









Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun
Lk eng 12/II.2
4. Klausur
Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria
Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun

Lk eng 12/II.2 4. Klausur Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of the Yellow Sun Annotations: 1.9 1. 16 1. 16 1.25 1.26 1.46 1.49 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.62 1.63 1.63 [135 Min.] Assignments: 1. Briefly summarise this excerpt from Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel in your own words [AFB I - Comprehension] 2. Analyse how the author characterises the boy Ugwu and his master highlighting their differing lives. [AFB II- Analysis] Name: 3. Write Ugwu's diary entry on the first evening at his new job. In doing so, cover the following matters: his personal experiences of that day, his first impressions, his thoughts and feelings. [AFB III- Evaluation/Creation of text] choked with (adj.) - here: full of tarred (adj.) - having a surface of tar to itch to do s.th. [infml.] here: to want to do s.th. very much heady (adj.) making you feel excited and confident corrugated iron - dt.: Wellblech singlet (n.) a sleeveless undershirt slanted (adj.) 12-6-2020 compound (n.) - property to mold to shape a soft substance (like mud) into a particular form sloping oblivious (adj.) - not aware of s.th. complexion (n.) - skin colour bark (n.) the outer covering of a tree lustrous (adj.)- soft and shining (novel extract) Please, deal with the assignments in the given order and try to find appropriate introductions and endings to each answer. Always support your findings with references and/or quotations from the text and quote properly,...

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giving line references. Good luck! - 1- и nawaler Exam No. 4 Voices from the African Continent- Focus on Nigeria Assignment 1 The excerpt from Chimamand Ngozi Adichie's novel "Half of a yellow Sun, which was published in 2006, takes place in Nigeria 1960s. It deals with the labo bog Ugwu who travels to Nsukka with his aunt to become houseboy for the in the whom a Z professor Odenigbo. The author describes the boy's thoughts and impressions as he prepares for his Seite 1 Datum: June 12, 20x new Ugwu's aunt describes Odenigbo, maste as they refer to as a little стачу to predict what her nephew's life Nsukka will be like. ," and disorganized and tries well kept gardens and As the boy's family is less privileged and lives in a bush village, rather than a civilized, more progressive area of Nigeria, Ugwn is stunned by the new impressions of the city. The authos mentions his disbelick about the colors of the houses, the is expected of the Furthermore, the aunt in Sweet smells announces what bez voicing her Konzept und Layout: Europaschule Troisdorf Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier 2 expectation that he will learn everything fast and always respad to his master with "Yes, sah!" Initially, it was the woman's to suggest he nephew as idea houseboy for the professor while she was cleaning the university. Ugwu promises to follow directions and learn fast in his new job. However, it is mentioned that "for longs for the familiarity of his hometown. brief moment" he The two charactes reach Master's is Seite house afte very does introduced not a a long walk where Ugwa is not to him. The man responsive to his new houseboy and greet_ him and his aunt while armchair a wide" he sits in After Ugurn is introduced him, Odenighe merely reacts by asking the child?" lo to 2002. conclusion, the except provides descriptions of the three charactes and presents information about Ugwen's situation. Land feelings, as well as his personal background. => heine Jilate ni AFRI { { 5 56 10 15 20 25 30 Lk eng 12/11.2 4. Klausur [135 Min.] Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Half of a Yellow Sun (2006) Half of a Yellow Sun takes place in Nigeria in the 1960s and concerns the events of the Nigerian Civil War (also called the Biafran War) and the years preceding it. The novel begins when Ugwu, an Igbo boy from a bush village, goes to Nsukka to work as a houseboy for Odenigbo, a professor and radical. 