


Newspaper article - Analysis (Aufbau)







LERNZETTEL ENGLISCH - Newspaper article
Year /where?
The article
published in
the year 2021, by (an
LERNZETTEL ENGLISCH - Newspaper article
Year /where?
The article
published in
the year 2021, by (an

ASUMMARY Introduction LERNZETTEL ENGLISCH - Newspaper article Title Author Year /where? Theme The article published in the year 2021, by (an unknown author) on the website... deals with in the (newspaper). & only important facts} 2. ANALYSIS main part Analyze the author's position and the means used to convince the reader. FOCUS ON → Structure, line of argument, Stylistic devices, choice of words Begin of the analysis: Thesis statement To convince the reader that ... and to state his opinion that... he makes use of stylistic devices and language. Structure / line of arguments/language Something special about the headline? - Is the article easy to follow? - Analyse paragraph by paragraph (W-questions) examples from other areas of life mentioning facts and figures andlogy argument- statistical /facts arguments argument with reference to emotions choice of words -tone &grammar techniques > general mood, Peeling, attitude -> formal, informa personal statements of people affected by what is presented positive connotations negative STYLISTIC DEVICES Alliteration → repetition of letters [bigger box ] Effect: emphasize the words to clarify the point of view... LERNZETTEL ENGLISCH - Newspaper Article Anaphora repetition at the beginning of a sentence [Today we... Today is the] Effect: make the point more realistic & understandable. Group of three [your openness, hospitality, and generosity "} Effect: related ideas Metaphor ["I have a broken heart"] Effect: Creates an image for the audience -maues the description more powerful. Imagery/Qude / Quote → Qude live a Metaphor "/my friends" Effect: Create a sense of unity/including the audience "live" or "as" Inclusive...

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language we simile Effect: make his article more lively by evoking images in the head of the audience. Personification → [ the sun is shining "J CONCLUSION → SUM UP your findings →). Is your thesis statement correct? All in all, To sum up, In conclusion,