


Othello Summary, Characters







• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r
• Scene 1:
Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio
Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house
Plot: Roderigo and lago both want r

ACT 1 Othello • Scene 1: Characters: Roderigo, lago, Brabantio Setting: Venice, outside Brabantias house Plot: Roderigo and lago both want revenge on Othello and hate him ↳»Roderigo: Othello has married the woman he (R) loves ↳lago: Othello has promoted Cassio, instead of him - they wake Brabantio and tell him that Othello and his daughter Desdemona are secrelly married Brabantio is angry and decides to investigate -lago and Roderigo insult him, making him angrier. : lago is not recognised, but Roderigo is Scene 2 · Characters: lago, Othello, Cassio, Brabantia · Setting. Othello's house at the Sagittary · Plot: lago tells Othello that Brabanho knows about the marriage, but Othello does not seem bothered - Cassio tells Othello that the Duke wants him to come to the Senate and talk about the war in Cyprus. • before they can leave, Brabantio and Roderigo arrive with soldiers to arrest Othello for bewichting Desdemona when Brabantio hears of the Duke, he decides to let him deal with Othello, expecting to win Scene 3. Characters: Duke, 2 Senators, Sailor, Officer, Messenger, Brabantio, Othello, Desdemona, Roderigo, lago Selling: The Duke's council chamber Plot: - they arrive as the senate is talking about the war -Brabantio tells the Duke of Othello's. crimes -the Duke listens to Othello, who says that Desolemona truly loves him -Desdemona arrives and explains that...

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she loves Othello and that her duty is nou towards him, rather than to her father -Desdemona asks to go to Cyprus with Othello -Othello wants, lago to bring his wife Emilia to Cyprus to accompany. Desdemona -alone with Rodengo, logo convinces him to follow them to Cyprus ↳o says their love won't last long. -alone, lago tells the audience of his plan to make Othello believe that Desdemona is being. unfaithful to him with Cassio to get revenge, as he suspects that Othello has slept with Emilia ACT2 Scene 1. Characters: Monlano, three gentlemen, Cassio, lago, Desdemona, Emilia, Othella, Roderigo Selling Cyprus Plot: -Montano (island's govenor) walches a storm with two gentlemen -M. Says turhish fleet of ships won't survive the storm ↳ third gentleman. arrives and confirms -Cassio arrives in Cyprus and witnessed how the Turkish lost most of their fleet Lunsure welther. Othello's ship will make it new ship. arrives lago, Emilla. Desdemona and Roderigo arrive ↳Desdemona is informed of Othello, they wait anxiously for his arrival while waiting, C. and D. tease Emilia about talling a lot ·lago starts criticize women deceptive, hypocritical, lazy in all matters except sex ↳ Desdemona plays along and is laughing -Cassio takes Desdemona away to tath toher about Othello's arrival ↳-lago notices, that Cassio is holding her hand and plans to use it against him to make him lose his promotion Scene 2 Characters: Herold (messenger) Setting: Cyprus Plot: A herald announces, that Olhello plans revell for the evening in celebration of Cyprus 5. safely from the Turks, and also in celebration of his marriage to Desdemona.. Scene 3 Characters: Othello, Cassio, Desdemona, lago, Montano, Crentlemen, Roderigo Setting: Cyprus. Plot: -Othello leaves, Cassio on guard : reminding him to restrain himself during the celebration - Othello and Desdemona leave to consumate their marriage lago enters and tells Cassio how he believes Desdemona to be a temptress i Cassio insists on her modesty -lago persuades Cassio to drink, despite his initial protest. -alone, lago tells the audience how he will make, Cassio disgrace himself -Cassio gets drunk and returns, only to wander off again while saying he is not drunk -Lago then tells Montano how good of a soldier Cassio is, but he wories, about his drinking -Roderigo enters and is led to Cassio by lago -Cassio chases, Roderigo, threatening to beat him, and beats Monlona, who tries to prevent the fight! -Cassio stabs Montano and an alarm bell is rung -Othello and some attendents arrive • Othello demands to know what happend and lago, and Cassio claim they have forgotten, while Montano says he is in too much poin to speak and tells lago to say what happend. - lago feigns to be reluctant to incriminate Cassio and says the other man must have upset him 11 - Othello cantell that lago is affectionate towards Cassio and therefore softens the story and he dismisses Cassio from his service -Desdemona arrives, but she and Othello leave -Cassio laments about his damaged reputation and lago suggests to use Desdemona's good will to eam Othello's affection again -alone, lago jokes about the irony that his villainy involves counseling Cassio and goes over his plan again, while reminding the audience that he does most evil when he seems to be doing good things While Cassio spends more time with Desdemona, lago. can convince Othello of her unfaithfullness -Roderigo enters and is upeet about losing all his money to lago and not getting anything out of it the consides going back to Venice, but lago tells him to be patient. -alone, lago te • tells the audience that his wife shall talk to Desdemona on Cassio's behalf and he will make sure that Othello, witnesses how close they get. Scene 4. Characters: Desdemona, Emilia, lago, Othella, Cassia, Clown Setting: Cyprus .