12-6-2020 aund. insone, not Master was a little crazy; he had spent too many years reading books overseas, talked to himself in his office, did not always return greetings, and had too much hair. Ugwu's aunty said this in a low voice as they walked on the path. "But he is a good man," she added. "And as long as you work well, you will good man eat well. You will even eat meat every day." [...] take shaped like slender hills. The lawn glistened. Butterflies hovered above. very put together care of Ugun Ugwu did not believe that anybody, not even this master he was going to live with, ate meat every day. He did not disagree less-privledged background with his aunty, though, because he was too choked with expectation, too busy imagining his new life away from the village. They had been walking for a while now, since they got off the lorry at the motor park, and the afternoon sun burned the back of his neck. But he did not mind. He was prepared to walk hours more in even hotter sun. He had never seen anything like the streets that appeared after they went past the university gates, streets so smooth and tarred that he itched to lay his cheek down on them. He would never be able to describe to his sister overwhelmed, in disbelief Anulika how the bungalows here were painted the color of the sky and sat side by side like polite well-dressed men, how the hedges separating them were trimmed so flat on top that they looked like tables wrapped with leaves. nervous, curious strong-willed, determined impressed stunned His aunty walked faster, her slippers making slap-slap sounds that echoed in the silent street. Ugwu wondered if she, too, could feel the coal tar getting hotter underneath, through her thin soles. [...] He smelled something sweet, heady, as they may new impressions. walked into a compound, and was sure it came from the white flowers clustered on the bushes at the entrance. The bushes were "I told Master you will learn everything fast, osiso-osiso,"ount has high expectatione his aunty said. Ugwu nodded attentively although she had pressured already told him this many times, as often as she told him the but determined, eager to learn, attentive well-behaved 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 story of how his good fortune came about: While she was sweeping the corridor in the mathematics department a week ago, she heard Master say that he needed a houseboy to do his cleaning, and she immediately said she could help [...]. "I will learn fast, Aunty," Ugwu said. He was staring at the self-confident car in the garage; a strip of metal ran around its blue body like a necklace. "Remember, what you will answer whenever he calls you is Yes, sah!" "Yes, sah!" Ugwu repeated. ->listens C good They were standing before the glass door. Ugwu held back s from reaching out to touch the cement wall, to see how different impression, nunctalie it would feel from the mud walls of his mother's hut that still bore the faint patterns of molding fingers. For a brief moment, he wished he were back there now, in his mother's hut, under the longs for familiarity forn dim coolness of the thatch roof; or in his aunty's hut, the only one in the village with a corrugated iron roof. His aunty tapped on the glass. Ugwu could see the white curtains behind the door. A voice said, in English, "Yes? Come in." mell used From: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Half of a Yellow Sun, 2006, pp. 3-4. They took off their slippers before walking in. Ugwu had never seen a room so wide. Despite the brown sofas arranged in a semicircle, the side tables between them, the shelves crammed with books, and the center table with a vase of red and white plastic flowers, the room still seemed to have too much space. Master sat in an armchair, wearing a singlet and a pair of shorts. apposarce He was not sitting upright but slanted, a book covering his face, as though oblivious that he had just asked people in. "Good afternoon, sah! This is the child," Ugwu's aunty said. Master looked up. His complexion was very dark, like old bark, and the hair that covered his chest and legs was a lustrous, pance darker shade. He pulled off his glasses. "The child?" "The houseboy, sah." to poverty -does- ->superior does Than -3- mira -R IT' Assignment 2 In this exceipt from the novel Why Half of the yellow Sun published in 2006, the author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie characterizes the boy Ugwu and his master Odenigbo. Their different behavior and