Narrative Perspective and Modes of Presentation
This page provides a comprehensive overview of narrative perspective types and their impact on storytelling. It begins by defining narrative perspective as the position the narrator takes within a story, which influences how much information is available to both the narrator and the reader.
The text distinguishes between the author and the narrator:
- The author is a real-life person who uses a third-person point of view and is not identical to the narrator.
- The narrator is the voice or character telling the story, using either first or third person, with a limited or unlimited perspective.
The document then delves into specific narrative perspective examples:
First-Person Narrator
A first-person narrator is characterized by:
- Being identical to a character in the story, usually the main character or a minor one.
- Using "I" and "me" to tell the story.
- Having a limited perspective based on personal experiences.
- Providing a subjective viewpoint.
Highlight: First-person narration brings the reader close to the feelings and thoughts of one character, facilitating easy identification and empathy.
Example: "I walked into the room, my heart pounding with anticipation."
Third-Person Narrator
Third-person narrators are not characters in the story and refer to characters using "she," "he," "they," or names.
Definition: A third-person narrator tells the story from outside the action and is not visible within the narrative.
The text further distinguishes between two types of third-person narrators:
Third-Person Omniscient Narrator (Unlimited Point of View):
- Knows everything about characters' thoughts, feelings, and backgrounds.
- Can enter characters' minds at will.
- Can comment on events and character behavior.
- Has knowledge of past and future events.
Third-Person Limited Narrator (Limited Point of View):
- Presents everything through one character's perspective.
- Has insight into only one character's thoughts and feelings.
- Is not identical to the character.
Vocabulary: Omniscient - all-knowing; having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding.