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Summary Initial situation: Othello married Desdemona • Othello passed . Over favor of Michael Cassio cause (1. Roderigo wanted to marry Desdemona → angry 2. lago expected to become Othello's secord in command 3. Brabantio no permission to his daughter marry winning Desdemon through witchcraft · Venetians need Othello to fight the Turks in Cyprus, has to accept the marriage. gave accuses Othello of lago for a promotion in • Othello trusts lago 4 Othello thinks people problems for Othello are advisor Chonest) honest if they appear Tago's goals: • To get Cassio fired • Makie Othello jedous j angry angry → death so Brabantio to are honest manipulates them i 1. lago gets Cassio drunk / angry ; Cassio skabs sb. ; loses his 2. lago wants Cassia to ask Desdemona for help getting his job ↳ wants to make Othello jealous by implying (assio slept with his wife job Cassio talks to Desdemona; lago and Othello enter 4 leaves immediately Othello discovers it was him bash lago refers to the fact that Desdemona Cied to her father and implies the rumour that C. and D. have an affair in Othello's mind (othello doesn't believe af first) Turning point: • Desoemana drops handkerchief from Othello Symbol of marriage it to lags • Emilia picks it and up gives • logo Leaves it in Cassio's house lago tells on • Othello still wants proof e enormous Ce • Cassio spoke about D. in bed Othello believes lago because • saw Cassio with Othello's handkerchief The thinks that he is an honest man =) Othello kills Desdemona;...
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Lena, iOS Userin
lago kills Cassio => Othello kills himself => lago won't say why he acted like that