personalities are strongly influenced by the environments in which they live as well as their personal role. no information To start off, there is giver about Ugwa's outward appearance. However, one boy as he ___ child (ep 1.61). clothes Ugwu belongs to the Igho people. Land an indigenous group is southeastern Nigeria, a bush village with his family before moving to Nsukka (op. introduction / lives in a hut with thatch His mother owns OWAS soof (cp. 11.47 f.) and his only hut "in the village with a coringated. roof" (1.49). Evidently, Ugwu grew up assume iron specific age. that he a young or is still referred to a is so different poor, under privileged environment. This results in him being extremly impressed when he first gets to see Nsukka and the master's house. His way of life is entirely foreign to the Seite Examples of this con young buy as it is from what is used to him stating that are lives in the Lk eng 12/11.2 Theme: Voices from the African Continent - Focus on Nigeria Text: Ch. N. Adichie: Half of a Yellow Sun (novel extract) Erwartungshorizont / Bewertungsbogen [→ Schreiben mit Leseverstehen (integriert)] I. Inhaltliche Leistung 1 3 samples Anforderungsbereich I (Comprehension) Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's novel in your own words. introduction (author/title/topic, etc.) / topical sentence(s)... • The text at hand is an excerpt from the novel "Half of a Yellow Sun" written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and was published in 2006 It is about a Nigerian boy, Ugwu, living under peer conditions and his aunt providing him with a job as a houseboy for a wealthy university professor named Odenigbo 4. Klausur ... the boy Ugwu: summary of extract including: not responsive character traits of his new boss way" Annred Ugwu's thoughts (febrs and expectations) about his new life description of the way to the compound and the compound as such explanation of how his aunt got him the job idea... description of the house/ room ide additional points: Summe 1. Teilaufgabe Name: • The excerpt tackles the topic of clashing worlds / ways of life in Nigeria contrasting the boy's situation in life with that of his boss. . ... his family: Anforderungsbereich II (Analysis) 2 the boy Ugwu and his master highlighting their differing lives. 1 introductory / topical sentence... 2 истіаф Л motivated. Summarise this excerpt from 12-6-2020 · throug Clts/impressions (conclusion) anivoument (role (dislele lor. Analyse how the author characterises max. Pkte outward features/ appearance Childhood nowold (seen as a child, 1. 65) aple / bush village (yo. 2.4) has an aunt with him (1.3) pesel medesprivileged max. Pkte MAA stunned, I imprened well-behared. Pkte 22 has a sister (11. 17/18) has a mother (1.45) ... his character as such: • very excited (11.9/10) extreusely. imaginative (11. 10f.) has not been out of his village really (11. 1/11) maive patient (11. 13/14) allentive amazed (11.1.) (71) meet expectation willing to learn (11. 30., 37 houp-willed (determined submissive (11. 40ff.) mature but homesich -> aunt's pressure but positive... (2) A 16 Pkte H he does 4 not believe that any body, even this to live with ate ment maste he every day "(11.7 f.). Ugun is so stunned that he expresses that he ". to describe pressure remains all Seite La was as a to bungalows here were painted the the sky "(11.17 f.). In way, Ugun's childhood results in him being naive, but also especiality curious and motivated. Moreover, one quickly realizes that the boy is strong-willed, determined and well-behaved. The fact that "he -prepared to walle more in even hotter sun" (11.13 f.) is hours "would 05 his sister -proof of this. Although his aunt has very high expectations and thus puts a lot of nephew lep. 1.30), Ugwa attentive and expresses that he eager to learn (cp.1.37) and will meet he the expectations that he is cenfronted. with. In addition, this suggests that he is self-confident young person with a a never was be able Anulika how the color of positive mindset. Despite seeming very mature, one lof the boy's young age feelings of homesickness (cp. 11. 46-49). In is reminded when he expresses Conclusion, Ugwu can be described. confident, well-behaved boy who undoubtedly believes that he will learn obtain the necessary skills to successfully do his new Melliadhi: divelite! midiselites Masahikfi-, nimump/.. also: a good man 5 6 malve fourly. mond 1 2 ... the master Odenigbo: euples outward features / appearance wearing a singlet (1.58) wearing shorts (1.58) very dark (11. 