


Modern Media







modem media
- Surveillance (USA) —
reality show. → Consequence, future, aspect
dystopian and utopian D
Modern Media
・problems, fro: con

modem media - Surveillance (USA) — reality show. → Consequence, future, aspect dystopian and utopian D Modern Media ・problems, fro: con Oral exam. The term new media is particularlyy important for electronic devices, such as computes,. smartphones and tablets, which providle users with access to the Internet, and thus enable interactivity Modern Media in School using Packs + Environmental protection Learn platforms •mare Informations projects, homework afc. • easier for teachers + more varety. promoting educational action boost collaborativ Learning (tack board) parental Involvement + Emails etc. • Distance Learning opportunities Surveillance 1 Cartoon. Analyse. 2. Discussion •Communication, all over the world. 20 ( new friends, Job charce Economy •more help a Google etc. • forker Informations /Newspapes opp •home office. more chance to prevent Suicide & anonym help, •Crowdspurcing. Just six weeks after the september M attacks, a panicked Congress passed the "USA/Pation Act, on overnight revision of the nation's Surveillance laws that vastly expanded the government's authority to say on its own citizens, while simultaneously reducing checks cinc balances on those paver's like fuclical oversight, public accountability, and the ability to challenge goverment Searches in Cait. Con • another really feeling. hackers cyberbulling / cliscrimination · Lloge to be up to clate • no real contacts 40 unknow if the person is who he tells to be faker huge platform for hamaphobic sexism, Paedophile etc. fake news ·canger and Trigges for young people or Certain groups (psychical) •posts cannot be entirely. deleted Pro Coo •video camera's in public student's could feel places Protection imprisoned and traped • invasion of privacy 4 stridents and teacher...

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· Coasts of school security teachers will be Cameras and systems Controlled (Justice) •Cant stop a crime •more fairness, when its happening graces can be •Could affect the checked Concentration no chieding in texts "improofments of" bullying ::usful tips from other teachers