


Nigeria Monolog mündliche Prüfung







Ethnic groups
The country located on the western coast of Africa
Nigeria's most diverse feature is its
Ethnic groups
The country located on the western coast of Africa
Nigeria's most diverse feature is its
Ethnic groups
The country located on the western coast of Africa
Nigeria's most diverse feature is its

Orientation ● ● ● ● ● Culture Ethnic groups ● ● ● ● The country located on the western coast of Africa Nigeria's most diverse feature is its people The national capital is Abuja Lagos, the former capital, retains its standing as the country's leading industrial city • Igbo o live in the southeast in small democratic settlements Religion ● Nigeria is bordered by Niger, Cameroon and Benin It's Africa's most populous country (and the seventh most populated country on earth) o there live 140 Million people Is called Nigeria because of the river Niger ● Nigeria There are about 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria o the 3 biggest groups are the Hausa-Fulani, the Yoruba and the Igbo Hausa-Fulani o live in the North o the majority are Muslims Yoruba o live in the southwest Language They got 3 religions: christianity, islam and the traditional religion 50% are Muslims 40% are Christians 10% are indigenious religions Conflicts between Muslims and Christians Festivals Hundreds of languages are spoken in the country o The official language is English Also mostly are spoken Hausa, Yoruba or Igbo The most important festival is the Osun Osogbo It's the biggest religious event There is a lot of singing and dancing. People wear colorful costumes. Music Sports ● ● ● History Great Britain controlled the entire area of nigeria until the end of the 19th century ● ● ● ● Different ethnic groups have different music styles Music is important while weddings, funerals, festivals or other holidays ● Since colonization the british introduced new sports o for example football,...

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boxing, athlethic or tennis After independence sport was still very important and a part of Nigerian culture Society Education ● In 1956 the colonial government granted shell british petrolium a monopoly on oil production ● Nigeria has been independent from Great Britain since 1960 There was continued hostility between ethnic groups That led 1966 to the death of thousands of the Igbo population A civil war broke out, which lasted three years There were about 2 million death people. Many of them died of starvation Gender In Nigeria are about 30 million students Basic education typically begins at the age of six o Primary school lasts 6 years and middle school 3 years o education is free Schooling is compulsory up to the age of 15 Nevertheless, only about 60% of the children go to school there Politics In most parts of Nigeria, women are considered subordinate to their male counterparts It is generally believed that women are best suited as home keepers Muhammadu Buhari was elected president for the second time in 2019 From the age of 18 you have the right to vote The next elections are planned for 2023 Economic / ecological development Oil Industry The oil industry is the largest economic sector in the country Nigeria is the eleventh largest oil producer in the world and the largest oil producer in Africa ● ● ● Trade ● ● Challenges Migration ● Over 60% of the total federal income is generated from the oil business The Nigerian economy is dependent on oil The fall in oil prices in 2016 was an economic crisis The corona pandemic is now also affecting the country severely Rich-poor divide ● ● The southern states primarily supply fruit to the northern states and the northern states supply beans, onions, and cattle to the southern states ● Boko Haram The Boko Haram is an Islamist terrorist group in northern Nigeria They want to establish an independent Islamic state the group is for the prohibition of education It carried out attacks and shocked the world with mass kidnappings of young women and girls In 2013 were more than 1000 children kidnapped by the Boko Haram Since 2009, more than 20.000 people have been killed by Boko Haram ● Thousands of Nigerians seek refuge every year, and some emigrate illegally A reason for that is poverty: More than 70 percent of Nigerians live below the national poverty line In addition, millions have been displaced because of religious conflicts There are social inequalities in the country Nigeria spends little money on social measures, although the country has high income from the extractive industry One in ten children in Nigeria dies before they are five years old