62f.) 3 4 his character as such: neutral: • talks to himself (11. 2f.) does not always return greetings (11. 3f.) can read (1.59) hairy chest and legs (11. 63f.) / too much hair (1.3) wearing glassos (1.64) biased: . a little crazy (1.1) has read too many books (1.2) details: • has an office (1.2) . concluding / summarising sentence... additional points: Summe 2. Teilaufgabe highlighting their differing lives / social positions (bey vs master); poor vs wealthy difference in education different environments / backgrounds different experiences of life/biographies Anforderungsbereich III (Creation of text) Write Ugwu's diary entry on 3 the first evening at his new job. [...] cover the following matters: his personal experiences of that day, his first impressions, his thoughts and feelings. The diary entry involves the date / day / time of writing a greeting, e.g.: Dear diary,... wealthy comptable exfestyle his personal experience, his first impressions of the residence of his future boss, his thoughts about his master as well as his feelings about - the new job, what libres.. - the environment and The student expresses Ugwu's • wishes The student writes Ugwu's diary entry in which he reports about not completely? saite dreams and/or miferienty lies to be beatent additional points: Summe 3. Teilaufgabe (3.2) anspant (palatiging high Handling, 3 only his looking ahead / to the future ... vide f no wach to ase.. nenous disapponited (fortunate Toom I mader's house the new employer as such... ward him to like me... behavions huy ereve, woth hand, a (y₁: 2. Summe: 1., 2. und 3. Teilaufgabe (PART A) 1 A (4) ✓ 2448 max. Pkte Pkte 1 18 18 ben 1 1 (2) 20 60 60 -2- 1602 erlauteur! Cuidonch? a not job. Despite being confronted. new impressions, the boy seems to remain positive. Odenigho, referred to professor The man has very dark skin which the author compares to old back" (11.62 f.), and 1-strous dark hair on his chest and legs. Furthermore, Ugwa's aunt states that he has "too hai (1.3). It is also. mentioned that he glasses (cp.1.64). During the master's first interaction in "a singlet and with Ugwn, he is dressed par of shorts (1.58). The reader is given any information on 13 their and makes much CA7 be Seite Datum: The professor lives in need to radical from Nsukka. wears Nsullca, Ugwa's description of the room (cp. 11.54-57) and in need of a the fact that he is houseboy (cp. 11. 35 f.) hints at him being quite wealthy, having a comfortable lifestyle. This might result in him acting. Lin a superior, consumptuous way Evidence found when he does not of this feel the and his aunt and seems him seem 5 June 12, 2021 as "Maste" is a Lage. a house propolx greet Одни oblivious to arrival (cp. 11.59 f.). This behavior rathe arrogand Konzept und Layout Europaschule Troisdorf Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier II. Darstellungsleistung/ sprachliche Leistung - Konkretisierung der Bewertungskriterien 1. Kommunikative Textgestaltung 1 Aufgabenbezug richtet seinen Text konsequent und explizit auf die Aufgabenstellung aus. Textformate ... beachtet die Textsortenmerkmale / Konventionen der jeweils geforderten Zieltextformate. 2 3 4 5 Textaufbau ... erstellt einen sachgerecht strukturierten / leserfreundlichen Text, u.a. durch sprachliche Verknüpfungen und Absätze als erkennbare Sinnabschnitte. Ökonomie ... gestaltet seinen Text hinreichend ausführlich, aber ohne unnötige Wiederholungen und Umständlichkeiten. Pkte Der Prüfling... Belegtechnik ... belegt seine Aussagen durch eine funktionale Verwendung von Verweisen und Zitaten. Summe 1 (1-5) 2. Ausdrucksvermögen / Sprachliche Mittel Der Prüfling ... 6 Eigenständigkeit ... löst sich vom Wortlaut des Ausgangstextes und formuliert eigenständig. 7 Allgemeiner und thematischer Wortschatz ... bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten allgemeinen und thematischen Wortschatzes. 8 Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatz ... bedient sich eines sachlich wie stilistisch angemessenen und differenzierten Textbesprechungs- und Textproduktionswortschatzes. 