


Othello - Main topics, Q3 LK







I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr
I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr
I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr
I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr
I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr
I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr
I Main characters
husband to Desdemona (married in secret)
noble, black general; comes fr

I Main characters Othello lago ENGLISCH LERNZETTEL HELLO protagonist husband to Desdemona (married in secret) noble, black general; comes from a royal family referred to as "the moor",mock names like "thief", "barbary horse" etc.. -> reduced on his skin calaur christian, religous highly respected and honoured in his profession -needea in military function Before he was sold into slavery until he was rescued Beginning: calm, brave, reliable, rational, nonest, loyal, dutiful End: violent, jealous, enviaus, paranoid, self-destructive, frustrated character changes when jealous →> crazy, aggressive, animal-like, doesn't listen to others change of behaviour and character traits lago poisoned his mind; cells him about Desdemona cheating antagonist, a villain experienced officer cadel in Othellos. Army jealous and envious clever villain, who stages the defeat of others with content, cunning, evil. married to Emilia Feels superior to others due to his manipulive skills (hinieristig) egoistic, self-serving, malicious, disrespectful, dishonest, cold -hearted, two-faced, deceitful. pretends to be someone else to realize his plans racist - sees himself superior to Othello due to his skin colour doesn't believe in true love Manipulates everybody → Othello : Makes him think, D is cheating on him; acts like a loyal servant. ->Cassio Acls like he tries to help him -> Rodernigo: Uses his money; pretends to be his friend deep hatred for women -> "women are inferior to men"; whores who need to take their jobs as wives more serious molives: revenge. ,...

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wants to be lieutenant instead of Cassio jealousy; thinks Othello had an affair with Emilia ambition, wants a higher position, honour and reputation Desdemona a Cassio Roderigo Emilia A wife of Othella • Brabantios daughter. ·breaks with her daughter (bc. of secret marriage) . pretty, young, popular, highly regarded (unterwürfig) innocent; honest, faithful submissive would never betray Othello naive, sacrificed her life by accepting her fate (dies declaring her love) isn't racist i married to Othello out of strong love. divided duty to father & husband but ends with husband obedient to Othello judges herself for talking so "harshly" to Othello eloquent; provokes lago with questions on his opinion about women honourable lieutnant (who serves under Othelb and is loyal to him) reputation got destroyed by lago, lost his position -> extremely ashamed after being implicated in a drunken brawl relationship with Bianca, a prostitute. respectful but still flirty towards women ·→ exeption: Leases B. with promises of marriage but laughs behind her back (Eugendraft) honest, dutiful, innocent, virtuous -> parallel character to Desdemona without reputation - he feels inhuman and animal - like gulled gentleman (of Venice) is utilized by lago for his Intrigues (in his partner) is killed by lago alishonest, naive, easy to influence (gives lage all of his money) ·lovesick (Desdemona)- determined in his decisions rather an ordinary man wants to leave Cyprus, but lago manages to convince him to stay. wife of lago, chambermaid of Desdemona Close relation ship to Desdemona, loyal and nonest distant connection to her husband, unknowingly helps him with his plans Cheating is a response to men's actions (if they can cheat, so do women) reveals laga's plans at the end, brave and bald gets killed by laga rebellious (has her own, strong opinion) I Side characters Brabantia Lodovico Gratiano Bianca Montano II Storyline a) 1.) Konflikte BELASTUNG father of Desdemona noble Venetian cousin of Desdemona noble Venetian. uncle of Desdemona a courtesan, prostitule, Cassios mistress ·govenor of Cyprus, replaced by Othello Das Stück spielt in Venedig. Der maurische General Othello heiratet Desdemanns, WHORE FUC HÖHEPUNKT lago pflanzt ein Taschentuch von Desdemonas