


long walk home/ the rabbit proof fence







Long Walk Home
- Molly and Dousy are sisters
Gracie ist the cousin from Molly and. Daisy
- Mother and grandmother
-The fathers h
Long Walk Home
- Molly and Dousy are sisters
Gracie ist the cousin from Molly and. Daisy
- Mother and grandmother
-The fathers h

FILM Long Walk Home family - Molly and Dousy are sisters Gracie ist the cousin from Molly and. Daisy - Mother and grandmother -The fathers have moved on. They're white people. - good hunters in the family. the hole family és Living together in the bush living in Digalong - Molly's mother tells her that the spirit bird will always look after her way to Moor River - from Tigalong to. - the girls went in car and by train mixed blood children ca. 1500-2000 miles Moor River - the Moor. River Native Settelment was etablished to train Aboriginal children to work, girls: house boys: field by white people. the girls should be married to white man could be exterminated ausgero Het the kids are between 0 and 18 years old. facts so that the aboriginals. - children with the lightest going to school light skin: clever dark skin: dump. rules: brave, barn to sing, stand up and make their beds, clean rooms, they have policements. - rabbit-proof fence is the longest fence in the world and goes all the Constable Riggs threatens that if Gracie moves from the car, he will lock to the sea. way her mother up.. The escape Neville kept it out off papers - they went along the rabbit fance, cause Jingalong is near the rabbit fance - the tracker from Moor River (Moodo) and the police are looking after them. in the church they run away while everyone...

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was - hides: wated until it rained, so the trucker don't saw their foodprints, the river, lay. false trails went ・through. - were on the wrong fance, some people told them and they went on the right. the. from Gracie A man told the three kids that their mother wait at another trown station in a diffrent city. to catch them - Gracie believed the man and went to the train station to went to her mum Holly and Daisy still followed the rabbit fance but turned around to catch up. Gracie. 7 - Gracie get catched by the police, she died later and never Come to Dingalong. back - when Molly and Daisy sa wake up in the desert, where the fence was away, they first (Molly) a eagel and they heard the sound. and says "home" and saws the fance again of him - arrived after I weeks in Jigalong, Molly run, hug and cry when she saw's her mom again and says: i lost ane - Molly and Daisy's mother and other women from their community were singing and praying to have spiritual contact to the girls and they could hear them, and they have hope that they come back About the people Molly and Daisy's futur: got married, Molly had 2 kids--one gat Neville, went back to Dingalong Mavis: slave on the farm, she's sexually abused Modoo: Aboriginal, daughter lives in Moor River too, so see his daughter a tracker for Neville, and has the task of hunting .tunaways. he works as women from the house helped them, feed them, get them clothes,. shows them the way Neville legal guardian of all Aboriginals in Western Australia he has the power to his office is in Perth, wants to exterminated mixed blood children. remove any Aboriginal child from their home :