


Narrative perspective







Analyse of the narrative perspective
Key message of the paragraph
Facts/quotes that ilustrate that
How to quote?
Analyse of the narrative perspective
Key message of the paragraph
Facts/quotes that ilustrate that
How to quote?

D Analyse of the narrative perspective D • structure, 5 Key message of the paragraph ⇓ Facts/quotes that ilustrate that point How to quote? Ed etates clearly that he isn't content with his Life: "No reau career". (p.40). ⇓ Explain how your evidence support. the point sentence beginning. The first thing I point out.... Firstly.... • Moreover.... •Another point is.... • A futher aspect is- • Also an important point is.... •All in all-, to conclude- interpretation: •It becomes clear that... •As a consequence.... •This shows.... it indicates that.. This results.. Effect on the reader. • the reader becomes interested, wants to know how the story will go on • he feels involved • reader starts to doubt... I is unsure about. creates that.. • he feels that so has a story to tell he learns about the thoughts / feelings identifies with one character, feels compession, has the feeling of know more about.. than about- •the reader wonders.. / asks himself- reliable unreliable Narrative perspective. Third-person omniscient narrator → tells the story from outside →Knows about the characters thoughts and feelings as well as the background of the story (→ comments on the characters behaviour) Third-person limited narrator →seems to tell the story from outside → knows about the feelings and thoughts of one character but is not identical with the character First-person narrator →narrator is identical with the character → brings the reader close to the feelings and thoughts of one character reader gets only to know what that character knows

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