


Marie Curie







Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri
Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who
lived in France. She examined the radiation
from uranium compounds observed by Henri

Marie Curie She was a Polish physicist and chemist who lived in France. She examined the radiation from uranium compounds observed by Henri Becquerel in 1896 and coined the term "radioactivity" for it. With the help of her husbands own creation, the so called "piezoelectric electrometer", she was able to measure the electrical conductivity of air. In this way, they examined uranium compounds to find out, that the measured activity of the uranium-containing materials, are proportional to the amount of included Uranium. After Marie Curie found out, that Thorium has the same activity as Uranium, they discovered, that this unknown activity is caused by two different chemical elements. After she proved the first element, she named it after her homeland "Polonium". In the heading of her report, the word "radioactivity" was used for the first time. In the autumn of 1898, Marie Curie suffered from inflammation of her fingertips, which was a symptom for the so called "radiation illness". A sample of the second element was created 1898, which received the name "Radium" in December 1898. Marie Curie grew up in Poland, which was part of Russia at those times. As a woman who wasn't allowed to study there, she moved to Paris at the end of 1891 and began her studies at the Sorbonne, where she received a degree in physics and...

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mathematics. In December 1897 she began to research radioactive substances, which have been the focus of her scientific work ever since. She won a partial Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. So far, Marie Curie is the only woman who won several Nobel Prizes. After Linus Pauling, she is the only person who won Nobel Prizes in two different areas. Erde Erde I Erde In 1906 Marie Curie took over and started teaching instead of Pierre, because he died unexpectedly. Two years later she was finally appointed professor for general physics, created for him. She was the first female professor at the Sorbonne. When Marie Curie applied for a seat in the science academy in 1911 and her relationship with Paul Langevin became known that same year, some articles were published in the tabloids in which she was attacked personally as a stranger, intellectual, Jewish and strange woman. During the First World War, Marie Curie worked as a radiologist and treated wounded soldiers. She developed an X-ray truck that could perform radiological examinations near the front. She took the required technician and nurse qualification exam. After war, she joined the International Commission for Better Cooperation of the League of Nations in order to offer scientists better working conditions. At the Radium Institute in Paris, which she heads, she campaigned for the promotion of female and foreign students. In 1934 Marie Curie died of "anemia", which was probably caused by radioactivity. Marie Curie (1867- 1943) Marie Curie was born on November 7th, 1897 as Maria Salomea Sklodowska. She's the 5th and last child of Bronislawa and Wladyslaw Sklodowski, both were teachers. Her childhood and youth were shaped by difficult family, financial and political circumstances, because at that time Poland was occupied by Russian troops and was thus under Russian domination. As a result, polish culture was suppressed and it wasn't allowed to speak polish in school. Marie's father lost his job during this time and the family suffered further financial losses due to incorrectly invested money. Her mother was contracting tuberculosis, a contagious bacterial infectious disease, at those times. As Marie was ten years old, her mother died because of tuberculosis. Marie suffered from the loss of her mother and that's also why Marie was shy when she was young. At school, the young Marie was ambitious and hardworking and finally she graduated in 1883, at the age of 16, as the best of the school year. Marie was already interested in physics during her school days. Therefore it was her great desire to study - but she was denied this because women were not yet admitted to study at the time. That's why she acquired her own knowledge in a so-called "flying university". These institutions were privately organized meetings of young Poles at changing locations, where secret lectures were held and literature was read together. There Marie worked in a secret laboratory and began to be interested in research. Both she and her eldest sister Bronia wanted to study in France because women were allowed to study there. However, since the family had no money for it, Marie initially worked as an educator in 1885. So she financed her sister's medical studies in France. Six years later she followed her sister to Paris and was able to study mathematics and physics at the Sorbonne University, now with financial support from her. After successfully completing her first class in physics and second best in mathematics, she stayed in France and began doing research as a doctoral student for the physics professor Antoine Henri Becquerel. This is how she met the physicist Pierre Curie, whom she married on July 25, 1895 and with whom she later had two daughters. Through this marriage she received French citizenship and was henceforth Marie Curie. The Structure • Marie Curies Biography • Her Work Ethic • Her Way to University Her Scientific Career ● • The Collaboration with Pierre Curie ● The first and the second Nobel Prize • Her Work Results • Marie Curies Death ● ● She was a Polish physicist and chemist who lived in France. She examined the radiation from uranium compounds observed by Henri Becquerel in 1896 and coined the term "radioactivity" for it. With the help of her husbands own creation, the so called "piezoelectric electrometer", she was able to measure the electrical conductivity of air. In this way, they examined uranium compounds to find out, that the measured activity of the uranium-containing materials, are proportional to the amount of included Uranium. After Marie Curie found out, that Thorium has the same activity as Uranium, they discovered, that this unknown activity is caused by two different chemical elements. After she proved the first element, she named it after her homeland "Polonium". In the heading of her report, the word "radioactivity" was used for the first time. In the autumn of 1898, Marie Curie suffered from inflammation of her fingertips, which was a symptom for the so called "radiation illness". A sample