


New York







A sightseeing tour through Manhatten
The Statue of Liberty is called "the Lady" and stands in N.Y. harbour. It's a symbol of f

NEW YORK A sightseeing tour through Manhatten york The Statue of Liberty is called "the Lady" and stands in N.Y. harbour. It's a symbol of freedom and peace. The Empire State Building is the 2nd highest skyscraper in N.Y. (with 381m). Highest is the One World Trade Center with a height of 541 metres. Central Park is the only big park in Manhatten. It's 4km long and you can go jogging, skating, you can relax there or have a picnic. Rockefeller Center was built in the 3Dies and there are offices, restaurants and shops now - a - days. Times Square got it's name from the N.Y. Times Building. You always get the latest information there. Macy's is the world's largest department store. Madison Square Garden is one of the greatest sports and entertainment centres. In Chinatown live lots of Chinese people and you can find their shops and restaurants there. Wallstreet is the financial centre of the USA. Ellis Island "the island of tears" was an immigration point in the past. Today it's a museum. The U.N.- Building is a place where the United Nations meet and have their headquarters. It's on neutral grounds. Brooklyn Bridge connects Manhatten with Brooklyn. Fifth Avenue leads from the north to the south of Manhatten and divides it into WEST...

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SIDE and EAST SIDE. The Broadway is famous for its theatres and lights at night. Maybe you can start your career as an artist here.