


Othello - Shakespeare







Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma
Act I
•set in Venice
• lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection
↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already ma

دا othello Summary Act I •set in Venice • lago is paid by Roderigo to get Desdemona's affection ↳> He finds out that Desdemona is already married to othello ↳ lago is also angered by Othello, as he has supposedly overlooked him for the position of the Lieutenant play written by William Shakespeare in 1004 •One of the four great Shakespearean tragedies →Gave this position to Michael Cassio lago manipulates Roderigo to call out for Brabantio to inform him that othello has taken his daughter away → He sends officers to search for her → lago goes to Othello to tell him that Brabantio has found out about his marriage → Othello seems confident Cassio informs othello that Duke is urgently calling for him → In the senate, Othello is accused by Brabantio to have bewitched Desdemona into marrying him → He assures them that she is in love with him owe to his stories → After Desdemona confirms this statement the Duke rules in favour of the couple • Duke informs that they need Othellos help in Cyprus in their fight against the turks →→Othello will go first, Desclemona will follow with lago 6 Act II storm has destroyed the Turkish fleet Cassio's ship arrives Ⓒ lago, Emilia, Roderigo, Desdemona 3 Othello lago teus Roderigo that Desdemona will soon search for another man, which is likely to be Cassio → R. agrees to...

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lago's plan to initiate a fight with cassio in order to have him loose his reputation lago persuades Cassio to drink (he gets drunk easily) → fight star ↳ consequently, othello removes Cassio from his position > • lago convinces Cassio to ask Desdemona to talk to Othello theu 10Ove Act 111 Cassio lets Desdemona be called ↳ lago teus cassio that he will keep Othello away So that Cassio con freely talk to Desdemona ↳ Othello and lago come back and see cassio → lago takes advantage and tries to instil jealousy in Othello Desdemono assures that she will try her best to return him to his position 4 → When Desdemong pleads in favour of cassio, Othello becomes further doubtful of her faithfulness • Othello can not stop thinking about lago's accusations and is now in a state of agitation → He wants solid proof of his wife's affair ● hello feels ill → Desdemona uses handkerchief falls to the ↳ Emilia remembers that lago wanted her to steal the handkerchief she takes it and lago leaves it in Cassio's room ↳ lago responds that he had seen cassio use Desdemone handkerchief before ⇒ In a rage, Othello swears that he will have his wife and cassio punished and lago agrees to help him Act II lago asks cassio about his relationship with Bianca ↳ Othello believes that all of Cassio's answers are about Desdemona ↳ After he sees the handkerchief in Bianca's hand, he becomes furious Lodovico hands Othello a letter which states he is to come home from Cyprus and will be replaced cassio ↳ when D. again talks about Cassio, Othello slaps her by ↳ He calls out her unfaithfulness ↳> lago tells the women that he blames the letter for othello's behaviour Emilia suggests that othello is monipuated by Someone (ago deries it lago convinces Roderigo that it would be the best to kill Act I Roderigo and cassio fight and both get injured ↳ lago sees that Roderigo is still alive and secretly kills him ↳ lago tries to put the blome on Bianca, who has just arrived • At the same time, Othello is preparing to kill Desdemona She affirms her faithfulness L₂ However, othello is sure of her guilt and killsher Emilia comes into the room to tell her that e. is dead . ↳> Othello is unhappy to hear that Cassio is still alive L> in her last words, Desdemona says that she has done this to herself Emilia tries to convince Othello that Desdemona was. wrongly accused evidence, • When Othello mentions the handkerchief as his key Emilia realises, what lago has done and tells the truth → Othello understands his doings and is overwhelmed by sadness and regret his During rage, lago kills Emilia and flees the scene ↳ Shortly after, he is captured again and cassio is also brought in Othello wounds lago Lodovico tells othello that he has to venice for his tricul до ky Othello reminisces on his life and then kills himself with him to Themes and Interpretation. Racism ↳> Othello is a black man who is constantly called "The Moor", category which puts him into a the audience and gives an insight into how commonly racism is practiced in their societ ↳ Brabantio liked Othello and invited him to visit exotic person, → However, he can only think of him as on who can entertain him, but never be part of his family → saying that Othello must have used magic to enchant his daughter . . ↳ It seems impossible to him that his daughter could have married Othello out of her own free will lago is also very racist calls him "Noor" and is prejudiced against him → "These Moors are changeable in their wills" пе is different makes that Being constantly reminded him susceptible to low self-esteem →→lago uses Othello's insecurities to instil the idea that Desdemona Mmight want a younger, more handsome man who has a lighter skin like cassio Manipulation • lago uses his reputation to deceive people He manipulates almost every character in