


Mother To Mother - Townships







located in Capetown
living in shacks (less stable in Guguletu)
• lack of space and privacy
illustrate th
located in Capetown
living in shacks (less stable in Guguletu)
• lack of space and privacy
illustrate th

Blouvlei ● ● ● · ● both ● . located in Capetown poverty living in shacks (less stable in Guguletu) • lack of space and privacy illustrate the effects of apartheid politics very poor education ● ● ● ● ● Guguletu • they live in a tiny space so they compare themselves to a can of sardines township was not ready to be lived in work a lot: 6 days a week parents work for white people - nor time to look after own children / different family dynamics than in Blouvlei • many people are forced to live in Guguletu -> not allowed to be in places like Blouvlei anymore due to apartheid • left to their own devices to figure out how to survive high rate of vandalism/criminality -> unsafe constant sense of fear living there / feel separated / loss of communal sense / sometimes families are torn apart to live there / people hate it there educational problem even though there are many schools ● friendly / peaceful / comfortable feeling of home people know each other very well -> look out for each other/help each other only one school, but no educational problem parents are involved in their childrens' lives -> connected to their children home of white Africans / old home of black Africans who were driven off by Whites ● people from Guguletu are employed for housekeeping jobs etc. shacks were built by themselves ● black people...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

lived there because they wanted to, not because they were forced to have sport facilities such as rugby -> good social life Blouvlei ● ● ● · ● both ● . located in Capetown poverty living in shacks (less stable in Guguletu) • lack of space and privacy illustrate the effects of apartheid politics very poor education ● ● ● ● ● Guguletu • they live in a tiny space so they compare themselves to a can of sardines township was not ready to be lived in work a lot: 6 days a week parents work for white people - nor time to look after own children / different family dynamics than in Blouvlei • many people are forced to live in Guguletu -> not allowed to be in places like Blouvlei anymore due to apartheid • left to their own devices to figure out how to survive high rate of vandalism/criminality -> unsafe constant sense of fear living there / feel separated / loss of communal sense / sometimes families are torn apart to live there / people hate it there educational problem even though there are many schools ● friendly / peaceful / comfortable feeling of home people know each other very well -> look out for each other/help each other only one school, but no educational problem parents are involved in their childrens' lives -> connected to their children home of white Africans / old home of black Africans who were driven off by Whites ● people from Guguletu are employed for housekeeping jobs etc. shacks were built by themselves ● black people lived there because they wanted to, not because they were forced to have sport facilities such as rugby -> good social life