


Nigeria History, general information, etc.







NIGERIA - From the Empire to Commonwealth
Post-colonialism →
term first used in the middle of the 20th century; re
NIGERIA - From the Empire to Commonwealth
Post-colonialism →
term first used in the middle of the 20th century; re
NIGERIA - From the Empire to Commonwealth
Post-colonialism →
term first used in the middle of the 20th century; re

H englisch-lexnrettel NIGERIA - From the Empire to Commonwealth Post-colonialism → ERN term first used in the middle of the 20th century; refers to the time after the British had left the colonies i 1.e. after their formal rule over the colonies had come to an end. Political independence did not necessarily lead to economic independence ; the withdrawl of the British often resulted in problems for the ex-colonies, e.g. in difficulties in setting up a functioning government which guaranteed the people the freedom they dreamed of. •The commonwealth a group of 52 states; many former British colonies joined at the end of the decolonization process; aims at racial equality and national Sovereignty, British Queen is head of Commonwealth ' GENERAL INFORMATION: At the beginning of the 17th century Britain started to expand its empire across the globe The colonizers had a huge impact on the colonies and their people, bringing new traditions values and beliefs with them After 2nd world war the British Empire changed rapidly most British colonies became independent from Britain by 1970 i but a large number of them stayed closely connected with their former colonizer by joining the Commonwealth while the British ruled the colonies, their culture, values, traditions and language were regarded as superior to those of the colonized. - this often caused a feeling of displacement and rootlessness on...

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the part of the colonized, as they had grown up being constantly reminded of their inferic ty. now, after independence, they faced the difficult task of recreating their own identity, bridging the gap between their country's native traditions and values and British ones. As people from member countries of the Commonwealth were allowed to immigrate to Britain, Lots of people did so in the second half of the 20th century. - first they were welcomed, as workers were needed after the second world war, but in the 1970s, when more and more workers faced unemployment because of the economic crisis immigration I came to be seen more critically. POST-COLONIALISM IN AN ANGLOPHONE CULTURE : NIGERIA • Transatlantic Slave Trade → As part of the trade triangle between Europe, Africa and America, enslaved Africans were transported by western European slave traders to the Americas, where they had to work on tabacco, coffee, sugar, cotton and coco plantations. The transatlantic slave trade Starled in the lale Sth /early 16th centuries with the Portuguese as the first nation to engage in it. They were Soon followed by other European nations, in particular the British, Spanish, Dutch and French; the trade lastet until the 19th century, when most European countries prohibited slave trade and ended slavery · Protectorate → a country protected and ruled by a superior power (Nigeria's case the British) Republic a country in which the power is held by respresentatives elected by the people. · Military rule → government by an authoritarian body controlled by the military instead of being elected by the people NIGERIAN HISTORY A short overview of British rule in Nigeria and the country's way to independence · Late 15th century Nigeria starts to be affected by the transatlantic slave trade led by the Portuguese, from whom the Cristian religion is initially adopted. ·18th century British replace Portuguese as the driving force of the slave trade 1851 Lagos is invaded by British forces and formally annexed in 1865. · 1901: Nigeria becomes a British protectorate 1914: British protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria are joined • October 1. 1960. independence movement succeeds in gaining the country's independence from Britain 1963: Nigeria becomes a republic but remains a member of the Commonwealth • 1966: Nigerian republic Surrenders to military rule · 1967: a seperatist movement Leads to the Republic of Biafra" and the three-year Nigerian civil war breaks out with over 1 million people Losing their lives. 1979: Nigeria becomes a single republic again, but the military Seice power again in 1983. 1993: plans to establish a 3rd republic are dissolved by Nigerian dictator General Sani Abacha. After his death in 1998 a 4th republic is established in 1999, from 2004 under emergency Legislation in 2007: Umaru Yar' Adua is elected as president, but dies after a long illness in 2010. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, who has already been Acting President, succeeds him ・in 2015: Jonathan loses in the elections against Muhammadu Buhari who is still President today J J J J I J 1 ST.I. 3 NIGERIA TODAY · general information " country's Official name Federal Republic of Nigeria"; located on the western coast of Africa, capital → Abuja; largest city Lagos, booming economy and large population Giant of Africa" culture → many Languages spoken by various ethnic groups very rich and diverse national culture; also known for it's english Language literature; sine 1990's, the nigerian film industry Nollywood" has become important for whole Africa. considered to be the 7th most populous country in the world, most populous in Africa, world's 3rd highest youth population after India and China, primary education (free and compulsory begins at age six, lasts for six years); secondary education, free and compulsory for three years; over soo languages are spoken by more than 250 ethnic groups; english serves as official language ; just over 50% of population are Muslim (mainly in the north) •Society → · Nigerian Legal and judicial system → contains three codes of law customary law, nigerian statue of Law (following English law) and Sharia (Islamic. (سما economy and environment → regarded as an emerging global power, due to it's oil and natural gas industry (especially in south) challenges Nigeria's rapidly growing population causes several problems to provide enough food for everyone without having to rely on → 43% of population are under 15 group 15-24 IS 75% However, unemployment poses a major challenge. →>> inequality between men and woman. → → battling organized crime (drug trafficking), child labour and female genital mutilation religious tension between the two major groups is rising; religious fundamentalism can be noticed in both Muslim and Christian communities, a major cause being the uneven distribution of natural resources and hence wealth → environmental problems oil spills pose a serious environmental threat inside the growing i Nigerian cities, waste management is a problem and the fact that waste is often simply dumped outside the cities results in the pollution of both waterways and ground water → terrorism is another major problem: the Islamic terrorist group Boko Haram is responsible for numerous attacks and abduction of children. , e.g. poverty. the inability food imports. 1 another 27% are under 30; the youth rate of the age