


outline & characterization







indirect:... (cf.U. )
ENGLISCH-Klausur 1
direkt:"(ll. )
outline (/summary)
indirect:... (cf.U. )
ENGLISCH-Klausur 1
direkt:"(ll. )
outline (/summary)

Inhalt: indirect:... (cf.U. ) ENGLISCH-Klausur 1 Sprache: direkt:"(ll. ) bbersicht outline (/summary) characterization! ・identity ·belonging, (mediation) I outline (/summary) a. Einleitung umbrella sentence (TATTZ-Formel) b. Hauptteil keine eigene Meinung nicht interpretieren • logische Reihenfolge wählen (meistens NICHT chronologisch • nur die wichtigsten Infos (keine Beispiele /generellen Angaben) Linking words: +vocab. (Abib. $.384) Furthermore, Moreover •Besides, Since, when +language support Firstly, Secondly (...), Lastly ·•On the one /other hand → Präsens • neutral & auf Aussagen destr Autor* in bezogen eigene Worter verwenden → • reported speech. I characterization b. Hauptteil *** a. Einleitung (Name d. Figur, Rolle in story, generelle Aussage) BSP (name) is one of the two main characters in the short story (title) by (author).... is a fe- .from... and is. male male basic information Su goom out ward appearance. *name, age, family, social position, W3 indirect characterization date 04.11.21 mark: (AOP) m "Thema bezieht sich? auf Aufgabenstellung? behaviour → thoughts & feelings character has to be first/ BRUNNEN ca. 1/3 des Originals KEINEN SCHLUSS KEINE IN-/DIREKTE REDE omniscient nourra-. tor lev. wer trifft Aussagen) direct characterization directly mentioned in text leg. by narrator what character says about her/himsel (+ true / not true?) 4your conclusion adjectives that describe the cha- ? based on 2 & 3 racter e.g positive/negative, optimistic /pessimistic, + brave joyful, tolerant, selfless/-confiden -unkind, ignorant, impatient, jealous c. Schluss → Fazit (kurze Zusammenfassung) passendes Adjektiv, welches Charakter treffend zusammenfasst III identity ·can be anything (combination) ∙now others see you & how you want to be seen forms: family (mom...) skills (intelligent) ·culture (history...).. carrer..... ••Social (peer groups, social classes) .... identity" • adapt our identity to our en- vironment / surroundings. •have more than one (not just mom) ·changes...

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in front of different people I mediation a. Einleitung. b. Hauptteil c. Schluss TV belonging feel acceptance & welcome ↳ to someone /something I • relationships (family + friends) Social (peer groups / classes) environment (nature/city) not belonging + show independence -isolation/depression (naturally) very important. ↳ to feel love an wen schreibe ich & warum + umbrella sentence eigene Wörter + Fachwörter erklären & Beispiele nennen •ner wichtige Infos (Textbezogen). englische Stichpunkete strukturiert widergeben. •Prasens bei blog entry: von Lesenden verabschieden LANGUAGE SUPPORT: I, I According to..... In...'s opinion..., The reader is informed that..., believes that.../claims that... /says that... /suggests that..., •With reference to... Therefore... Thus Nevertheless..., •On the one hand.../ On the other hand..... ·1 •Due to this aspect, one can conclude that.... •In the beginning the reader is informed that..... is described / portrayed as.... .... •This reveals / shows that... /gives evidence to the fact that... •To sum up... / In conclusion.... (This quotation /example shows/highlights....)