of the second element was created 1898, which received the name "Radium" in December 1898. Marie Curie grew up in Poland, which was part of Russia at those times. As a woman who wasn't allowed to study there, she moved to Paris at the end of 1891 and began her studies at the Sorbonne, where she received a degree in physics and mathematics. In December 1897 she began to research radioactive substances, which have been the focus of her scientific work ever since. She won a partial Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. So far, Marie Curie is the only woman who won several Nobel Prizes. After Linus Pauling, she is the only person who won Nobel Prizes in two different areas. Erde Erde I Erde In 1906 Marie Curie took over and started teaching instead of Pierre, because he died unexpectedly. Two years later she was finally appointed professor for general physics, created for him. She was the first female professor at the Sorbonne. When Marie Curie applied for a seat in the science academy in 1911 and her relationship with Paul Langevin became known that same year, some articles were published in the tabloids in which she was attacked personally as a stranger, intellectual, Jewish and strange woman. Biography • Maria Salomea Sklodowski • Born on November 7th, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland • Died on July 4th, 1934 in Sancellemoz 5th child of Bronislawa and Waldyslaw Sklodowski Married with Pierre Curie • Sorbonne University in Paris Chemist and Physicist • Discovered Polonium and Radium During the First World War, Marie Curie worked as a radiologist and treated wounded soldiers. She developed an X-ray truck that could perform radiological examinations near the front. She took the required technician and nurse qualification exam. After war, she joined the International Commission for Better Cooperation of the League of Nations in order to offer scientists better working conditions. At the Radium Institute in Paris, which she heads, she campaigned for the promotion of female and foreign students. In 1934 Marie Curie died of "anemia", which was probably caused by radioactivity. Work Ethic • Able to read at the age of four Graduated in 1883 Acquired own knowledge in „flying university" Worked as an educator (1885) ● • Studied in Sorbonne University, Paris Her way to university • Loved school • Good achievements in school • local universities not attended by women Study abroad After school she gave privat tutoring lessons • Visited the ,,flying university" ● • October 1885 Governess in a family of lawyers in Warsaw ➤To earn money for university ● through a cousin she received illegal lessons in physics and chemistry • able to conduct experiments in a laboratory for the first time • She knew: this was what she wanted to do ● in life Scientific Career Study at the Sorbonne: • November 03rd, 1891 first lecture ● • A new world • Math and physics studies ● • investigated the magnetic properties of various metals physics professor introduced her to a French scientist who taught at the "School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry." • The head of the laboratory was Pierre Curie ● r Collaboration with Pierre Curie ● ● Met each other during scientific work Married on July 26th, 1895 She worked on ,,Change in magnetic properties of some steel types at different temperatures" • Next Goal: doctorate, which she received in 1903 with the award "très honorable" for her dissertation paper "Research on Radioactive Substances". • after Pierre's death, she was offered his teaching profession ● ● she was the only physicist in France who could complete his work with comparable competence. became the first female professor to teach at the Sorbonne ● • During research, she encountered excessive radiation intensity in the metal compounds "Pechblende" and "Chalkolith". ● The first Nobel Prize ● used the term "radioactivity" for the first time in 1898 • named her discovered element ,,Polonium" discovered another element: ,,Radium" • won the first Nobel Prize in 1903 KONGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN þar nið sitt sammarbydrae Nov. Hesign med forene af ALFRED NOBEL den 27 November 1525 upprättade testa mer-beslutat un dela hilken af et pro som en år borgtoes in den com inom fyockene vunde har gon ben vangaste uppoarte viter uppmung nili PIERRE CURIE OCH HANS HUSTRU FRU MARIE CURIE våren en erlunnande af den utruschet gafast beinlagı genom situ pauniscom uriera arts weanbe or af Professor Hean Bequer upproacia strillmungote momenten. Stockholm 10 December 1905 R. Findin Kas Vie As-Pa the Anvivillia Pitchblende sample • During her research, she encountered ● excessive radiation intensity in this metal compound. • She found out that there must be more radioactivity in pitchblende than in uranium. She isolated the elements they precipitated the inactive elements using chemical techniques. ● ● 40 50 The second Nobel Prize KUNGLIGA SVENSKA VETENSKAPS-AKADEMIEN har sat samaanteide den 72 tema de af ALFRED NOBEL den 27 November 1805 upprtinade tratade utat at ofoorlana nevarande är bort det pris gifest den som har gjort den vilgate lemnl uppraciet efter forbimring n MARIE SKLODOWSKA CURIE såsom ett erfinnande för den för. inst hon inlagt om kemiens utvec ting genom uppeldten af grundäm nena radium och polonium-genom karalariserandet af mdium och dag isolerande i metallipler tillstånd sunt genom sina undersekningar angense data maridiga prindano foreningac Mockholm den 10 December dere SW Dally Nam Vi Tome • Marie Curie continued her research on the chemical properties of radioactive substances. • began to isolate polonium and radium until their existence could be clearly demonstrated under the spectroscope. ● • For this work she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. Work Results • Examined radiation from uranium • Thorium has the same activity >Caused by two chemical elements ,,radioactivity" Partial Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 • Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1911 ● ● Marie Curies Death • She died on July 04, 1934 • Died at the age of 66 ● • She died because of the radioactive radiation to which she had been exposed for years. • Anemia Sources https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marie Curie https://m.hausarbeiten.de/document/103731 https://www.br.de/kinder/naturwissenschaftlerin-marie-curie-eine- 100.html#:~:text=Marie%20Curie%20forscht%20weiter%20und,dazu frau-zwei-nobelpreise-kinder-lexikon- %20in%20zwei%20verschiedenen%20F%C3%A4chern • https://www.chemie.de/lexikon/Entdeckung des Radiums.html ● Thanks for your attention and time!