


Nigeria Zusammenfassung







Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)
Historical events
Pre colonial time
Ife Kingdom:
•1100 AD-1350 AD
created maskes of their nobler and leaders.
•Ruled by Oonis (king)

Historical events Pre colonial time Ife Kingdom: •1100 AD-1350 AD Nigeria created maskes of their nobler and leaders. •Ruled by Oonis (king) who were descendants from the godking Oduduwa • belonged to the Yoruba People Oyo Kingdom 1300 AD-1869 AD • became the largest Yoruba state • known for their military protected their trading routes Hausa kingdom • 10th Century - 14th Century. •ruled by female queens → Bawo married Bayojidda of Baghdad their kids ruled over many cities •10 milion people • internal wars Lbecome stronger than the sister states The Fulani War (Fulani Jihad) 1808-1903): • Sokoto Caliphate us. Hausa kingdoms. Sokoto Caliphate won 2.5 million non-muslim slaves Pre colonial time. Nigeria was populated around 5000 BC • Nigeria were traders until the 1400s. -Herdsman migrated there because of weather and merchants set up market along existing trade routes -diversity with many different ethnic groups: Yorub (west), Fulani k Hausa (north), Igbo (south-east) → rise, fall or transformation of territories caused by changes in climate, economic interests or religious /cultural differences. •Years bevor the europeans came there were many countries (small and big) •Islam reached Nigeria though the Bornov Empire and Hausa States in the 11th century. •1500 AD: the Portuguese slave trade to America began along Nigeria's coast Europeans paid Africa people to provide them with slaves. Colonial time beginning slave ports were established especially around Lagos. of the 18th •British missionaries built schools & spread their Christian century beliefs,...

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language & culture. • 1807 early 19th century •mid-19en century end of 19th century · 1914 1922 onwards abolishment of the slave trade the Fulani people started a holy war against the Hausa & created a separate Muslim empire & judical system. in the north. •Nigeria's ports & the export of natural resources & agricultural goods came under the control of Britain's Royal Niger Company •the whole country was under British control a division between Muslim north and Christian south • unification of Nigeria as a British colony titled "Colony & Protectorate of Nigeria" •constitutional developments began in the South a legislative council ruled. the South its members were predominantly European • 1947 onwards · 1954 1976 Post colonial time Oct. 1st 1960 1963 1966- 1970 1975- 1983 • the legislative council ruled the whole country. • now made up of more African than European members • Nigeria became a federation. nationalization of the oil industry. it remained dominated by British colonies • Nigeria became independent from Britain . establishment as a federal Republic a military regime took power in 1966 because ethnic tensions between Nigeria's north & South could no longer be controlled . • civil war →→ "Biafran war" • around 1 million people were killed the frist period of Nigerian democracy. Civilian administration regained power 1983- 1985 1995 1996 2003 Since 2009 2010- 2015 •a military coup ended this •made Major General Muhammadu Buhari (head of state till 1983) •the EU imposed sanctions on Nigeria. •Suspension of Nigeria's membership in the Commonwealth for 3 years. •5 political parties gained power • the regime adopted a programme of democratic reform •the frist legislative election since the end of military rule in 1999 was held in April •Boko Haram has led a campaign of violence in the north- eastern regions of Nigeria •Goodluck Ebele Jonathan got elected President •the Nigerian economy boomed a time characterized by corruption, neglect of education, health, infrastructure & agriculture •many suicide bombings & kidnappings in the north-east 2015 2019 •Muhammadu Buhari was the first opposition candidate. to become Nigerian president. •re-election of Muhammadu Buhari in February Current situation. •the country is facing several challenges. violence caused by Boko Haram still a big problem • the country is still victim to frequent suicide bombings • minority groups in the Niger Delta fell they are being exploited by foreign oil corporations → demand more control over oil resources violence between different ethnicities as well as instances of piracy, kidnappings & the bombing of oil pipes in Niger Delta Organized system/political system •President as the head of state Political coruption and inequality. •Since gaining independence in 1960 Nigeria lives under political instability coups, military rule, civil war, famine People/ population Ethnic groups Nigeria is a multi-ethnic nation •there are more than 250 ethnic groups the three largest ethnic groups are the Hausa (north), Igbo (south-east) & Yoruba (south-west) together they account for roughly 68% of the population •the rest of Nigerians ethnic groups live all over the country. language, shared religion, values, traditions & customs (in terms food, traditional clothing,...) Hausa • territory. northern Nigeria population. about 33.7 million : : religion • languages: Hausa strict conservative Islam with the enforcement of the Sharia law lifestyle: the absolute rulers are called Emirs •their word is basically the law. they are supported by a powerful council called "Mallamai": enforce the will of the Emir & Sharia law •very conservative •women are often seen as second-class citizens • they are rarely allowed to work obtain education often serve as house slaves for their husbands men traditionally have more than one wife & mistresses Yoruba • territory population. : : religion Christianity, Islam & their own religious & cultural beliefs • languages: Yoruba & Yoruboid languages. south-western Nigeria about 41.7 million. lifestyle: •men rule their families & have more than one wife & mistresses • polygamous family model. •in bigger cities women have more rights. Igbo • territory. South-eastern Nigeria population about 31.5 million. Christianity mixed with indigenous Igbo religion & belief system : : religion • languages: Igbo Igboid languages with a huge number of dialects lifestyle: •they have strong & independent women Organization the Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) • GOAL Prime Organization Nigeria (GPON) • World Health Organization Nigeria (WHO) • Catholic Youth Organization of Nigeria (CYON) Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Marriage • 12136 states recognise polygamous marriages as being equivalent to monogamous marriages allows a man to take more than one wife • Zamfara State was the first to legislate polygamy (Janurary 7, 2000) illegal in southern regions • benefits like inheritance rights or child custody. • muslim preacher Mohammed Bello Abubaker had 86 wives • same sex marriage illegal The Demographic Makeup •42,54% age 0-14 •50% urban dwellers. • 800.000 people are from India • 100.000 people are from the US • 75 000 people from Lebanon • 99.13 million females • 101.83 million males. • high crime rate Mentality •college is very necessary. •30 year old single lady - get stigmatize • Smoking → you are very irresponsible • tatto → gang western side rich side car → big success Christian must go to sunday church •must have male child Culture •Efik-Ibibio culture: has significant influence on the southern part of Nigeria Bini /Edo culture: situated in their majority in Edo state, spread across Delta, Ondo and Rivers states of Nigeria •Yoruba culture: West of Nigeria, famous for its work of bronze and Sculptures Food each area has its own regional favorite which depends on customs, tradition and religion •different foods also depend on the Season the "hungry season" is before the rains arrive in March ↳ the "Season of surplus" follows the harvest in October and November Example: Jollot Rice, Dodo (fried Plantains) & Plantains Music musics are related to the multiudes of ethnic groups in the country. Ingobo: play a wide variety of folk instruments. Hausa: Complex percussion instrument music Yoruba drumming tradition, with a characteristic use of the Dundun hourglas tension drums. most common format: call-and-response chior • Example: Drums, Catawiki and Goge Sport •Soccer, Dambe boxing, basketball and running. Art pottery, textile weaving, colonial traditions of paintings and wood cravings Language Ethnic groups official language: English • Nigerian English and Nigerian Pidgin Spoken by 60 milion people •major native languages Hausa (63 million), Yoruba (42 million) and Igbo (40 million) • great majority spoken roughly same location in 4000 years. . History of the englisch language • 1841 british forces entered Africa continent, raised the adoption of the English language. doing business with British partners became very prestigious • through expansions, English achieved status of official language in Nigeria • nowadays children learn it as their main, most don't even known any words of their native language. Nigeria English • dialect of English • known Nigerian standard English ·loanwords and collocations have emerged from the native languages. of Nigeria, come from the need to express concepts specific to the culture of the nation •Nigerian Pidgin, Pidgin derived from English, mostly used in informal conversation, but Nigerian standard English is used in politics, formel education, the media and other official uses. Religion •Split between Muslim - dominated north and Christian-dominated. South •Informal power-rotation agreement for the presidency. • Celebrating in church with festive atmosphere, dancing and singing Geography • big geographical differences the rivers Niger & Benue from