


Political Speech Analysis







Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public
Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public
Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public
Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public
Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public
Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public
Speech analysis
1) content
2) analysis
3) a) comment
b) creative task
Political speech
Definition: commentary on matters of public

Speech analysis ENGLISCH 1) content 2) analysis 3) a) comment b) creative task Political speech Definition: commentary on matters of public concern/ any form of speech concerning politics Goals: - inform the audience make the audience remember the information - persuade the audience (convince them) - entertain the audience - make it memorial Key questions What is the main topic? What is the political, social and historical context? What do you know about the person giving the speech? Klausur am 22.09.21 Look out for... -keywords -references to historical events or people -rhetorical devices Frequently used speech techniches -short and concise sentences -quoting from trustable sources -quoting from important people - use of personal pronouns like "we" -mentioning of dates, numbers and facts ⇒ demonstrating "expert status" -identifying problems and offering solutions to show competence -content- Rules for writing a summary: -introductory sentence ( author, title, text type, Date/year, maintopic) -Summarise the most important information/facts without interpreting or commenting and without mentioning Details (dates, statistics, quotes) -present tense be brief Answer the w-questions who/what/when/where/why/how/what for FORMULIERUNGEN introductory sentence: - the [text type] [title] written by [author] in [date of publishing] is about.../ deals with... [maintopic] main part: the author points out... - he stresses that... speech analysis he argues that... be states that... he says... - he claims... - he describes... - he explains... - he criticizes... - he comments on... - he tries to convince the reader... Connectives: Überleitungen: In addition/ furthermore/ moreover/ additionally/ besides/ another device/ apart from that/ another important aspect is um Gegensätze auszudrücken: Despite of/ nevertheless/ otherwise/ however/ even...

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though/ expect for/ on the other hand Um etwas genaver zu erläutern: That means in other words/ in this case/ so that Analysis Analyse the most striking rhetorical devices Rhetorical devices: . - repetition - intentionally using a word or phrase more than once enumeration - the numbering and listing of ideas/things - metaphor - poetical comparison without like or as - rhetorical question - a question which is meant to be unanswered - antithesis-contrast: opposing words/phrases/structures/characters/views -symbol-sth. concrete (object/character/event) standing for sth. abstract - personification - presenting ideas/objects/animals with human characteristics - hyperbole - exaggeration/overstatement/making sth. greater than in reality - alliteration – repetition of a sound at the beginning of neighboring words - irony - saying the opposite of what you mean - parallelism-repeating similar/identical words/phrases/constructions in neighboring lines/sentences/paragraphs - comparison - comparing two things - understatement - understatement/ making sth. less important than in reality - allusion - indirect reference to a famous event/person/piece of literature - climax - row of statements from the weakest to the strongest Effects: -to emphasize a certain point (stress it) - to arouse the readers interest - to make the reader think - to criticizes/satirize a situation/person/iden/event - to produce a (fine) rhythm - to create humour - to amuse/entertain the reader - to evoke funny/revealing associations - to create a graphic mental image - to make the passage vivid - to surprise the reader To create an emotional effect - to involve the reader/ create a relationship with the reader - dramatization - intensification Connectives: - für den Beginn eines Textes: to start off/ to begin with/ at first/ first of all/ in general Überleitungen: In addition/ furthermore/ moreover/ additionally/ besides/ another device/ apart from that/ another important aspect is/ also/ again/ similarly/ equally - um Gegensätze auszudrücken: Formulierungen-Analysis Despite of/ inspite of/ nevertheless/ otherwise/ however/ even though/ expect for/ on the other hand/ but/ instead - Um etwas genaver zu erläutern: That means/ in other words/ in this case that is to say/ a better way of putting it is/ this implies - Um zu etwas referieren: with regard to/ referring to/ with reference to - Um etwas zu vergleichen: likewise/ both/ as...as/ equally/ as well/ similarly - Um einen Text zu beenden: Lastly/finally/ in conclusion/ as a result in the end / all in all überleitung : Weitere Formulierungen After summarizing the main aspects/ ideas of the speech it is useful to look at how [the author] brings his message across. [author] uses a variety of stylistic devices in his speech. Right from the start/ At first/ He starts off ... - he makes use of [stylistic device] to describe... - - he employs [stylistic device] to make a vivid impression of... - he highlights.... by using [stylistic device] - the [stylistic device] suggests... - the [stylistic device] underlines... one of the most effective devices the speaker employs is... - a striking rhetorical device is - in line... the speaker argues that... - to make the audience aware that... - to engage the listener... - to make a lasting - to emphasize sth. - to catch the listeners attention to underline/ stress/ highlight/ emphasize/ call attention to draw attention to - to illustrate - to criticize - presenting your personal opinion -pro/contra-arguments final conclusion/opinion Introduction: - the political speech...[title]... raises the question/ introduces the problem of... In the following am I going to comment on ... Main part: -Pro-/Contra-argumentation comment - referring to the view/arguments/ example of the speaker considering the fact that... - another significant point/ fact/ argument is... you also have to take into consideration that I am convinced (that)... on the one hand... on the other hand - in contrast to... - I (do not) agree with the idea that/ of... - I would like to point out that... - another important point is... supporters of... might argue that... it's important to note that... - an argument which some people stand behind is... however... Conclusion: -final opinion (-response to introductory question) - looking at the two sides/ taking both sides into consideration, I have to say... - having considered the different arguments, I ... - to sum up, I am of the opinion... - to come to a final conclusion... - In conclusion... American Dream - Belief that anyone can accomplish anything, only limited by how willing they are to work for it and not by their skin color/religion/ etc. Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson (4th of July 1776) "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." USA: - - country with unlimited possibilities - life with freedom and prosperity - pursuit of happiness you can reach anything with hard work American Dream (positive) criticism - makes it look like poor people are self responsible for their situation if you only have to work hard to become rich-poor people - lazy? - but jobs with lower wages are often more (physically) exhausting (-> poor does not mean lazy) - depends on level of education higher tuition fees - depends on financial resources of the parents - there is still discrimination (against poc) - AD is not accessible to everyone Equal opportunity is controversial Interpretation - personal dream: reach personal aims like family, property, freedom, happiness, health and materialistic wishes - social dream: Equality and opportunity, classless society, multicultural society (melting pot) -economic dream: prosperity and success, desire to get continually better - political dream: democracy and justice, basic human rights The American Dream today: nowadays: more critical and negative view on the American Dream - often seen as an "illusion" by critics, as not everyone has access to the possibilities usually associated with the AD - "education is the key to success": higher education costs – - not everyone can afford it - "hard work will pay off": huge gap between rich and poor, different social classes, large income inequality - "heritage (origin/race) is irrelevant": discrimination/racism (directed against the black population ("black lives matter"), directed against the Asian population ("Stop Asian Hate")) us constitution Bill of rights