9 Satzbau ... bedient sich eines variablen und dem jeweiligen Zieltextformat angemessenen Satzbaus. Summe 2 (6-9) 3. Sprachrichtigkeit / Normen der sprachlichen Korrektheit 10 11 12 Wortschatz Grammatik Orthographie (i.e. Rechtschreibung und Zeichensetzung) Summe 3 (10-12) → Bewertungsschlüssel / Zuordnung der Punkte zu den Notenstufen: Note 1+ 1 1- 2+ 2 2- 3+ 3 3- 150 142 134 127 119 112-104-97- 143 135 128 120 113 105 98 90 Gesamtnote: 89- 83 seler gut (x) 4+ 82 - 75 4 74 - 68 max. Pkte 4- 5+ 5 67 60 59- 50 6 6 6 Pkte 88 12 2 12 12 6 30 30 6 Summe: Darstellungs- & sprachliche Leistung 90 86 Summe: Inhaltliche (1) und sprachliche Leistung (II) 150 36 (1x) 6 4 4 30 28 max. Pkte Pkte 6 5 6 8 8 10 0 30 28 max. Pkte Pkte 5- 6 49 40 29- 41 30 0 16.6. noha 6 that he has spent too books overseas, did not always return greetings, and had too much hair "lep 11. 1-3). Thus, she indicates. that the professor is not very put-logether not completely and might is Seite The aunt portrays Odenigbe crazy" (1.1) and is of the opinion care of he obvious that G save. On the other hand, she emphasizes that he "good man " (1.5) who will take -goa nephew (cp. ll. 5 f.). It becomes. she is of Odenighe's high standing in suciety as she continuously cuen the Maste Gr talked to himself in his office, blankerung? reminds Ugun to be respectful and obedient. Despite sometimes seeming "crazy", the professor well-respected, in portant Taking everything isto actOSS 92 a356 peculiar person who is a at heart. He lives a man. can be described as account, good person prosperous wealthy life which results in his acting superior patronizingly towards others. Adichie the impact which the. have one's a unique, describes the opposite ways of the two characters and takes environment might one's personality into account. The master's superiority and Ugwa's inferiority becors quite clear and characterize not only 3 Assignment 3 Nsukku, October 6th, 1962 their behavice towords each other, but also their general reaction in this situation After long ride on the lorry, aunty and 1 arrived in Nsukka today in the afternoon. We had Land the to walk for a long time journey was kind of tiring. too busy to even notice However, I was how much my legs were was The They a a are the city! made of gravel. could write on them with out your body vibrating and stacking around. The houses painted in beautiful, bright colora and perfectly placed one next to the other... I wish she would love those colors ! I thought the city itself was impressive I was enough but when we got to Master's house, more stunned. Sweet-smelling flowers were planted in front of it and butterflies flying everywhere. It was like something you would see in dream. nervous to finally neet the bike hurting There much to see, touch, hear and smell streets are نک even Seite 1619 ㅋ not was even smooth that Anulika could be here. Oh how. master. Aunty has told me a lot about him. She thinks that he is she I think that is so Hell 8 Seite even cool! Maybe he will stories about it one day, does not seem to talk much at all. I came inside he did not. and did not seem to know little disappointed, but a very important, busy everything so he probably cannot remembor I really want him to like me and I want to best to be as helpful as I can. try my I made sure to stand up straight and look him in the eyes the entire time, just like Aunty told me to It seems crazy that I live here although he When Aunty and Say hello I was. I was little crazy but also said that he has travelled overseas man who I know that he is one even Although my seems to be the smallest in the house, it is still bigger than Mama's hut back home. I feel fortunate to be here, but I do wish that I would get to my family. Lalready miss my parents and However, they, told me that I have to be brave and work hard and not think about home too I do my best, I might much. If able to make enough money one for Mama to buy Viron for a new roof be my family proud. see day I want to 51 a make now. sister. M 14 to bed because I needed Seite After getting here, I went right. rest, after the expect to do. I hope that be nice and talk to me Datum: 9 June 12th, 20x long journey, I'm curious to see what tomorrow will be like and what chores. I will be Master ill One more. I will do everything I can to be the best houseboy that could wish for! M Konzept und Layout: Europaschule Troisdorf Gedruckt auf 100% Recycling-Papier