


Skills - How to write a newspaper article







Remember the ABC of news writing.
Accuracy (be exact - all the facts have to be correct)
Brevity (keep it short and to the point)
Clarity (m

Remember the ABC of news writing. Accuracy (be exact - all the facts have to be correct) Brevity (keep it short and to the point) Clarity (make sur everybody understands) Attract your readers by a good headline/title lead or opening sentence = usually the first paragraph (often in bold print) Body ● ● How to write a newspaper article ● Answer the wh-questions (Who? When? Where? What? Why? sometimes How? and So what?). The information within the article is arranged according to an inverted pyramid. ● Inverted pyramid most important information News stories in quality provide objective the reader can form his own news and the selection of details attitude however. next most important information less important information Style: good news style is informative, active, to the point nothing is repeated, nothing is unnecessary everything is logical and easy to understand often news writing contains quotes, anecdotes, examples ● a good ending rewards the reader by making some kind of reference to the lead papers like "The Guardian" and unbiased information. Thus opinion. The way of presenting the may reveal the journalist's

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