in Cassios Zimmer, damit es scheint, dass die beiden zusammen gewesen sind. Othello glaubt schließlich, lago, und Gelübde, dass er nicht aufhören, bis er seine Rache hat. KONFLIKT Othello und Desdemona versuchen, ein gemeinsames Leben aufzubauen. Allerdings ist ihre Beziehung sabotiert von dem neidischen Freund, lago, der Othello überzeugt, dass Desdemona ist untreu zu ihm. FALLENDE MASSNAHMEN Othello schmachtet Desdemona mit einem Kissen, und lago versucht, Cassio zu töten. Jedoch, Emilia, lago's Frau, macht seinen Plan aus c) STEIGENDE HANDLUNG Othello wird geschickt, um die Insel von Zypern von den türkischen Eindringlingen zu verteidigen. lago erzählt dem Publikum seinen Plan, Desdemona und Othello aufzuteilen. Ein Teil des Plans beinhaltet, dass Cassio, ein Leutnant, aus seiner Position entlassen wurde. 4) AUFLÖSUNG ~ Othello tötet sich und lago wird weggenommen, um gefoltert zu werden. Das Publikum bleibt mit Unglauben und Verzweiflung, aber einige Zufriedenheit, dass lago herausgefunden wird. 2). Summary Act I, Venice Street of Venice → Roderigo loves DESDEMONA, but Desdemona has just MARRIED OTHELLO, the Moor. lago says he hates OTHELLO, because HE DID NOT MAKE HIM HIS LIEUTENANT. Duke's Palace→Othello is urgently needed to DEFEND CYPRUS. Brabantio accuses Othello of HAVING USED MAGIC to win over his daughter, but the duke ACQUITS OTH- ELLO AND SENDS HIM AND DESDEMONA TO CYPRUS. Act II, Cyprus CASSIO, DESDEMONA, EMILIA, IAGO, RODERIGO and OTHELLO arrive in Cyprus. The Turkish fleet HAS BEEN WRECKED. Roderigo complains to lago that DESDEMONA STILL DOES NOT LOVE HIM. lago tells him to start a fight with Cassio so that CASSIO WILL BE STRIPPED OF HIS RANK AS LIEUTENANT. Made DRUNK by lago and PROVOKED by Ro- derigo, CASSIO ends up stabbing Governor Montano. When Othello arrives, lago pre- tends to be reluctant to implicate Cassio, but in the end, he tells Othello THAT CASSIO IS GUILTY. As a consequence, Othello STRIPS CASSIO OF HIS RANK AS LIEUTENANT. Cas- sio is DEVASTATED, but lago advises him to ASK DESDEMONA FOR HELP. Intimacy be- tween Cassio and Desdemona will help lago in his plan to frame THEM AS LOVERS to make Othello jealous. Act III, Cyprus EMILIA arranges a meeting between Desdemona and CASSIO. Desdemona is SYMPA- THETIC and promises to HELP CASSIO. Othello arrives with lago and asks WHO HAS JUST LEFT HIS WIFE. lago's reply is aimed MAKING OTHELLO JEALOUS. When Desde- mona asks Othello to reinstate Cassio, Othello PUTS IT OFF UNTIL LATER. Desdemona loses the HANDKERCHIEF that was OTHELLO'S FIRST GIFT TO HER. Emilia, lago'S WIFE, steals it and GIVES IT TO IAGO. lago tells Othello he saw CASSIO WITH DESDEMONA'S HANDKERCHIEF. Othello and lago plan to take REVENGE. Act IV, Cyprus Through IAGO's doing, Othello GETS SO UPSET that he falls into a fit of epilepsy. When he recovers, lago tells him about CASSIO'S LOVE-AFFAIR WITH DESDEMONA. He in- structs Othello to HIDE NEARBY while he TALKS TO CASSIO ABOUT Desdemona, but when Cassio arrives, lago starts talking to him about BIANCA, a PROSTITUTE. Othello cannot hear them, but sees CASSIO LAUGHING. When Bianca arrives with Desdemo- na's handkerchief, Othello is completely convinced of DESDEMONA'S GUILT. Later, he calls Desdemona a WHORE, but in the evening tells her to WAIT FOR HIM IN HER ROOM. lago instructs Roderigo in how to kill CASSIO. Act V, Cyprus Roderigo attacks Cassio, but CASSIO DEFENDS HIMSELF. lago pretends to be ENRAGED and kills Cassio's murderer, RODERIGO. Cassio SURVIVES. OTHELLO Smothers Desde- mona. A little later, EMILIA comes and sees what he has done. She tells him that SHE GAVE THE HANDKERCHIEF TO IAGO and that Desdemona was always INNOCENT. lago kills her. Othello kills HIMSELF. lago is ARRESTED. Lodovico orders that he SHOULD BE TORTURED BACK IN VENICE BEFORE HE IS EXECUTED. Cassio is the new governor of Cy- prus. I Gender (in-Jequality lagas POV : Womens POU - Facts "everything a woman does is cheat" (Betrügerinnen) perpetuates the belief, that women are liars and deceivers who make noise and disturb others. (Tauschung) women are pretenders / masters of deception. they present themselves as "Saints" but are truly "devils" women are objects that exist to serve and please men they have no control over their decisions. (zuid) (ugendna) they are objects and possessions, who are