


letter to the editor







letter to the editor
1. reasons why to write a letter to the editor
• Proposing an idea to others
Letting out your grievances
• Impact publi
letter to the editor
1. reasons why to write a letter to the editor
• Proposing an idea to others
Letting out your grievances
• Impact publi

letter to the editor 1. reasons why to write a letter to the editor • Proposing an idea to others Letting out your grievances • Impact public opinion • Educate the public on a specific issue • Impact elected officials or policymakers in a direct or indirect way • Increase awareness on organizational issues Publicize your group and attract volunteers • Discussing public opinions and sharing your feelings about people 2. style The letter to the editor is the formal version of a written comment and follows the rules of formal (letter) writing: • using certain vocabulary. avoiding short forms and slang expressions using structures like passive, gerund, participle clauses . salutation: Dear.../ Yours faithfully / Yours sincerely When you failed to know a person's name. -> faithfully When you succeed to know a person's name. -> sincerely 3. structure [email protected] email address / contact March 3 2021 date To the editor, salutation I am writing in reference to the article Do we really need more examples? by Mr Invented-Name from example date about the irrelevance of formulating example letters. reason + source Me as a teacher am absolutely astonished about this gentleman's ignorance. own opinion + intro At first, the internet is overloaded by examples not appropriate for every individual level. arguments for your opinion I, therefore, request publishers to the ame table developing standard examples offered for free. conclusion (solution, request) 3rd March 2021 Ms Astonished Teacher Dear... /The editor (of ...) in reference I am...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

writing due to... I am referring after reading . . I am astonished in my opinion I agree/disagree At first one might argue it's important to say/explain/mention in the following I am naming you my reasons I request I suggest I propose in short I would recommend I hope /hopefully / let us hope Thank you for reading. gratitude Thank you for taking... into account / Please publish/ Yours faithfully/sincerely Yours faithfully, farewell farewell Sender's name