- Desdemona. orders the clown to find Cassio and to tell him, that she has talked to Othello .-She wonders where her handkerchief is, and asks Emilia, who acts. clueless - Othello enlers and asks to see Desdemona's hand to feel for sweat (insinuating infedelity) He wanks to see the handkerchief and explains it's history, when Desdemona cannot find it. (gift from his dead mother). ↳ a gift from an egyptian sorceress to make her desirable, and to ensure her husband's loyally, if it's lost, he would leave her -Desdemona is unsettled and Othello does not believe her when she claims that she does not have it with her ↳ changes the subject to Cassio - Othello storms off, and lago and Cassio enter. - timing is unfortunate - Desdemona to Cassio Llago leaves, promising to calm him down · Emilia suggests jealousy, bul Desdemona is convinced it's something political Desdemona leaves, wants to find Othello - Bianca, a prostitute and lover of Cassio enters ↳is upset and wants to spend more time together : Cassio apologises - Cassio asks her to copy. the embroidery of (Desdemona) a handkerchie, which he found ↳Bianca thinks it's a gift from a lady and is upset i Cassio says she is being silly. - they plan on meeting later Act3 . Scene 1 Characters: Cassio with musicians, the Clown Setting: Before the Castle Plot-Cassio, arranges for musicians to play music in front of the castle to get into Othello's good graces again - Othello is not amused and sends the clown to make them stop - the clown is mean and makes fun of them and they leave - Cassio, now tallis to, lago and astus him, to send Emilia to him, so he can get access to Desdemona. Scene 2 Characters: Othello, lago, other Grenllemen Setting: Castle Plot-Othello gives lago letters, to deliver to someone and lago does as he is told Scene 3 Characters: Desdemona, Emilia, Cassio, lago, Othello Setting: Castle Plot: · Desdemona, Emilia and Cassio, oare talling and Cassio begs Desdemona, to help him gain Othello's trust and his position back Desdemona promises she will help and do whatever it takes. • Othello and lago arrive. ↳ Cassio is urgent to leave -lago raises. Othello's suspicion and makes Cassio look gully -Desdemana allempts to convince Othello to have supper with Cassio, but he declines - Othello and lago tallh about Cassio and his knowledge of their relationship and marriage - Othello demands to know. logo's opinion of Cassio ↳lago hesitates and insinuates, a "bad opinion -lago insinuales an affair between Desdemona and Cassio - Othello becomes suspicious, but believes in Desdemona's honesty and demands proof - Emilia, and Desdemona enter and Desdemona is concerned about. Othello's changed behaviour and they leave. Desdemona loses her handkerchief, which Emilia picks up and plans to give it to lago, not knowing why he needs it - she gives it to lago, wanting to know why he wants it -lago does not tell her, but, as he is alone reavels to the audience that the plans to plant itin. Caserio's room, presenting it to Othello as proof. Othello returns and lago lies and tells him about a dream of Cassio that he witnessed and then presents the handkerchief as evidence -Othello is convinced and wanks, revenge- death Scene 4 ↳ Characters Desdemona, Emilia, lago, Othello, Cassia, Clown, Setting: Cyprus -Desdemona orders the clown to find Cassio and to tell him, that she has talked to. Othello She wonders where her handkerchief is and asks Emilia, who acts clueless Othello enters and asks to see Desdemona's hand to feel for sweat (Cinsinuating infedelity) He wants to see the handkerchief and explains it's history when Desdemona cannot find it (gift from his dead mother). a gift from an egyptian sorceress to make, her desirable and to ensure her husband's loyally, if it's lost, he would leave her -Desdemona is unsettled and Othello does not believe her when she claims that she does not have it with her ↳ changes. The subject to Cassio - Othello, storms off and lago and Cassio enter -timing is unfortunate -Desdemona to Cassio ↳lago kaves, promising to calm him down Emilia, suggests jealousy, bult Desdemona, is convinced it's something political Desdemona leaves, wants to find Othello Act 4 Scene 1 Characters Othello Jogo. Cassio, Ludovico, Bianca Setting: Cyprus Plot: -Othello, and lago are having a conversation ·lago goods Othello by saying it is not a crime. for a woman to be nobed with a man, if nothing happens -Othello is more agilated by the insinuation of Desdemona's unfaithfulness and demands, to whow more, - Jago claims, that Cassio told him he has lain with Desdemona and Othello -Cassio enters and lago informs him of Othellos epilepsy -Cassio leaves and Othell awahes passes, out -lago informs him of the coming conversation with Cassio and tells Othello to observe Cassio's face. -lago reveals, his true plan to the audience: trick Cassio into telling him about his affair with Bianca and making. Othello Believe it is aboul Desdemona - Bianca enters with the handherchief and accuses Cassio of giving her a love fohen given to him by another woman -Othello, recognises the handwerchief and thinks about ways to murder Cassio -lago encourages him to strangle. Desdemona and promises to arrange Cassio's death - Othello is called back to Venice and hils Desdemona, when she expresses her happiness. -Lodovico is horrified by his actions and Othello accuses Desdemona again and leaves Scene 2 Characters: Othello, Emilia, Desdemona Selling: Cyprus Plot -Othello interrogales Emilia about Desdemona, but Emilia insists on her innocence - Othello demands to speak with Desdemona alone and weeps about her "pollution -Desdemona defends herself, but Othello does not believe her. Scene 3 Characters Othello, Desdemona, Emilia, Lodovico Selling: Cyprus Plot-Othello sends Desdemona to bed -Desdemona shares her fear about her imminent fale and orders Emilia to use one of her wedding sheels for her shroud ·Desdemona sings, a song called Wwillow about a women whose love forsoch her • Desdemona and Emilia, both say that cheating is bad. but Emilia, thinks it is fine, if the husband cheats first Act 5 Scene 1 Characters: lago, Roderigo, Cassio, Lodovico, Curaziano, Bianca, Emilia. Othelb Setting: Cyprus Plot: -lago and Roderigo ambush Cassio - Roderigo stabos him, but Cassio wounds him and lago comes out bo stab Cassio's leg - Othello hears Cassio's cries and thinks he is dead •Lodovico and Craziano enter and are wary of helping the wounded men, as they fear, an ambush. in the dark -Jago enters with light and stabs Rodering. - the three of them meel and question Cassio about his injuries -Bianca enters and cries when she sees Cassio ·Cassio has no explanation -Emilia enters and lago tells her what happend While shifting the blame on Bianca, who is arrested Scene 2 Characters Othello, Desdemona, Emilia, Monlano, Curaziano, logo, Lodovico Setting: Cyprus Plot Desdemona wahes up to see. Othello he tells her of her coming death and explains why Desdemona cries, when she hears that Cassio is dead, which angers Othello -Othello smothers his wife -Emilia enters and informs Othello of Raderigo's death and that Cassio is alive -Desdemona cries out that she has been murdered, but disguises it as suicide - Othello admils his crimes to Emilia, who calls out for help. 11 · Jago's villainy is revealed and Othello regrets his actions Othello dings to lago's "truth, but Emilia explains everything -Jago stabs Emilia, and flees from Othello -Emilia tells Othello of Desdemona's love for him - Graziano, Montano, Lodovico, Cassio and an imprisoned lago enter and Othello stabs bago - a letter in Roderigo's packet reveals logo's plan and Coesio, tells. Othello how he found the handherchief. - Othello slabs himself and falls onto the bed with his wife's body · Graziano is, named Othello's bheir and Montano, gels, put in charge of lago's execution RELATIONSHIPS Bianca (a courtesan) loves Cassio (Othello's lieutenant) plots against Duke of Venice Othello (a Moor, a general, husband to Desdemona appoints trusts imprisons Montano (Othello's friend & loyal supporter). hates lago (othellos ensign who is passed over for a promotion) -Lodovico and Gratiano: two noble Venetians dislikes loves & hills plots against uses & hills Brabantio (a venetian senator) father to Desdemona (a venetian, faithful wife of Othello) wife of faithfully serves Emilia (lagos wife and Desdemonas lady-in-wading loves Roderigo (a venetian nobleman) CHARACTERIZATIONS Othello protagonist • husband to Desdemona (married in secret) -noble, black general (comes from a royal family). 11 -referred to as "The Moor (ethnic group), mock names like thief, barbary horse, etc. ↳reduced to his shin color -christian physically powerfal -outsider in Venice, stranger -highly respected and honoured in his profession - urgently needed in military function -many misfortunes happend to him (fought many battles, sold to slavery until he was rescued) · repulation and honour are very important Beginning: calm, brave, reliable, rational, honest, loyal, dultiful -End: violent, jealous, envious, paranoid, self-destructive, frustrated, impulsive, irrational, irresponsible. jealousy makes him crazy, aggressive, animal-like. (he doesn't listen to anyone). -dramalic change in his behaviour and character traits because of lago's poisionous ideas. -fall from nobility and his suicide make him a tragic bero lago - antagonist ↳ clever i stages the defeat of others - experienced officer cade! in Othell's arry. jealous and envious -married to Emilia -feelings of superiority is dishonest, disrespectful, egoistic, self-serving, malicious, cœurning, evil, manipulative, cold-hearted - I am not who I am • racist, believes himself to be superior to Othello -does not believe in true-love -two-faced, deceitfal -gains a good reputation, although he doesn't deserve it -Manipulates, everyone ↳ Rodernigo: pretends to be his friend, uses his money ↳ Othello: makes him believe D. is. cheating on him; acts like a loyal servant ↳ Cossio: acts like he is trying to help him deep hatred for women Linferior to men ↳ whores, don't take their jobs as wives seriously ↳ offensive towards Desdemona and Emilia -motives: revenge (wants to be lieutenant, instead of Cassio), jealousy (thinks Othello had an affair with Emilia), hatred. amblion to take on a higher position, wonks, honour and repulation Desdemona-wife to Othello -Brabantio's daughter -prelly, young - leaves her father by secretly marrying Othello. •divided duly between her father and husband - innocent, bonest, faithful ·likes Cassio, but would never betray Othello -subserviant Lobedient to Othello • najive (believes in the goodnes of people, sacrificed her life by accepting her fate as the outcome of her loyally. - dies while declaring her love for him)" - not racist, married Othello ocut of love. -is able to defend herself - eleaguent, clever ↳ provokes lago with questions, when they talk about his, view on women Cassio · honourable lieutant (serves under Othello), devoted, loyal honest, dutiful -repulation gels destroyed by lago ↳» ashamed after participating in a drunken brawl -relationship with Bianca, a prostitute •charming and handsome, a gentleman · respectful and flirtatous towards women. Lexception: Bianca (lies with promises of marriage) - innocent and virtaus (parallel to Desdemona) -likes Desdemona · feels inhuman and animal-like without a reputation Roderigo - a guiled gentleman of Venice. Willied by Yago for his intrigues hilled by lago -dishonest •naive, easy to influence -Jovesick (Desdemona) -determined in his decisions -ordinary - wanks to leave Cyprus, but is convinced otherwise by lago · Emilia - wife to lago, no close connection -chambermaid of Desdemona, close relationship (loyal and honest) -rebellious (has her own opinion) ↳ cheating is a respones to men's actions -reveals, lagos plans after Desdemona's death - brave and bold ↳ unknowingly assisted him in his planes -billed by lago Stories Love Human Dilemma The excerpt "Love from the story Arranged marriage, written by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni in 1995, deals with cultural and generational differences about of hou interracial relationships and tells the unnamed protagonist struggles to be honest with her mother, which puts a strain on her relationship with her american boyfriend The way the unnamed protagonist is so hesitant and scared to break the news. about her living together with her boyfriend, to her mother already shows the reader that she cares a lot about her mother and doesn't want to disappoint her. From the way she describes her mother and father seeing eachother for the first time (1211), gives an insight into a traditional upbringing, which has most likely also effected the upbrining of the protagonist The protagonist explains her mothers way of living, by using an anaphora, which creates a picture of a strict, traditional, modest and religious woman, due to her way of living in her small village and refusal of alcohol or cigarretes for example.. The reader also gets the feeling that there is a sort of responsibility from the reader towards her mother, which is enforced by her mother raising her on her own (1.24) ,which she tells in indirect speech to enforce, it's meaning and the expectation of her mother. to come back home, which she says herself dwing their phone call (1.74.() - love and relationships -growing up -cultural differences A long way down In the excerpl A long way down by Nick Homby from 2005, an unreliable narrator explains to the reader why he wants to commit suicide. The cynical and sarcastic, narrator explains how commilling suicide is a decision, which can be made by a very sane person.. He mentions serious contemplation and Pros and Cons and tells the reader that such decisions are not usually caused by mental disturbance, but because of very bad life situations, which is apparently reasonable and understandable. He views suicide as an escape to start over. Marlin, the first person narralor is heavily influenced by depression, is drowning in suicidal thoughts and self-confidence. By never questioning himself and adressing the reader by using the word "You and the use of relhorical questions, there is a strong connection buill and a feeling of relaleability. -mental illness -suicide Into the wild The story Into the wild tells how Christopher Johnson McCandles made the foolish and irresponsible decision to disappear and live off the grid with no real knowledge about nature.. It shows how for some people are willing to go to escape their lifes, and everything they know. -escape, starting over -connecting with nature - anonymity -deep, personal dreams and wishes