


Nigeria (Abi 2022)







• In southwest Africa
• Capital: Abuja
• Parted into three major regions by mountains as well as two rivers (Niger
and Benue
• North is popu
• In southwest Africa
• Capital: Abuja
• Parted into three major regions by mountains as well as two rivers (Niger
and Benue
• North is popu
• In southwest Africa
• Capital: Abuja
• Parted into three major regions by mountains as well as two rivers (Niger
and Benue
• North is popu

• In southwest Africa • Capital: Abuja • Parted into three major regions by mountains as well as two rivers (Niger and Benue • North is populated by Hausa Fulani, southwest by Yoruba, southeast by Igbo • many different resources spread across the country • Niger Delta region: important source of income for Nigeria's future Challenges • Harsh terrain for agriculture • Ethnic divisions (Igbo, Ijaw, Hausa-Felani, Yoruba +250 ethnic groups) ● Population growth (project population = 390 million by 2050) Geographic division ● Nigeria • Overpopulation of cities, expanding slums • Education is problematic (high illiteracy rates: 1/3 of the population) • Corruption rates are very high Chances • Natural resources (especially oil, natural gas) • Positive developments after gaining independence • Access to the sea ● Oil industry BENIN The so-called ,,brain-drain" -> young people leaving the country • Religious division between Muslims and Christians • Terroristic groups like Boko Haram harass the country • Cultural challenges like child marriage, genital mutilation, domestic violence & gender inequality • Division between the wealthier south and the poorer north Facts • Biggest resource of revenue for Nigerian government • 12th-largest producer of oil worldwide • 2nd-largest oil-reserves in Africa NORTH Kano • Biggest producer of oil in Africa • Nigeria is extremely resource-rich (gold, oil, minerals) ● Niger Delta is where most of the oil can be found • Foreign companies like Shell run most of the oil-business NIGERIA "Jos Abuja SOUTHEAST Benin City digitalization, computer...

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Alternativer Bildtext:

science and IT mean a bright perspective for Nigeria's future • Musicians and artists are redefining the identity of Nigeria • Being a member of the Commonwealth helps to increase educational chances and humanitarian help • Nollywood - Africa's largest film industry is booming Maiduguri Port Harcourt CAMEROON Blessing or Curse? Blessing • Oil is the biggest source of revenue for the country Reforming the NNPC (cutting out the regulator) → Leads to Corruption and lack of transparency Oil bill among the NNPC (Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation): millions of $ go missing • International companies find ways to avoid taxes • Oil theft (by gangs like the Delta Avengers): 29 million barrels were stolen in 2016 ● • Refine Nigerian oil themselves → build new refineries in the Niger-Delta • Diversifying the economy Nigerian Pidgin • Spoken by 50 million people in Nigeria ● Bridge between social-classes, ethnicities, age-groups and educational levels • Students learn better in their mother tongue and then continue with Pidgin ● Regional language (Ghana, Sierre Leone etc.) • Politicians and intellectuals are interested in promoting Pidgin • Makes locals feel more homely Corruption • Wider reach than Standard English (less structure & rules) • Easily to be combined with other languages • Used for public announcements Curse • Nigeria doesn't have the infrastructure to refine the oil Reasons why • Low salaries frustration Sectors affected • Police, soldiers, airport security (low-level-corruption) • Education, oil-industry, politicians, military (high-level-corruption) • Leaders want to get rich • Nigeria is not in control of its own affairs • No structure • Strong bonds between politics and industry • Mostly foreign companies are extracting and selling the oil • Nigeria is dependent on the oil and when prices drop this means recession • Money doesn't go into education or other important fields • Pollution leads to poverty and health problems Consequences • No trust in police forces • Violence, deaths • Poverty • Bad conditions in schools • Lack of funding new ones • Shortage of resources • Lack of transparency • Whistleblowers get fired Solutions • Prosecute corrupt individuals ● Help from outside • Fight the system? • Raising awareness through media-presence Tourism Attractive • Creative start-ups • Cultural variety • Strong economy • Arts (Nollywood) Dangerous • Terrorism • Poverty → crime • Floods • Human trafficking • Abductions