


Netflix documentation "das Dilemma mit den sozialen Medien"







The new thing I learned is...
That for social media - because the companies sell your data - it basically means that you as a
consumer are t

The new thing I learned is... That for social media - because the companies sell your data - it basically means that you as a consumer are the product and I never saw it that way. Because those companies like Facebook, Instagram etc. sell you to advertisers as their product. That the swipe down function works like a slot machine. It makes addictive That social media companies have techniques to get your attention and to seduce/manipulate you. For example, the swipe down function on most social medias (for you page on TikTok, Feed on most others) works like a slot machine that makes you addictive. They have algorhythms that calculate what exactly to show you. Especially on YouTube and Facebook. They know where you are, who you are with, who/what you like, ...even what brand your toothpaste was this morning. When you get tagged in a photo on social media, you receive an e-mail to notify you that you got tagged, but the e-mail doesn't contain the photo in it and the reason for that is that they are sending you the email to get you to open the app and hopefully stay on it even after you saw this photo. And in comparison, to products like a bicycle, Social media is not...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

a tool but it's a thing demanding things from you and getting your attention. I also always thought, that when you google something, you get suggestions based on what was googled the most, but you actually get suggestions based on your interests and locations. Social Media caused that the new generation has a much larger percentage of depression, self- hatred and even suicide. "We live in a world where a whale is worth dead than alive"