the play. . ↳ lago knows about the personality of each character, about their wants in life and what they fear → By using this knowledge, he leads them frough words. and subilety as he likes L> his own wife Emilia uncovers his plot and reveals his actions (3) Jealousy lago sparks jealousy in Othello by preying on his insecurities He changes Othello's perception of the world in a way that makes him doubtful and suspicious about Desdemona's actions A person blinded by jealousy or hatred only sees what they want to see →> they interpret every action /wword of others so fits into their narrative. That it Reputation →> Ruf • Honour and reputation are of great importance for the characters · C D Othello is susceptible to believe lago's claim due to his reputation of being an honest man angered by Othello because the For that he believes it to Cassio honour and reputation are of such big importance immortal part of humans what distinguishes a human from an animal be and characters 1. Othello • protagonist of the tragedy black man from Africa, who has gained the position of a general in the venetian army due to his skills He is very confident as he is aware of how crucial he is for the venetian forces • lago being not chosen to . his honour was hurt by Lieutenant Sure At first, othello is but he also can not him to be an honest man. very insecure about his ethnicity, his age and his skin colour Loften defensive and points out his weakness that his wife isn't deceiving him, believe that lago is lying, as he believes • In the end, he is manipulated by lago to such an extent that he plans to kill Desdemona even though he still loves her He even wishes that Desdemona wouldn't exist because he is still in love with her, but also devastated by her alleged betrayal 2. lago • villain of the tragedy, Othello's ensign • He secretly hates othello because he didn't consider him for the role of lieutenant and decided on cassio instead . . G · very manipulative, the whole tragedy unfolds based on his successful plotting His intelligence can be seen in his thorough planning only by hiding his intentions and by keeping up his good reputation as an "honest man", he can eventually mislead everyone He wants to manipulate Othello to get his revenge and to take what he sees as his rightfull position is racist towards black people lago he believes that "Moors" are very naive and have less determination than others He can also be seen as sexist -→> believes women to be fouse and that one can not trust them →→ According to him, they act innocent but often injure people → He compares them to the clevil However, he knows that women can be clever and intelligent because they are able to influence men → Based on this knowledge, he starts his plotting не lago is extremly cunning as he lets others do all the w himself only gives ambiguous messages and advice to othello → lago absolves himself of any responsibility of being the vivain, he declares that he only gives advice, never directly forces anyone's behaviour as →→ His strategy is to clear himself of all blone He is a hypocrite, who does not follow his own advice . • lago gives Othello advice to not be jealous, while constantly sparking his jealousy 3. Desdemona • daughter of Brabantio fell in love with othello because of his adventurous stories secretly marries Othello 4 . V $ ↳ Desdemona takes on example from her mother and considers her husband more important than her father 4. Cassio Othello's lieutenant is described by the other characters to be a handsome man very loyal to Othello After he starts a fight in a durunken state (played by lago), he is very concerned about his reputation He deceives Bianca, who is a prostitute, to believe that he will marry her . She has a sense of justice and tries to convince Othello that Cassio should get his position back ↳ By always talking about cassio, she sparks Othello's jealousy → she is unaware of this selfless person and truly loves othello. Even as othello kills her, she tries to hide this fact with her last words L> She says that she killed herself and tries to clear him of all blame 5. Brabantio • Desdemona's father . young and believes that othello must have bewitched her into marrying him When he learns that D. actually secretly married othello, he that Desdemona can't be Nusted wars Othello and says · Someone who con deceive her father, can also deceive her husband →with this warning, he lays the foundation for Othello's future distrust 6. Emilia • wife to lago went to Cyprus to assist Desdemona • she is unaware of lago's plan •on lago's asking, she brings him Desdemona's handkerchief even though she knows how much it means to Desdemona Emilia's and Desdemona's ideas of men and marriage contrast E . → Emilia has quite negative view of men as she believes that they only use women for their own purposes • very intelligent → understands early in the beginning that Othello seens jealous. She also says that this could be the plan of a villain Cassio Othello's Lieutenant, a Florentine Emilia lago's wife and Desdemona's waiting woman ∞ married lago Othello's ensign or flag bearer lover of falsely suspects deceived by Bianca Cassio's mistress in Cypress Othello - A Moor, leader in Venetian army exploits exploits deceived by lago suspects affair between Brabantio Roderigo A pawn in lago's plot A Venetian Senator ∞ married Daughter of Desdemona A Venetian noblewoman in love with