expected to be subdued and virtuous women are actually strong and powerful, despite being victims of the misogyny of their culture. • Desdemona and Emilla are aware of how men treat women → they're not blind to the inequality and speak up against it when necessary "Men use women and eat them hungrily but when they are full, they belch them up" ~ Emilia E is realizing that women are nothing but objects to men .E. explains how men use women for their benefit and dispose them after women see men for who they truly are →> they are aware that they're being used and how men see themselves as superior beings women are just like men and have similar desires, urges and capabilities E. blames it on the man if a women has a affair for their need of dominance and control Cunmarried women are seen as property of fatnes married -> of husband) in men's view only power of Iwomen is sexual power wamen get reduced by their reputation & their social. /relationship status Emilia = feminist in Great Chain of Being, they are inferior/ on a lower rank => Although faced with direct misogyny, as well as being used as pawns in lago's scheme, the women prove to be powerful characters. Defying the expectations that women should only be Silent, subdued and obey their husbands, Emilia and Desdemona, at many times, speak out. In their male-dominated atmosphere and have points where they resist these traits. Furthermore they show a level of self-awareness through their conversations, and have a deep understanding about how. misogyny is at play. Desdemona even doubts that any woman might cheal on her husband (Enebruch) believes that adultery is an (starbare Handlung) indictable offence claims that she would never deceive her husband Emilia knows that wowen often deceive their husbands calls adullery a small vice" although she knows, it's a sin •• claims that she would betray lago ..t's the husbands fault if their Culves aren't faithful" women & men have the same needs" V Racism Progressive 10. is presented in a high position • O. is presented as a successfull military offices, a war hero and married to a high ranking senator's daughter. Shown as a strong & powerful leader (Shakespeare could have wanted to reflect on the racism, in his society) • O. is portrayed as aggressive, violent, casily influenced, unable to control himself etc. Racist O. is presented in a negatively stereotypical way / in an animalistic way. Most of the play deals with his downfall (Shakespeare doesn't take a positions or urge the. Spectations to change their mind -> not educational) when he In the beginning, Othellos name is not used ->called thick Lips", "Maare" or an old black man" lago is throwing hatred towards O.'s race. In lago's mind, a black soldier cannot be as successful as a white one ->A black man is not worthy or deserving of marrying a white woman. is introduced As Othello Steals". Brabantio's daughter, he would've been more pleased with a marriage to a while man.... → In Brabantia's eyes nothing good can come from "The Moor". ->Their love can't be real and thus is questioned and bewitched Desdemana admits that she's not amused with a's appearance, but with his mind I jealousy & Lomy lago is a jealous character Since he wishes every other person could share in his feelings so he goes ahead to plant the seed of jealousy in other charactes. →He's driven by anger and envy. -> Wants to archieve. his plans through manipulating and betraying others. • Othello's jealousy and protectiveness starts to grow and later leads to his downfall →lago purposely makes up rumaurs to let O's jealousy graw -→ lago seeks revenge by using jealousy as a weapon against him 180 both experience jealousy and envy in a form of psychological torture which will constantly torment them. ->> lago causes Othello to suffer as much as he does Machiavellianism ->The use of clever lago is the villain of the play i he embodies the Machiavellian Stereotype of a harmful. man, who enjoys doing evil for his own sake and desires -> He gains success over other people's downfall Othello is the victim and not the Machiavellian of the play Mediation Vorbereitung - Schritt für Schritt zur Stelle im Video springen (01:01) but aften dishonest methods that deceive people in order to win power and control. 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