a boundary between northern, south-western & south eastern Nigeria → northern Nigeria: savannah grassland & pastoral agriculture → Southern Nigeria: nighland, cash crops (e.g. oil palms/ Problems of Nigeria wealth gap • an uneven distribution of power, money & natrual resources →social inequalities • a few people benefit from the economy & become wealthy •the wealth gap is growing • Nigeria spends little money on social meaures poverty •poverty is a big problem in Nigeria •the poverty rate has risen from 27% to 69% in the last 30 years •67% of the population lives below the poverty line. •most house don't have toilets, running water, or electricity • many people don't have access to education, internet, or medical treatments. education • School attendance is compulsory for children aged 6 to 15 (is rarly the case) poor educational infrastructure. → missing teaching aids (projectors, computers,..). →low teacher income & promotion. →polluted learning enviroments → Supplies must be paid for by themselve many diffrent languages make one school system difficult a lot of private schools have fees → many in poverty living families cannot afford the children's education. • the state dosen't invest enough money in education in northern Nigeria : terroism groups prophibit girls to visil schools •girls' participation in schooling is more likely affected by parents' lack of interest child labour •31% of children/about 50 million kids must work to support their families financially • poverty is a major factor for child labour • low income for many hours of hard work boys trend to earn more → Nigeria is a male dominated society in which males are considered Superior common forms of child labour •Street vendors • domestic servants prostitutes • shoe shiners ·barbers argricultural workers (cocoa farming, gold mining, sediment sifting,...) • carpenters ·boys become child soldiers in regional conflicts & wars =) unskilled, physical & labour-intensive tasks reasons of child labour • direct result of Nigeria's extreme poverty • for many families child labour is the major source of income. • families have no other options effects of child labour • prevents them from basic education & development • commercial sexual exploitation of children (especially girls) • hazardous conditions: the children are often exposed to dangerous, harmful & unhealty environments such as fertillisers & chemicals →bodily harm. severe travma major long term health issues • children who work on the streets often make easy targets for violence & kidnapping especially vulnerably children such as orphans. are at higher risk for human trafficking & forced labour • around 30%. of child workers don't receive compensation & must work against their will (slavery) intervention attempts • Nigeria signed the UN Convention on the rights of the child in 1999 & the African charter on the rights & welfare of children in 2001 → despite that the rights of most Nigerian children are not respected. there are labour laws. Nigeria does not actively enforce safety regulations or preventative measures in the workplace Crime & violence ethno-religious rivalries •domestic violence (approximately 1/3 of woman suffer domestic violence). • high crime rate - gun violence armed robbery →assault kidnapping terroism piracy •police brutality Boko Haram ·an Islamist terrorist group in Northern Nigeria • advocate the introduction of Sharia law across Nigeria • reject western education. → attack schools to kill teachers & male students & kidnap female students • are known for mudering Christian • attack army bases, military personnel & civilians •in 2014 they kidnapped almost 300 young women from the city of Chibok →intensified its terror attacks when president Buhari announced his intention to fight for the girl's freed om other problems • mass unemployment & the need for several jobs due to low wages. corruption, maladministration & manipulated elections. poor infrastructure: no electricity in some places & flooded streets in rainy seasons money vanishment exploitation over dependence on oil revenue Sexually transmitted diseases drugs addiction • racism • child soldiers • emigration & "brain drain" • big geographical differences. the rivers Niger & Benue from a boundary between northern, south-western & south eastern Nigeria → northern Nigeria: savannah grassland & pastoral agriculture. → Southern Nigeria: highland, 1, cash crops (e.g. oil palms) Potentials of Nigeria • a strong economy • the youth is optimistic & politically as well as socially committed it's a diverse & multicultural country. possibilities to improve the situation • the government must fight the corruption & be consistent → to regain the trust of the population • Nigerians must respect the diffrent cultures & ethnicities as a strength of their country. they have to be investments into infrastructure & education