


Präsentation Death Penalty USA







Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
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Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
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Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
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Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
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Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there
Death penalty
United States
DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death
penalty in the United States.
Table of contents
Worldwide there

Death penalty United States DEATH PENALTY My presentation is about the death penalty in the United States. Table of contents Worldwide there is the death penalty in 100 states and 38 of these you can find in the USA. On this map you can see all states from the United States, the green colored are the ones where the death penalty is allowed and the blue ones where it is illegal. Also in 2019 the most known executions took place in china, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Egypt. There are five methods of executions these are hanging, firing squad, the gas chamber, electrocution and also lethal injection Now i will tell you something about the history. In the american colonies, legal executions took place as early as 1630. As in England the death penalty was imposed for many crimes, even minor ones such as picking pockets or stealing a loaf of bread. Thousands of people sometimes attended public hangings. Gradually England and America reduced the number of capital offenses, until the main focus was on first degree murder. The 1950s and 1960s saw public protests over capital punishment, and the number of executions in America step by Table of contents General information ➤ History of the death penalty > Discrimination against black crime victims ➤ Pros and Cons ➤ Families of executive people Amnesty International >Sources States with and without the Death penalty WA OR CA Death Penalty Is Legal in 28 States and Illegal in 22 States...

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& DC NV AK ID UT AZ MT WY CO NM HI ND SD NE KS TX OK MN IA MO AR LA WI MI IL IN MS TN KY OH AL GA WV PA SC Death penalty is legal Death penalty is Illegal VA NC FL NY NH ME NJ DE MD DC RI PROCON.ORG step declined. For example in 1967 there were only two. From then on no executions took place until 1976, but were reintroduced a year later. In recent years about 50 prisoners have been executed each year. And a plenty of inmates wait on death rows in prisons across America and it takes an average of 14 years from a sentence of death to execution, which is a long time to wait for death. Furthermore a study by university of lowa, showed that blacks who had killed whites had been sentenced to die seven times more often than whites who had killed blacks. Which leds us directly to the next topic which is the discrimination against black crime Death penalty methods 0 It victims. In case of the death penalty black people have been overrepresented on death rows across the United States. Killers of black people are less likely to face the death penalty, then people who kill whites. Furthermore since the death penalty resumed in 1977, 295 black defendants were executed for killing a white victim, but only 21 white defendants were executed for the killing of a black victim. Also important is that people 2ho are innocent or wrongly convicted are also on the death row. One of them was WalterMcMillian. He was wrongly convicted and sentenced to death for a crime he didn't commit. Mr. McMillian was found guilty based on a false statement by a criminal. And although several black witnesses could testified to his whereabouts at the time, he was sentenced to death by electrocution. Of course there are different opinions about how death penalty is a good thing or not, this is why I listed a few arguments for and against death penalty. One advantage could be that it deters criminals from committing serious crimes, also it is quick, painless and humane. The methods of execution have become more humane over the years, so there is no really an argument that the death penalty is cruel. Besides without the death penalty, some History of the death penalty Legal executions took place as early as 1630 Death penalty was imposed for many crimes, even minor ones ● In the 1800s people began to oppose the death penalty No executions from 1968 – 1967 in the United States ● • Blacks had been sentenced to die more than four times as often as whites Takes an average of 14 years from a sentence of death to execution ● criminals would continue to commit crimes. Then we come to the disadvantages. One of them is, that it continues the cycle of violence, because the pro argument here is that killing people is wrong, therefore you should kill people for killing, which makes not really sense. Furthermore the death penalty is not cost-effective, cause to execute someone it can cost you like 2.4 million dollars, which is more expensive than imprisoning for life, besides a lifetime in prison is worse punishment than the execution. But what shouldn't b forgotten are the family members of the murders and also Discrimination against black crime victims More executed for killing white people Since capital punishment was reinstated in the 1970s, many more defendants convicted of killing white people have been put to death than those convicted of killing people of color. White Black Hispanic Multiple Races Other race 44 100 200 00 851 517 129 Executions by race of defendant 1,147 Executions by race of victim victims. It affects both families, one university of Minnesota that the minority is achieving closure as a result of capital punishment, while 20 per cent said the execution did not help them heal. More often than not families of murder victims do not experience the relief they expected to feel at the execution. Amnesty international is an Organisation that advocates for a number of issues, including the death penalty. They believe that the death penalty violates human rights, in particular the right of to live and to live free from torture and cruel treatment or punishment. Amnesty has been campaigning for the abolition Walter McMillian of the death penalty worldwide for 40 years. These are my sources and yeah this was my presentation. ● Pros and Cons Deters criminals from committing serious crimes • Quick, painless & humane • Without the death penalty, some criminals would continue to commit crimes ● It continues the cycle of violence • Justice system is bound to make mistakes • Not cost-effective • A life spent in prison is a worse punishment than an execution Families of executive people EXECUTION SNOT THE SOLUTION DEATH PANALTY ACTION #StopExecutions PeathPenaltyAction.org AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Of ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Sources https://death penaltyinfo.org/state-and-federal-info/state-by-state https://www.foxnews.com/us/a-glance-at-the-5-execution-methods-allowed- in-the-us-today-and-how-they-work https://www.amnesty.org/en/ https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/facts-and-research/new-voices/victims-families https://death penaltyinfo.org/state-and-federal-info/state-by-state https://death penaltyinfo.org/executions/methods-of-execution https://soapboxie.com/government/Death-Penalty-Pros-and-Cons https://www.ojp.gov/library/abstracts/overview-death-penalty-and-capital- https://eji.org/issues/death-penalty/ trials-history-current-status-legal-procedures