


Macbeth - Shakespeare - Charaktere und ihr Einfluss







Politische, soziale und kulturelle Wirklichkeiten und ihre historischen
Literatur und Medien in ihrer Bedeutung für den Einzeln
Politische, soziale und kulturelle Wirklichkeiten und ihre historischen
Literatur und Medien in ihrer Bedeutung für den Einzeln

Politische, soziale und kulturelle Wirklichkeiten und ihre historischen Hintergründe Literatur und Medien in ihrer Bedeutung für den Einzelnen und die Gesellschaft Thema: The impact of Shakespearean drama on young audiences today: • study of extracts and film scenes (tragedy or comedy) thou - thee - thine/thy - Sg Used when speaking to children, loved ones or a social inferior (connotes disrespect) you - ye - your - PI/Sg Used when speaking to a social superior or a parent (connotes respect and formality) Themes of Shakespeares' plays/poems: moral confusion gulit ambition . . . ● revenge lust for power supernatural beings Main characters in Macbeth: ● Macbeth: ● first impression: brave warrior, despite his courage + honor he is intrigued by the prophecy three attributes (bravery, ambition, self-doubt) struggle for mastery of M. throughout the play • M. illustrates the terrible effects that ambition + guilt can have on a man who lacks the strength of character to be entirely unscrupulous not irrevocably evil, not strong enough to conquer guilt + self-doubt possesses enough moral integrity to be tormented by his conscience almost relieved at the end of the play • never seems to contemplate suicide (,,Why should I play the Roman fool," he asks, ,,and die / On mine own sword?" 5.10.1-2) Lady Macbeth: love and the trappings of desire crime/murder/death . ● • stronger, more ruthless, more ambitious than husband (fully aware of this) knows that she will have to push Macbeth...

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into committing murder . manipulates M., overrides all his objections, questions his manhood until he feels that he must commit murder to prove himself • remarkable strength of will The three witches . ● • can be seen to embody an unreasoning, inartistic evil or simply the instruments of fate Banquo also the subject of one of the three witches' prophecies unlike M., however, B. does not act to fulfill these prophecies relies on his better judgement + morals his ghost returns to haunt M. • . ● ● central to the tragedy because his existence + attitude towards the prophecy demonstrate that M. did have a choice Should students read Shakespeare in school? Pro: represent supernatural forces that form the catalyst to the events of the tragedy play upon M. ambition like puppeteers speak in rhyming couplets: this separates them from the other characters who mostly speak in blank verse • one of the most famous influential authors had huge influence on the English literature wrote a lot of high quality texts (timeless topics) ● ● . reflects culture + history • a lot of new literature is based on the ideas of Shakespeare Contra: • old English is very hard to understand immigrants have extra difficulties knowledge is not necessarily required ●