Titel of the article Date of the publication Summary of the article's message in one sentence Reason for writing this letter The main part: Give relevant arguments that support you opinion Support those arguments by the use of: facts and figures Examples > Experts quotes Refer directly to the article your commenting on Use good vocabulary to bring your message across ➤ Emphatic or emotional language Rhetorical devices like metaphors Use a Polite tone Use paragraphs to get a good structure into your letter The conclusion: - End the hole letter with a strong statement that sums everything up A short summary of your letter Give a outlook into the future Agree or disagree with the articles message Give a solution or a compromise Show future problems or chances Show new ways solve the problem At the bottom country and name Examples The introduction: Exapmles for starting the letter - Sir, I am writing to you in response to the article ... Heaving read you article ..., I would like to point out ... In the article ..., the author... claims that... The article... by... published on ... points out that ... The main part: Ways to express your opinion in the main...

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part I would like to congratulate you on ... - I personally believe that ... I could not have put it better myself It's beyond doubt that ... (es steht außer Zweifel, dass ...) Although I understand why... I can not accept the overall conclusion that ... I see the authors point, but I still feel that ... What you need to keep in mind is ... I would question the argument that ... The conclusion: Examples for ending the letter The question can no longer be whether..., but... All in all there can not be doubt that ... Ultimately, what meter is that ... Mathay Acar Germany