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that goe
bit beyond
the article
English test nb. 2
Dear friend from Australia,
in the following I
that goe
bit beyond
the article
English test nb. 2
Dear friend from Australia,
in the following I
that goe
bit beyond
the article
English test nb. 2
Dear friend from Australia,
in the following I
that goe
bit beyond
the article
English test nb. 2
Dear friend from Australia,
in the following I

prep W gr qr expr a that goe bit beyond the article English test nb. 2 04.12.2020 Mecliation Dear friend from Australia, in the following I will explain to you what You Now' is all about. I found this information in the article. OM users access to a deutsch-girl in Echtzeit", written by Alexander Demling. and Ann-Kathrin Netzik, published in the Spiegel newspaper. from 2015. The text deals with the dangers of You Now' and explains the concept. ✓ Cintroduction, whiche "You Now' is a live-stream platform, where people gain. global audience by letting see every single thing they do in real time. Entertaining their users is done by playing games and making up new ones... Streamers film. themselves just to feel like the main. character for a moment. Every action you see on 'YouNow? happens just in the moment. Some people think that this. platform is dangerous for teens, because an own account is not needed to watch other people's livestreams. e All in all, most teens clo not even know who is lead to pedophiles stalking watching them, which can them and maybe even influence these young people. 166 words. fel in all a really good muschiations заве comment - Brainstorming Pro -people feel less lonely - there is an escape from the real world! --people can stay in touch. - Influencer and their fans. can play games,... together comment s os Contra - Pedophiles can watch young people Internet user clo not need an own profile Parents can't control their Children...

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and can't keep them. Safe content is not controlled. right winged parties could. inflevence people. GOREMESS A few years ago. the platform You Now' become a popular thing. It is discussed ghow. be by many people. The in Echtzeit, written by Alexander the Spiegel ・girl Demling and Ann-Kathrin Netzik fre newspaper even says, that 'You Now' is nowhere outsiche that the US this popular than it is in Germany. But can why? Isn't it dangerous to let people watch you in real time on You Now? Why young people film them. selves without any security guiclelines? 'You Now' may be a good platform to make people kes feel less lonely. Especially cluring this pandemic the feeling. Started to dangerous this website can article deutsch- w.dr. ✓ thinking in the German population. In conclusion, the usage of 'You Now' is very dangerous punct and always will be. It is important to protect teenagers in the internet and tell them about the dangerous aspects. of filming themselves and letting foreign people take a look at their lives. In my opinion, it is safe that You-Now' should be forbidden for people. unclear to say that are underaged because their mindset is still developing gr than and can easily influenced by bad people. There are so many other ways to interact act with other s using "You Now". Remember to stay safe and do not let other people take a deep look into life. It is for you. not only dangerous. and family too. your but fore Illud that На сами argumentation. f your friends includedt panclemit in your you All in all and written comoment with many a very well structurel convincing arguments. I =0 J7DE Practice text 1 An internet trend UNDERSTANDING THE TASK An Australian friend saw an advertisement in a magazine for an internet streaming platform called 'YouNow. He also found out that this platform has become quite popular in Germany and the US. He would like to know from you what 'YouNow' is all about. You did some research on the internet and found the following article. Write an email to your friend and explain to him the concept of YouNow' Write about 150 words but do Exercises 2 and 3 first as preparation for your final text. ,deutsch-girl" in Echtzeit Auf der Streaming-Plattform YouNow lassen sich Teenager von Fremden live ins eigene Zimmer schauen. Eltern sind ratlos, Jugendschützer entsetzt. Doch ist die Aufregung berechtigt? Noch acht Fans fehlen Tarkan Günay, dann darf er sich einen Moment wie ein Star fühlen. ,,Wenn noch acht von euch meinen Kanal abonnieren, dann bekommt ihr meine Handynummer", ruft Günay, 18, in seine Webcam hinein. Noch sieben. Mann, abonniert meinen Kanal." Günay, braune Haartolle und kurz rasierte Schläfen, ist auf Sendung. Er ist auf YouNow, einer Online-Plattform, die ähnlich funktioniert wie YouTube - nur live. 700 Menschen schauen dem jungen Mann aus Hessen dabei zu, wie er im Gestus eines Teleshopping- Verkäufers um Zuschauer buhlt und zwischendurch einen Handstand auf seinem Bett aufführt. YouNow ist der internethype der Stunde. 13-, 15-, 18-Jährige machen sich dort selbst zum Programm. Sie lesen die Kommentare anderer Nutzer vor. Sie denken sich Ratespiele aus, sie posen und flirten. Hunderte schauen ihnen dabei mitunter zu, oft auch nur ein paar Dutzend. Die Plattform ist wie Reality-TV, abzüglich der ausgedachten Dialoge und inszenierten Skandale - und ohne Dramaturgie. Die Währung auf YouNow ist Aufmerksamkeit, abgerechnet wird in Likes der Zuschauer [...] Tatsächlich hat YouNow eine neue Qualität, weil das Portal einen Sprung auf der Skala des sorglosen Umgangs mit der eigenen Privatsphäre macht. Jeder kann den mitunter erst 12-Jährigen dort anonym ins Kinderzimmer gucken. Nicht zeitversetzt wie auf YouTube, nicht in Form von Fotos wie auf Instagram. YouNow kombiniert Bewegtheit und Echtzeit. Um zuzuschauen, muss man sich nicht einmal anmelden. [...] Das wirft große Fragen auf: Wo sind die Grenzen der freiwilligen Selbstentblößung? Können medienunmündige Eltern ihre gesetzlich unmündigen Sprösslinge überhaupt noch lenken? Aber auch die Frage danach, ob hinter jeder Möglichkeit zur Spannerei gleich ein Perverser stecken muss. [...] Wohl nirgendwo außerhalb der USA ist die Plattform so beliebt wie hierzulande. (300 Wörter) Alexander Demling und Ann-Kathrin Nezik, Der Spiegel, 2015 5 10 20 -Live-streaming platform -you gain access to a global audience -People try to entertain foreign users by playing games Gaining views and feeling like an influencer is the main clea •Everything you see on your boy! happens just in the moment- - Internet user don't account to shares to makR people.