


Narrative perspective







The narrative perspective in 'The Road'.
--Content and present through the narrator
→heterodigetic narrator: outside of the realm of the r

r The narrative perspective in 'The Road'. --Content and present through the narrator →heterodigetic narrator: outside of the realm of the ruined World, but appaiently chances voices throughout the worl narrator mostly functions from a third pesar limited por, clis playing the thoughts of one character (the ferther), but also operates from a third-person omniscent por -s in Latter parts of the book the authorical view stays with the boy's perspective and is used to illuminate mo- merb of morality -McCarthy's narative style sometimes even shifts to the perspective of a first-person narrator - the reader learns what the characters are observing, but never what they are thinking and feeling The third-person omniscent in the Road' allows McCarthy of freedom: he can wander from a lot one character to another, to more objective descriptions of a setting, and to lyric descriptions such as only he as an auther would write them. 7 24.06.20 IL

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