


Outline-Helpful formulations







Text type
novel, short story, newspaper article, speech, essay, report, ...
... written by ...
... by ...

Introduction: ● Author Text type novel, short story, newspaper article, speech, essay, report, ... Title ... written by ... ... by ... Source Date of publication Topic published in The New York Times / The Daily Telegraph / ... is about deals with Outline on the 25th of February, 2021 on 25th February, 2021 on February 25, 2021 presents describes Helpful formulations shows the problem of informs about The topic should refer to the aspects the task focuses on. Examples: The newspaper article "For Travel, a Sustainable Comeback?" written by Elaine Gusac and published in The New York Times on February 25, 2021 deals with sustainable ways of travelling. and but The newspaper article "For Travel, a Sustainable Comeback?" by Elaine Gusac was published in The New York Times on the 25 of February, 2021. It informs about sustainable ways of travelling. Main part: English is a language which works best in simple constructions. Don't overcomplicate your writing with long sentences! If you want to connect your sentences logically, you can use linking words, such as: in addition besides furthermore moreover however

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