


Letter to the editor







Start with "Dear Sir or Madam"
• name the article you refer to at the beginning of the letter + the topic
but it is directed at

introduction Start with "Dear Sir or Madam" • name the article you refer to at the beginning of the letter + the topic but it is directed at all readers of the article is ) do not address the author directly. •Give the reason why you are writing the letter (what you support/criticize/ would like to • Give a short information about you and your proffession (e.g middle-class teachers) comment on LETTER TO THE EDITOR a comment on an article previously in the same paper. body clearly recognizable personal opinion coherent argumentative text + most important point(s) refer back to the original article in some way. appropriate style (quality paper + more formal) you might have to adopt a different personality and his/her p.o.v make the letter interesting qualifying and emotional phrases, evaluating adjectives, thetorical questions conclusion end with a strong statement that sums up your position and says what you expect for the futive finish by giving your name and place of residence (Peter Müller, Cologne) useful phrases . starting • I am ● writing to you in response to the article. Having read your article..., I would like to point out.... In the article..., the author... claims/points out / draws attention to ending All in all, there can be no doubt. Ultimately, what matters is that...

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