









مسمى منعسلهم
Alliteration: Words having the same first letters
Anaphora: Verses having the Same beginning
Climax Development of words, incre

مسمى منعسلهم Alliteration: Words having the same first letters Anaphora: Verses having the Same beginning Climax Development of words, increase Contrast:Opposite words to underline differences Ellipsis: Leaving out words for dynamic, emotionality, suspense Enjambement: Sentence continues in the next verse Nigeria 4 line: 1.5 more lines: II. 2-5 following lines: II. 10 ff. History of Nigeria - there has always been diversity,even 1100 BC - different civilisations had their own traditional religions -people cultivated their land and grew a variety of crops - 15th century the global slave trade led to chaos -made decisions - European paid local people to provide them with slaves -British stayed in Africa, even after abolishing slave trade - Nigerians fought for self-governance →→→ middle of the 20th century call for independence led to Independence -1963: federal republic with a new constitution -country was still divided into 3 regians (Yoruba,lgbo, Hausa) -military coups led to Nigeria being ruled by military -government didn't accept declaration of independence -known for oil industry; companies extract oil -called "Giant of Africa" due to size and population -high corruption rate,religious festivals -headlines about terrorists scare potential investors Enumeration: Words following each other Euphemism: Word used to avoid saying an offensive word Hyperbole:Creates heightened effect through exaggeration drong: Saying sth. without meaning it Metaphor:makes a comparison between things Neologism:finding new terms for something Onomatopoeia: Words that include sounds similar to noises Parallelism:Using the same syntactical structure on-fictional text Introduction:...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

transition from Summary, main message Main part: header. line of argument, language and stylistic devices Analyzing a register choice of words style tone a non- IBO: plain,natural,matter-of-fact,clear, precise,brief, fluent, passionate, elegant,artificial,wordy,monotonous,cliché-ridden lengthy, clumsy humorous, playful, colloquial, depressive, serious, celebrative, critical, (=vorwurfsvoll) ironic,sarcastic, optimistic, aggressive, reproachful, informative, honest L + persuasive techniques: Evidence, attacks, inclusive/exclusive language +stylistic devices Conclusion:sum up the main aspects Personification: Seems like human beings Reference: referring to something Repetition: Words repeating themselves Rhetorical Question:Questions with known answer Simile:Things being compared to each other Symbol: Thing standing for something Understatement:Statement making sth. less important +paratax/hypotax, appeals, quotations, superlatives, pronouns slang,colloquial, everyday English, (in)formal,poetic, sophisticated. technical terms, scientific, religious, metaphorical denotations, connotations, keywords, figurative/literal meaning of words, euphemisms, synonyms -Strong.independent freethinkers -south-east -women have a voice strong and independant -king has no overall power→→→democratic -dominant religion: Christianity with traditional African influences improving education,but lack of education regional disparities (urban vs.rural) unemployment economic growth poverty human/woman's rights SNIG ERIA large young generation voices their speak with dynamic opinion power well-known authors (give Nigeria a voice) Nollywood (film industry) -cultural value: fairness and honesty -work in agriculture/business capable traders -factors contributing to situation no overall control by British colonists possible due to democratic tradition tish colonists: Muslims stopped Christians going north British colonists, slavery cultural/ ethnic challenges YORUBA: -dominant in south-western Nigeria -open to new spiritual realm → easily influenced -hierarchy: "Oba" are head, absolute authority -corruption HAUSA: -dominate north of Nigeria -religion Islam -"Emirs": absolute rulers in terms of religion and politics-their word is law - women have no rights, no education, they stay home-Yoruba men: authority at home -work in agriculture→→→live in small villages sur--polygamous family model, mostly in rural areas rounded by farms -religion: Christianity and Islam; complex pantheon -men have a polygamous family, have mistresses of traditional gods and deities -factors contributing to situation domination by Bri--factors contributing to situation: domination by westem edu- cation is for. bidden crime/Boko Haram kidnapped over 1000 students failure of leadership killed over 30.000 splilled in 2 groups #End SARS: SARS special anti robbery squad, thats violent against human rights, being accused of assault, robbery and kidnapping, dissolved the unit but replaced it with another is a movement that protests against the squad,popular on social media name, #End SARS Spreaded to the borders government didn't do enough against Boko Haram been said ARY Conclusion: Sum up what has MM SUof text, topic.date →Main part: Relevant facts Introduction: author, title, type