


mindmap Australia







- animals that live in Australia
C7 Dingo, red Kangaroo, Wallaby, Koala, Wombat,
Sugar glider, Dugong, Platypus, Tasmanian devil
- na

nature - animals that live in Australia C7 Dingo, red Kangaroo, Wallaby, Koala, Wombat, Sugar glider, Dugong, Platypus, Tasmanian devil - natural sights: > Uluru wolds largest monolith • huge rock -sacred by Aborigines. • oval shaped • located in the Australian Outback • surrounded by deserts •can change it's color depending The Great Barrier Reef: on the weather • located on the coast of Queensland •·one of the seven world wonders • great tourist attraction L> perfect for snorkeling is in danger because of water pollution -weather: • very dry and not (40-50°C in Summar) - wet season is from November - April L> forest fires are the result. - about 93% of Australian Flora and fauna species can't be. found anywhere else - Australia is one of the varied landscapes on earth -deserts, coral reefs, snow-capped peaks of the Australian Alps, tropical rainforests - rural areas: -Sydney L>- biggest city of Austraŭa ∙in New South Wales Canberra L>-capital city of Australia ∙in New South Wales urulu Ayers Rock Great Barrier Reef ·Sights. geography -six states - surrounded by indian ocean and pacific ocean area 7,686,850 km² - coastline →→ 59,681 km. -higest point → Mount Kosciuszko (2,228 m) - capital → Canberra one of the larges counties on earth australia places ↳ Sydney Opra - musik making shells." ·by an danish architect in 1956 · took 16 years to built History - 50,000 - 40,000 b.C. Aborigines came to Australia - 1770 James Cook discovered Australia and claimed it by order of King...

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George III of England -1788 first convicts arrived, many of them died. - 1793 first free settlers came to Australia -1860 Robert Burke and William Wills lead an expedition which crossed Australia •1901 the colonies were united and the formed commonwealth of Australia -1901-1939 half aboriginal children were taken away from their families and brought to orphanages or white foster families →Harbour Bridge • heaviest and widest arch bridge in the world. •built from 1923-1932 · complete length: 1.149m -1945-2000 5,9 Mio. immigrants settlers in Flustralia after world war I -1963 Aborigines got full civil rights of them the Flag Aborigines -nativ people of Australia - For around 50.000 years on the continent -"Aborigine" derives from. Ly, from the beginning the Latin " ab origine" -setteld on the coast, inland ca. 500 tribes with ca. 500-700 people -before the Europeans arrived > 500 000-700'000 Aborigines L> Briten setteld Australia and the population of the Aborigines went down to 80.000 because of diseases, persecution and destruction of the enviroment. -today 300 000 - 400.000 Aborigines live in Australia australian population 52% of the - just a few lives like before many have adapted to the modern way of life > For example clothing, food and profession